View Full Version : 3 S-Chassis, 1 Dude

02-16-2018, 12:09 AM
So I've been on the forums for a couple years now and figured I should finally start a build thread. Instead of doing multiple threads, I'm just gonna do one for all the cars.

Well lets get this party started

I fell into S-chassis world by accident. A few years ago I was lurking around and found a picture of a car and for some reason I had to know more about it. Eventually I found that it was an S13.5 ( If anyone can find the picture that'd be awesome, white s13.5 at a shell gas station.) and ending up with one. An S13 hatch that is, not a s13.5. High school me decided it was cool to daily drive a caged Single cam with no ac or heat. As you can already guess, that didn't last long. Eventually I got rid of it for a BRZ. That was the end of that era.

Also, at some point I decided to get a shell and its been one for about 4 years now. ( that'll change soon tho)
Fast forward to fall of October 2016, I was in a really shitty place in life and felt that a project car would help with it so I picked up my two tone coupe. It was a deal I couldn't pass up

Wasn't too bad after spraying everything down.
The car was too low and started showing signs of rubbing on the harness so that got taken car of immediately.

Drove the car at a couple events and this video came out of it. Fixed random stuff that broke here and there.

Eventually it was time for some angle. ISR offset tension rods PBM offset racks extended LCA maximum inner tie rod s14 outer Nismo Power brace

eventually that led to notched arms

random pictures from events

I decided that I rather focus on the S13s so I sold my BRZ.:confused:
That opened a ton of doors so expect major changes soon

I was having binding issues at full lock so i relocated my rack and got GKtech budget LCA. OH and my front end is off because I'm going S13.4 this weekend :)

This is how the car currently sits. Im driving an event Sunday so this should be interesting especially since I have a day to put it back together.

Oh yea and about about a month ago I picked up this hatch. You'll see more of this later on.

02-16-2018, 08:02 AM
dawgggg, learn to resize your pictures on imgur.

02-16-2018, 10:14 AM
dawgggg, learn to resize your pictures on imgur.

Didn't know you could:duh:, got it taken care of

02-16-2018, 01:03 PM
s13.4 is not the move... but its your car, good luck

02-16-2018, 01:19 PM
Lol Nevada and the damn classic vehicle plates

02-16-2018, 02:03 PM
s13.4 is not the move... but its your car, good luck

Reason being?

Lol Nevada and the damn classic vehicle plates

Its a great thing lmao

02-16-2018, 04:04 PM
I wish California would let me do something like that. I miss being in Nevada only for the reason of not having smog.

02-16-2018, 06:31 PM
Reason being?

I'm not particularly a fan of the looks, but the bigger issue is the fitment. I've never seen one that lined up correctly. But, to each his own and I'm not bank rolling it so do you.

02-16-2018, 11:35 PM
overall it just doesnt look as good. you would have to be very progressive with the aero you use and your style to get it to look impressive. and you wheel fitment has to be excellent to compensate for the awkward and chopped up look.

sidewaysil80 is right getting the fenders to line up takes good skills.

02-17-2018, 08:18 AM
Just my .02c OP, it’s your car do whatever the fuck you want with it. I think s13.4 look a hell of a lot better than ugly ass flip up lights, Silvia is played out. Rocket bunny is garbage(go buy a douche mustang). It can work and look good, just do what looks best to you. I’ll be s14.5 soon so I sat go all in! Let the Zilvia crowd chime in all they want...

03-13-2018, 11:39 PM
Pop ups are cool and everything but theyre not worth all the extra wiring needed, especially for what I wanted the car to be. For a while I was debating on an s14 front vs a Silvia front. Only reason I went with the s14 front is because it was cheaper to do so. After seeing my buddy Tyler's car I was sold on it.

Anyways I was supposed to update after the weekend of the event (which obviously didn't happen)
Fitting the S14 front was a hassle, leading me to run the event without a front end
Also these GKTech arms are awesome! It was so much better driving a car without binding issues.

Car ran great the whole time, only ran into an alignment issue which was quickly sorted out with some toe plates. Shout out to the Sorensens for that save! Didn't get any pictures from the event but I did destroy my diff on my last run.
Oh well shit happens

Got a bumper for super cheap and tried my hand at fiberglass repair.
Needles to say, I fucked it up
Peep the super doof skirts tho

Made a trip out to Utah to pick up some Ladybois from the Scroundrel guys and a fresh diff on the way back.

This past weekend I started to strip the car out and get everything ready for a cage.
The wiring nest needed to go and a fresh start was needed.

Next comes pulling the sound deadening. Any recommendations on how to?

03-14-2018, 10:58 PM
Dry ice, there's also another way where you can get them off in one sheet instead of smashing them into pieces. Google or youtube...

03-15-2018, 02:31 AM
Good choice on s13.4!! I've been debating s13.4/5 for 7 years and still can't decide ha.