View Full Version : FS: RB 550cc injectors and s13 DRFT Bumper

10-29-2004, 09:31 PM
I have a new set af Sard 550cc injectors and colars for sale. They are side feed for the RB25det. I no longer need them due to the car being stored for three years. They have never been taken out of the package. I will let them go for 500 shipped.

I also will be puting the stock bumper back on so my DRFT bumper will be up for sale. I would rather not ship this but I guess I could if I had to. The bumper is polyfiber and has not been painted. the only scratches on it are on the bottom from pulling in and out of parking lots. I will post some picks as soon as I can take them. Oh and it comes with the kouki parking lights. I want 350 if its local and if I can ship it, it will be on the buyer. contact me at hashiriya13@yahoo.com
here is a link to the bumper http://www.c-west.co.jp/event/...2.jpg (http://www.c-west.co.jp/event/das/img/drft_180_photo2.jpg) This weekend i will have actual pics of the fit and off the car.

11-01-2004, 11:07 PM
this stuff is still for sale. Are there any takers????

I also have some stock S13 sus parts and brake stuff if anyone wants to pay shipping and a little extra and a fiber glass S13 Kouki wing (never installed or painted) make me an offer and pay shipping.

11-02-2004, 12:21 AM
how far are you from Los Angele, CA and what color is the bumper ? (red?)

11-02-2004, 01:26 PM
I am in San Diego. and the poly fiber bumpers come black. it has never been painted as well. One guy e-mailed me from La about meeting half way. I have not heard back but I would be willing to meet at a half way point between SD and LA. Let me know.

11-02-2004, 06:57 PM
(I know its dirty) Here are some pics of the bumper and fit.



more pics here http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=2564785093

Oh and along with the injectors I will throw in a Z maf and plug

11-02-2004, 08:25 PM
RB 550s wont fit on SRs huh :( where did you buy them from?

11-02-2004, 08:43 PM
actually i believe they are the same. I know sr can use the stock rb 440's. They are both side feed high impedence, but i have to sell all six together unless you want extra. Oh and they come with the Z maf. add a SII S-AFC and your are set.

11-05-2004, 09:49 AM
Ok these injectors will fit the SR. so if some one wants the other 4 I have a buyer for the other 2. I will let them go for 400 shipped with the Z maf. These are brand new still in the sealed bags. Also on the bumper I will let it go for 300 picked up. any takers????