View Full Version : If You Could Buy Parts With Cryptocurrency Would You?

01-15-2018, 03:18 PM
Hey Guys!
I Just want to see what people of the Nissan world think on this topic
since cryptocurrency at it's very core is meant to buy things.
At least that's what it was first created for was as a means to transfer money to someone else (which generally gets that first person something in return).
Now to me bitcoin is to crazy to use as a means of payment at this point (Too slow, too expensive and volatile, and the fee's kind of suck).

I want you guys to let me know if you would or would not buy new car parts with cryptocurency if you could (As long as it was a safe guaranteed transaction where parts were for sure delivered)?
If no please explain why (whether that would be just a now choice, or a forever choice as well).
If yes please explain which coin you would prefer to use and why.

Mostly asking just for research
not actually selling parts


Almighty So
01-16-2018, 06:57 AM
I’m not big into crypto currency but I have definitely seen sellers accepting.

I’m not sure if I would accept due to my lack of experience.
If the exchange rate was good enough for me to come out on top, I’d consider, but not a fan of the idea of having to then exchange bitcoin for cash.

It might be easier than I’m making it out to be and I suppose I could keep accepted crypto for another purchase. But like I mentioned, lack of experience would not make bitcoin my first option.

As far as buying parts with it, as long as I paid a fair amount and received the item in question, the process doesn’t matter too much.

01-16-2018, 07:53 AM
Cams, I.M., standalone

01-16-2018, 08:00 AM
When my next batch of tails comes in a 100% accept BTC, ETH, XRP or TRN

01-16-2018, 10:12 AM
My main question is that since crypto right now is super up and down, how are retailers going to constantly adjust their online pricing?

01-16-2018, 11:26 AM
Nice I can tell this group has vastly different views from one of the other car groups I'm in
which is cool
the research helps

To answer lonestars question
it would still be placed against the dollar unfortunately
since the retailer would more than likely have to accept the currency with bitpay (for ease of use)
or just do wallet transfer if they're a trusted member

but at the end of the day the distributor has to be payed (unfortunately I don't know of any who will take crypto yet for parts)
So some of the currency would have to be converted to pay for the parts purchased

The nice aspect I could see is most people online will use paypal
which has a 3 ish percent goods sale fee
it sucks

but if an experienced seller took a coin with cheaper fees (I personally love stellar, has the same creator as ripple but is cheaper, faster etc)
then was able to convert that to usd effectively without fees in GDAX (of course would have to be process to litecoin or something different first unless Coinbase picks up ripple soon)

Effectively the benefit could be around a 2 percent or so price savings on parts if done correctly
which could be passed on to customers (In theory, but it sounds nice)

02-07-2018, 03:53 AM
Nah. Cryptocurrency is too unstable. Low the next day and super high up the other.