View Full Version : Ever wonder where the crazies go?

10-26-2004, 07:55 PM
okay so i've been hangin around this joint for quite some time. apparently some of you think im a bit... eccentric... to say the least. to some of you i'm just a compelte jackass. okay, let's call a spade a spade, you ALL think i'm a complete jackass. fair enough.

anyhow, the point of this wasted thread is to devulge another hobby of mine. when i'm not post whoring on zilvia i jot down thoughts in a little corner of cyberspace called:


i'm a writer when i'm not fixing computers for people too stupid to safely operate a microwave.

have fun... or not... whatever.

p.s. critique is always welcome

10-26-2004, 07:57 PM
p.s. critique is always welcome

Ok, here is my critique:
This belongs in OT. :rofl:

10-26-2004, 08:07 PM
"some people should just stay inside [26 Oct 2004|07:45pm]
i'm watching an episode of CSI starring: furries. you gotta be kiddin me... these manimals need to DIE. it's unnatural. okay, maybe they don't need to die but why can't we put them on that island where we put the black people or the gays?

*****urgent message*****

i'm sorry folks i've just recieved word that black people and gays are STILL AMONG US! stay inside, lock your doors, and don't shoot till ya see the rainbows in their eyes!

next thing ya know they'll be makin gay, canadian, asians that act like straight dudes to infiltrate our midsts and give us fashion tips!"

The light of your intelligent blogs is blinding.

Lets just hope your blogs stay tucked away in a little corner of cyber-space so no other people can be dumbed down by it.

10-26-2004, 08:11 PM
i bet your one of those people that thinks the daily show with jon stewart is completely factual.

10-26-2004, 08:14 PM
so we are making assumptions already?

well to tell you the truth, no i don't see the show as factual. it is a great show to get a laugh from.

its like watching FOX news but more ha-ha funny.

thanks for trying though.

10-26-2004, 08:18 PM
look kiddo, i pm'd you so i could belittle you out of the public eye.

now don't be greedy, let everyone else have their turn.

10-26-2004, 08:23 PM
i bet your one of those people that thinks the daily show with jon stewart is completely factual.
you mean it isn't??

10-26-2004, 08:47 PM
okay, let's call a spade a spade, you ALL think i'm a complete jackass. fair enough.

i dont think anything about you.. you're not a jerk, you just speak your mind. sometimes you make me laugh, sometimes you make me wonder what the point of your post is.. but for the most part, you're alright.

there are people who dont post, and then there are people who post and speak their mind. you say what you have to say, leave it at that.

10-26-2004, 09:14 PM
You know how to work a Microwave?

Still, "only two things come from texas"

10-26-2004, 11:20 PM
You know how to work a Microwave?

Still, "only two things come from texas"
hey, don't push it. Texas could kick Florida's ass any day of the week.

10-26-2004, 11:43 PM
hey, don't push it. Texas could kick Florida's ass any day of the week.
Like two inbred brothers fighting... I'm so thankfull I wasn't born here...

10-27-2004, 03:43 PM
Wait... you're actually proud you have a livejournal?

I guess it was the Cougar that got you into it...

10-27-2004, 03:58 PM
yeah, you're right. i was feeling lonely and wanted some love so i posted something that i thought would be interesting to some folks soley based on the fact that i have no friends at all in the real life.

B- what the hell does the fact that i used to own a cougar have to do with an affinity for writing? you really suck at the cutdown game, bud.

10-27-2004, 04:02 PM
The Cougar is a chick car, and blogging is, in my opinion, something girls and politicians should only do. Even then, it should be done sparingly.

10-27-2004, 04:28 PM
The Cougar is a chick car, and blogging is, in my opinion, something girls and politicians should only do. Even then, it should be done sparingly.

dude, i'm a writer in case that obvious fact has escaped your undeveloped grey matter. you gonna call me a bookworm next? make fun of my glasses?

and a chick car? oh, yeah like a miata. cause only chicks drive em... heh, its funny how you're trying to insult me by making fun of something that i got rid of two years ago. once again, you have outdone yourself.

i'm sorry that you limit yourself to things that you feel only certain people should be allowed to do but that kind of arrogance and ignorance has no place in my life.

