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10-26-2004, 04:59 PM


“The Iraqi explosives story is a fraud. These weapons were not there when US troops went to this site in 2003. The IAEA and its head, the anti-American Mohammed El Baradei, leaked a false letter on this issue to the media to embarrass the Bush administration. The US is trying to deny El Baradei a second term and we have been on his case for missing the Libyan nuclear weapons program and for weakness on the Iranian nuclear weapons program.”

10-26-2004, 05:29 PM
somebody please ban this man.

10-26-2004, 05:31 PM
somebody please ban this man.

Why? It's the truth...

10-27-2004, 01:25 AM
Why? It's the truth...

The truth according to whom? The DRUDGEREPORT?

You got to be fucking kidding me

The truth is distorted by those who wish to retain their power... tyrants and greedy old men.

10-27-2004, 02:21 AM
The truth according to whom? The DRUDGEREPORT?

You got to be fucking kidding me

The truth is distorted by those who wish to retain their power... tyrants and greedy old men.

Preach on man preach on....

10-27-2004, 06:37 AM
im just sick of PW's.

10-27-2004, 08:45 AM
The truth according to whom? The DRUDGEREPORT?

You got to be fucking kidding me

The truth is distorted by those who wish to retain their power... tyrants and greedy old men.

The 101st Airborne and two reporters (from NBC) that were embedded with them, that's who.

10-27-2004, 01:31 PM
Damn it RJF, you beat me to it....!

10-27-2004, 03:38 PM
Of course, does it matter when 57% of the stories about Bush were negative versus Kerry's 25%?

Let's face it... almost all media sucks.