View Full Version : Is formula d a credible drift series to you?

04-11-2018, 03:47 PM
Other then forest Wang I can't stand this series. Its drifted away so far away from its roots.

Its the special Olympics of drifting. Anytime anyone says formula d just replace it with special Olympics.

"Drivers x installed a v8 in his 240 to help him compete in the special Olympics."

"This cage is special Olympics compliant"

No more cool Japanese motors and sound

Ugly graphics and 4x4 ride heights with front wheels sticking out

A completely diff judging system.

Sponcered by Shity companies

Shity clunky American cars

Red neck drivers etc etc


04-11-2018, 05:02 PM
I think its a good representation of where america is in a pro sense for drifting. Anything else grass roots still have heavy influences from japanese style like what aaron does with Lone Star Drift. But in terms of what america has made the sport i think it is what it is & showcases that

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04-11-2018, 05:05 PM
It's fun garbage

04-11-2018, 05:55 PM
have you watched it recently op? 6 of the top 10 (including 1st and 2nd place) had inline 6 or 4 cyl engines in 2017.

i enjoy watching it. not because i like the styling or the sounds, but to see dudes like james dean, pitor wiecek, and fredric aasbo wipe the floor with dudes who have been sleepwalking through formula d for the last 15 years.

04-11-2018, 07:14 PM
What the fuck does “redneck drivers” even mean?

And the top tier FD cars are definitely NOT “clunky”, FD cars are more built than some professional racing series.

04-11-2018, 07:22 PM
What the fuck does “redneck drivers” even mean?

Lol was probably talking about vaughn or something

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04-11-2018, 07:44 PM
I still don’t understand what exactly he’s implying. Like it’s a bad thing? Dude started in an s13 for one.

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04-11-2018, 07:54 PM
Haha this is great...guess we’re all broke boys

04-11-2018, 08:55 PM
I'd say it's not credible in the sense it has by far the least transparent, most subjective, and easiest to manipulate judging system of any of the bigger competitive drift series.

Other than that though, I actually felt the cars were significantly more stylish and better looking this year than in years past. Guys in D1GP are running hella 4x4 these days too so not exactly an FD issue specifically. And as pointed out, there's still tons of Japanese motors and cars being run successfully in the series

The blatant energy drink company bias in judging ticks me off, and the announcers are awful, but I'd say those things are much bigger negatives than most of OP's gripes to me.

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04-11-2018, 10:21 PM
I feel the same. So guess what, I don't really pay attention unless a ferrari catches on fire or a mustang driver throws a fit

04-13-2018, 03:54 PM
Formula fail

Green Arrow
04-14-2018, 08:27 AM
I’d say this thread falls in line with other stupid threads you make. Your attempts to play tune for the purists aren’t unnoticed. Nobody is impressed.

Formula d is credible, as they are the only sanction for pro drifting in The USA. Therefore credible, humorous at times but credible.

Nobody here cares, our culture isn’t around a competition platform but a car...

04-14-2018, 09:13 AM
I’d say this thread falls in line with other stupid threads you make. Your attempts to play tune for the purists aren’t unnoticed. Nobody is impressed.

Formula d is credible, as they are the only sanction for pro drifting in The USA. Therefore credible, humorous at times but credible.

Nobody here cares, our culture isn’t around a competition platform but a car...


05-16-2018, 07:55 AM
If by credible series you mean,

Every car has 1000whp

Sponsored by an energy drink

Crappy track layout

Horrible judging system


Than yes, it is 100% a credible drift series.

D1GP is what drifting is and should be... well circa 2005ish-09. How many formula d drivers can take a 200whp Corolla and hang with a 500whp chaser ???

None, well not American drifters anyway.

Formula d is whack (drops mic, walks off).

05-26-2018, 09:10 AM
Build a better series or shut up. Hating ain't gonna put $ in your pocket, ya broke bastards.

OMG they have v8's wahhhhhhhhh wahhhhhh the kawaii culture noooooooo

Am I a fan? Eh, sure I guess you could call it that. Do I watch livestreams? I think I watched most of Long Beach this year but other than that I've watched maybe 10 minutes of livestreaming in any other event/season. Regardless, those teams put a ton of time into those cars and into the ergonomics behind it.

Ugly cars? Yeah, for the most part. Whatever. That's racing. Welcome to America. Go get a pro1/pro2 license with your KBD aero and JPFiber widebody and show us how to flex on our ex.

Almighty So
05-26-2018, 10:35 AM
Ugly cars? Yeah, for the most part. Whatever. That's racing.

But is not drifting.

05-26-2018, 06:00 PM
But is not drifting.

DrIfTeNg iS a RoLeNg CaR sHoW

I agree with that sentiment, but there can be numerous iterations of the same general motif in life. There's street skateboarding, vert skating, shit there's even snow skating now. All different and cool in their own way, because it's not rollerblading. Damn i'm lit.

As much as I would like for FD events to look like ECB/SuperD/FinalBout/all the good hotboi grassroots events, but it is what it is. That doesn't invalidate it to me, just makes it less appealing. I hope as much as everyone else that they find whatever hole Chmercer crawled into and hire him as the official FD car stylist. But that's just not in the cards. All we can do is hope formuladerp takes this matter more seriously.

There's pleeeeeeeenty wrong with the series, I just don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be. You coulda gotten your pro2 license at VIR in only 2 days last week, top 3 double elim, $750 entry. If y'all want such cool cars, go compete, change the game.

