View Full Version : same ticket twice? WTF!?

10-29-2004, 03:18 PM
I just got another ticket for having no front license plate. This is my second one. I got pulled over again for not having one by a San Mateo Motorcycle cop. I got one on 9/26/04 and now again for today 10/29/04. This cop wrote on the freakin ticket, correctable affence and he checked NO. AND THEN HE PUT HONDA!!! 240sx wtf. i dont get it. I was gonna go get the first one signed off today b/c i have no place to put it on my silvia front end. can a person get the same ticket more than once? im gonna go down to the police station now and find out but let me know b/c this guy was a POS. :jerkit:
hope to hear from you soon b/c i cant check my internet too well sometimes. take care
ps make sure ur momies check ur candy before you eat it!!!

Andrew Bohan
10-29-2004, 03:24 PM
maybe you should mount your front plate somewhere. be creative if you have to. that way you won't get a third ticket for it.

10-29-2004, 03:33 PM
man, i got a ticket for speeding twice in the same week. they're TOTALLY PICKING ON ME!

you didn't get it fixed and now you gotta do sumthin about it... like move to texas where nobody cares.

10-29-2004, 03:45 PM
yes, you can get the same ticket twice, you could get the same ticket 10 times in one day if the cops are big enough dicks about it. usually cops will let you off if you show them you have that same ticket, unless if a good amount of time has gone by w/o fixing it. Just got to deal w/ it, better luck next time

10-29-2004, 03:50 PM
zip ties are your best friend. USE THEM :eek2:

10-29-2004, 03:59 PM
Yeah, how about.. put your front plate on... AND DON'T GET TICKETS.

It's amazing how such a simple thing can cause you so much grief, but it's also how amazing how simple the solution is.

10-29-2004, 07:09 PM
Its a correctable offense. Zip tie that thing on. Just go down there ask the nice lady at the front counter you need to have a fixit ticket signed off and then mail in your $20. Let me guess, was this during the day and the cop was a fat fuck with a mustache. I hate that guy. San Mateo cops crack down at the end of the month any other time you're cool.

10-29-2004, 07:49 PM
yes put it on... I got 'no lisence plate' tickets 3 times within 3 months...
Put in on and no more tickets

FastBack 240
10-29-2004, 11:24 PM
wonder if I do a 120mph passing a cop on I-75 twice in one day if I can get two tickets for that.....hmmmm no shit. Dont be stupid. Put your plate on. Good thing MI only makes me have one.

10-30-2004, 12:20 AM
wonder if I do a 120mph passing a cop on I-75 twice in one day if I can get two tickets for that.....
Probably not, they'd take you downtown and impound the car... I guess, though, if now you post bail and get the ticket in another car you got a chance.

10-30-2004, 02:12 AM
u should talk to ur local police and ask why is it ok that z06's have no plates and its ok. if they dont have a front plate u dont have to. i wouldnt pay a fine or comply with the ticket id argue it in court. just my 2 cents

10-30-2004, 02:13 AM
u should ask to see in the rule book where u have to have a plate and where corvettes are exempt and why

10-30-2004, 05:11 AM
where in texas are you from makato? i lived in beaumont all my life till about 2 years ago and all the time i see cops bustin ppls asses for no front plates. as for the corvette thing they would dismiss it because not every state mandates 2 plates, but the corvette is legal to own in all 50. It's a stupid loophole. just like the loophole in texas law that states all speed limits are merely suggested(i forgot where in the books exactly but it was pointed out to me by a defensive driving teacher). So you could technically fight all speeding tickets, and if you caught the judge in a good mood and made the officer out to be the bad guy you could get off way easy

10-30-2004, 09:51 AM
when I got that kind of ticket I tried putting my plate on with zipties, the CHP guy wouldn't sign my ticket off because he said the zipties would break so I had to go get screws,,, it was lame

10-31-2004, 10:54 AM
corvettes aren't exempt. the cop could write the corvette guy a ticket anytime he wanted.
look at that pic. see the little rectangle in the middle of the front bumper? that is removed by two screws on the bottom of the bumper and it then houses a place to mount a front tag. thats where the corvette is made to have a front tag. just that most owners don't put them there doesn't mean they don't exist.
now as for the c6 I believe it just bolts onto the bumper with the bottom of the tag hanging down.

10-31-2004, 12:48 PM
having plates on the front of the car is useless and we shouldn't HAVE to do it.

drilling holes in a C6 bumper is tragedy...

10-31-2004, 12:58 PM
yes that is true for both statements. but I wasn't arguing the point of having front tags or not, I personally don't want one. I was arguing that vettes do have the provision for one.

10-31-2004, 01:30 PM
Just get one of the final konnexion plates for your front tag, whenever your doing over 50 it leans horizontally to allow airflow to an intercooler (and coincidentely wont let anyone take your number from infront of your car while your speeding lol) and then if you get pulled over, when you go below 50 to slow down its spring loaded and comes back, looking just like a normal front plate. I laugh cuz my friend had it on his 300 when i was visiting in SF and the cops tripped cuz he thoguh we didnt have a front plate =)

10-31-2004, 04:10 PM
its all signed off and i put it in my passenger window. I need to head to home depot and put it on the side of the car. just need to get some big screws. ill find out when i go to court tomorrow.
Happy Holloweiner!! trick or treat mutha fucka!!