10-27-2004, 04:45 PM
hey, don't push it. Texas could kick Florida's ass any day of the week.

And Alaska could kick Texas' ass. what's your point?

10-27-2004, 10:29 PM
And Alaska could kick Texas' ass. what's your point?
not true. just because they're a wee bit bigger doesn't mean they're better. According to my roommate (who is from Alaska), all they have up there are pissed of fishermen.

10-27-2004, 10:55 PM
id like to quote everyone, and then say....


who the fuck cares?

10-27-2004, 11:00 PM
dude, i'm a writer in case that obvious fact has escaped your undeveloped grey matter. you gonna call me a bookworm next? make fun of my glasses?

and a chick car? oh, yeah like a miata. cause only chicks drive em... heh, its funny how you're trying to insult me by making fun of something that i got rid of two years ago. once again, you have outdone yourself.

i'm sorry that you limit yourself to things that you feel only certain people should be allowed to do but that kind of arrogance and ignorance has no place in my life.
Oh, get a Miata... That would be the Trifecta...

10-28-2004, 10:09 AM
dude, i'm a writer in case that obvious fact has escaped your undeveloped grey matter. you gonna call me a bookworm next? make fun of my glasses?

and a chick car? oh, yeah like a miata. cause only chicks drive em... heh, its funny how you're trying to insult me by making fun of something that i got rid of two years ago. once again, you have outdone yourself.

i'm sorry that you limit yourself to things that you feel only certain people should be allowed to do but that kind of arrogance and ignorance has no place in my life.

hey mr writer.. why all the writing? why waste your time with such detailed responses, when you can simply dish out a:


that response is sure to demand attention from these less-capable individuals.

10-28-2004, 12:09 PM
not true. just because they're a wee bit bigger doesn't mean they're better. According to my roommate (who is from Alaska), all they have up there are pissed of fishermen.

a wee bit? try over 2x bigger than tex. hahaha I'm from alaska, and there are a little more than pissed off fishermen up there. Anchorage's Air Force Base is the head of the entire pacific fleet.

Sorry about the thread jacking, well actually I'm not. But Alaska and Texas have argued about who is bigger/richer/better etc forever. Just keeping the tradition alive.

10-28-2004, 12:27 PM
you've got your stories just as Doctor X has his spiralgraph

10-28-2004, 01:37 PM
the only thing i dont like about texans is the whole "dont mess with texas, we kick ass" attitude.. fuckin drunk fucks, chillout.. whats with all this fighting and ruff-housing? cant people chill? why all the anger and hostility, motherfuckers. haha :)

as for californians, i hate all this vege-mita-vega-tarianism bullshit.. people need to eat some more meat, chose or lose a fuckin religion, and again.. shut the fuck up.. im tired of everyone being so damn peaceful and spiritual out here. cant people just live and say "shit, im alive.. lucky to be that"

its one extreme or another nowadays. texans are pissed and californians are serene.. damnit... DAMNIT.

ok back to work.

10-28-2004, 04:30 PM
alaska is half the size of the continental US. maps don't show it on account of the fact that it's distorted due to it's placement on a globe.

mike- if i just tell someone to shuttup they will have learned nothing. i publish my thoughts to a- evoke responses and b- hopefully educate someone.

10-28-2004, 04:36 PM
hopefully educate someone.
:bowrofl: :keke:

10-28-2004, 04:41 PM
uh huh, keep laughin, chuckles.

10-28-2004, 07:43 PM
mike- if i just tell someone to shuttup they will have learned nothing. i publish my thoughts to a- evoke responses and b- hopefully educate someone.

good luck on the educating part....

10-28-2004, 08:15 PM
hell yeah, the gospel according to doug.

10-28-2004, 08:23 PM
not true. just because they're a wee bit bigger doesn't mean they're better. According to my roommate (who is from Alaska), all they have up there are pissed of fishermen.

obviously you've never seen a pissed off fisherman...