View Full Version : A Question for Drifters!

02-28-2018, 11:18 AM
Hey guys! I’m a high school student working on a school project similar to the tv show Shark Tank and I need to build a business model which involves market research. My product idea is a mold and compound you can use to place a bald tire in and pour the compound, creating new tread. This would be a cheaper and more eco friendly alternative to burning through a shit ton of tires. Answers to any of these questions would be greatly appreciated and helpful.

How much do you spend on tires each month?

What are your top three biggest expenses of drifting?

What are your top three annoyances related to drifting?

What brand of tires do you use?

How many tires do you go through in a single track day?

What size tires do you use?

If you daily your drift car, do you keep different tires/rims for road use?

What do you hate about the current tire buying process?

Would you buy our product if it was cheaper than using normal tires but took more time and performed like cheap tires?

Would you rather retread the tire yourself or take them to a shop to do it?

What do you think of this product? Would you want to buy this?

Questions, comments, anything feedback for us?

Any responses are greatly appreciated, thank you in advanced!!

02-28-2018, 12:31 PM
This product already exists. Look up retreaded tires. Trucking companies have been doing this for a long time.

If I recall, Zestinos are retreaded tires as well.

03-01-2018, 06:13 AM
Another thing is the throwaway nature of tires a lot of people use for drifting; tossing on old worn-out tires no longer fit for road use and burning until they are the rest of the way useless.

03-07-2018, 07:52 PM
There are already some projects which use worn out tires. They make them into slippers or other useful goods.