View Full Version : 2018 Ebisu Matsuri Thread エビスサーキツト

03-03-2018, 12:34 AM
Hello all,

With the season approaching I just wanted to create a dedicated thread to the 2018 Ebisu Matsuri days. That way anybody who is planning on driving/spectating during these events can link up and whatnot, or ask questions as well.

Last spring was my first time attending and I traveled alone not knowing what I was getting myself into. Luckily I met some great people and had the time of my life, we even had an impromptu zilvia meet at the local conveyor sushi spot haha.

Here are the dates for this year provided by the one and only PowerVehicles:
https://scontent-icn1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/26229818_1527625070606366_8292729723355579312_n.jp g?oh=7da53bd47748ac802cb57e39d5f652eb&oe=5B096C09

If you are attending please let us know what dates, and also drop some information; pic of car, driving experience, location visiting from, IG/youtube handle etc..

Have a good day!

03-03-2018, 12:49 AM
So to kick it off, I'll start.

This year I will be attending Spring Matsuri & hopefully Summer Matsuri as well. I have been behind the wheel off and on since 2010 and will be visiting from Seoul although I am originally from California.
(I will be in Osaka, Tokyo, Aomori and Hokkaido prior to getting to Nihonmatsu on April 29 to start working on my car)

IG: milktea.man

My first Ebisu Matsuri was last spring (May 3/4) and I bought this gorgeous S13 via PV while I was still deployed hah.. It started off as a pretty car, but since it was my first time drifting in 4 years after getting heavily involved with racing motorcycles I had some relearning to do. On top of that it was my first time driving RHD besides my rental up to Nihonmatsu which doesn't count. So I went off course a few times, lost my front canards, jacked up the rear diffuser, and eventually smacked the wall on Kita course pretty good. But I had a great time and thanks to Andy & Emily I had a sweet place to fix my car. And also big thanks to all the guys who taught me how to mount/dismount tires!! I felt like a pro after a few training sessions! Also, thanks to the aussie when lent his Milwaukee impact to me while I was struggling changing my broken suspension. I since then bought my own milwaukee impact and will be shipping it over.


Here is some of the cosmetic damage my car accumulated:

Ended up snapping rear knuckle, bent front left LCA and bent tension rod. I had to drive my car down from Kita course with my rear knuckle snapped and the coilover only staying upright because it was rubbing into the wheel haha!

I haven't made a youtube video still but I do have some pictures to share. It was really hard to take pictures and video all while trying to get seat time...


The reality of Minami!

03-11-2018, 12:26 PM
are there drift cars for rent to be used on the track?:2f2f:

03-11-2018, 12:45 PM
are there drift cars for rent to be used on the track?:2f2f:

Check out internationaldriftrental.com idrdrift(their instagram)

I think a couple guys I met there last year used them.

03-20-2018, 12:58 AM
still getting things straight but I may be there Aug 18

03-25-2018, 02:02 AM
still getting things straight but I may be there Aug 18

Nice, driving or just visiting? I’m planning on being there for that matsuri as well.

04-11-2018, 11:22 PM
I made a little video finally. Too bad I lost all my cool crash/blooper footage... I will better organize my footage this time.


04-12-2018, 07:12 AM
Nice vid Kevin, that looks like a ton of fun!

04-13-2018, 12:03 PM
Nice vid Kevin, that looks like a ton of fun!

Thank you, it was so much fun I didn’t organize and lost a lot of footage. Better coverage coming this time for sure!

04-15-2018, 01:28 AM
Hi guys I’ll be going! I’m from Yokosuka
My IG : clutch_kickinsaiyan

Please don’t be afraid to message and link up!

04-15-2018, 01:35 AM
Hi guys I’ll be going! I’m from Yokosuka
My IG : clutch_kickinsaiyan

Please don’t be afraid to message and link up!

Just followed ya. When will you be driving up to ebisu? Also, I will be renting a ER34 for a day in Tokyo on 4/24. Maybe we can meet up?

04-15-2018, 01:48 AM
Well I have a buddy driving in the g1gp so we may be up there for it, also I followed you back brother. And I’m cool with a meetup! Also of course we’ll be driving matsuri.

05-08-2018, 09:57 PM
So spring matsuri was an interesting turnout, it rained a good amount of the event which weeded out some drivers. I ended up taking advantage of this and got sooo much seat time with virtually "empty" tracks. The wet surfaces also gave me a chance to finally give the minami jump a try. After hitting it once I couldn't resist back to backs run until I noticed I had low oil pressure, which only occurred due to my oil dip stick popping up.

Once again I met some great people and even ran into some people from my hometown which was dope, I didn't take more than a few pictures this time because I wanted to focus on driving. When I receive some footage from my friends I will put together a new video. As for now, enjoy some pics & you can also check out my full 15 day trip around Japan here: https://flic.kr/s/aHskwUF9Zp


I'm already starting to save for the upcoming Summer matsuri and now I have a couple new parts on the way that should make for a fun time!