06-10-2018, 07:00 PM
I watched D1 GP @ Hokkaido coverage. FD is no different. Anyone who say otherwise is in denial.

So yes. FD is credible.

06-10-2018, 10:13 PM
https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/Fj76MgHNBjktXAmYVEw1eQ--~B/aD0zNjA7dz02NDA7c209MTthcHBpZD15dGFjaHlvbg--/http://media.zenfs.com/en-US/video/video.pd2upload.com/[email protected]_FULL.jpg



06-11-2018, 01:46 PM
Im not a fan of the series as its basically like anything else thats popular around the world America gets hold of it throws bags and bags of money at it to the point where its almost unrecognisable from the thing that spawned it. D1GP is sadly going the same way now and not where it once was either.
I like a series where cars seem attainable and recognisable to me so D1SL and BDC are more my cup of tea.

Having said that though it doesn't stop Formula D from being credible at all i think of it as the formula 1 of the drift world its peak pinnacle of the sport just not very entertaining to watch.

06-11-2018, 02:05 PM
its basically like anything else thats popular around the world America gets hold of it throws bags and bags of money at it to the point where its almost unrecognisable from the thing that spawned it.

This is just a byproduct of living in a country where (all of) your money isn't taxed away and you can still (somewhat) afford to develop something new. Having said that though it doesn't stop Formula D from being credible at all i think of it as the formula 1 of the drift world its peak pinnacle of the sport just not very entertaining to watch.

Also this is accurate, I don't like the way FD cars look, or really the style of driving that takes place, but I do enjoy looking at some of the cars from an engineering standpoint.

06-11-2018, 07:08 PM
Whoever neg-repped me, your moms a hoe.

06-11-2018, 07:16 PM
Whoever neg-repped me, your moms a hoe.

Lol it would be much more fun if they showed who...which mod do we need for approval of that?:naughty::fawkd:

06-11-2018, 11:40 PM
I watched D1 GP @ Hokkaido coverage. FD is no different. Anyone who say otherwise is in denial.

So yes. FD is credible.

can verify. watched hokkaido as well and it was basically a drag race. top tier drifting seems fairly uniform in ethos these days. tbh i think having actual judges like formula d is better than stupid ass d1's DOS.

06-12-2018, 12:09 PM
It used to be a grassroots series that has evolved into nothing but title sponsors getting higher qualifying points and usually the preferred outcomes.

I've worked some of the events over the years (Atlanta, New Jersey and Long Beach) and heard and seen plenty that made me feel like my thoughts were justified.

06-23-2018, 05:38 PM
Redneck drivers? Sounds like OP is about to go full SJW and talk about how there is too many white people in FD.

10-07-2018, 08:24 PM
i enjoy watching it

10-17-2018, 01:53 PM
I mean - IMO this is kind of a rock and a hard place for many of us who have been in this scene for 15+ years.

I enjoy FD. FD is a needed thing, we need to support it if drifting is to sustain any life in the future as it is by far the highest exposure for our sport. Even that is somewhat on shaky ground, as FD isn't even on TV anymore IIRC, which for a while it was; espn2, speed, CBS sports, etc.

That being said, do I enjoy FD as much as true origins/ the "soul of drifting" if you will? No. Old school D1 battles, grassroots battles, and just the art form in itself is still my prime focus. I don't need 1000HP cars battling on high speed course set-ups, I prefer tighter and more technical "fun driving".

But again, I still enjoy and support FD. It's the closest thing our sport has to relevance. It's just 2 sides to the same coin for lack of a better term. I prefer one side, but I will still gladly have both.

11-07-2018, 11:16 AM
FD isn't focused on style any more, that's the only thing that changed.

The engineering and level of builds in some cars is absolutely nuts. Aasbo's car and Vaughn's engine setup are great examples.

You have to realize who their demographic is. They are very clearly not interested in the Purist or "2003 was the best era of drifting" type enthusiast. They're after the Monster Energy generation, and they're doing a good job of it.

Does the series remain entertaining for anyone with an extensive knowledge of drifting? Meh. Do drivers like James dean and Wiecek make it exciting to watch? HELLS yeah.

another banger of a thread from turboshitbox.
no wonder you have so many red squares.

11-13-2018, 01:48 PM
This series stopped being exciting for me years ago. I think I noticed a huge change around the time I saw Bubba drift and That El Camino. What was that 04? 05?

11-15-2018, 06:01 PM
I used to enjoy watching it. Got bored eventually.

11-17-2018, 06:15 AM
It has worn thin. The series has been going strong, but still seems need to work out judging issues. They cant keep rookies involved, and cant fill a 32 car slot.... ever. It is extremely entertaining to be honest but in my opinion the top 10 or so drivers have a budget and backing so un reachable by most people they arent going to be budging from those spots anytime soon, which is regrettable. I enjoy seeing rookies come up and try to throw weight around, but when it comes down to a chassis-spending-money-contest im not over interested anymore. Now, that being said its not all about chassis cost. Look at Cristaps for example; One of my favorite drivers banked on this insane budget car placing better and earning more in FD this year. Who ever backed the funding on that car is not happy hence why its for sale. But there is a line where you cannot keep up with speed, angle and maintenance. I Feel like you could really feel the struggle, this year especially.