View Full Version : golden retriever =(

10-25-2004, 07:26 PM
my dog.. he is a golden retriever and has hip displatia(SP) and if i don't get his legs to kick around they will put him down.... anybody with a golden retriever have the same problem?

10-25-2004, 07:31 PM
Sorry to hear. :wtc: It's a fairly common problem with big dogs, I'm sure someone will be able to give you some info. Good Luck.

10-25-2004, 07:31 PM
I'm lucky. Our retriever didn't get that.

10-25-2004, 07:38 PM
I heard about german sheppards having hip problems. They have been so finely breeded to get the characteristics they have now, but there is a gene that causes some problem with the hip joints.. My bio teacher told me this last spring =P

10-25-2004, 07:58 PM
as far as i know theres not much you can do about hip displacia. you might get the hips to stay in place for the most part but the risk is always there, and as the dog gets older, it only gets worse. in the end you will probably be doing the dog a kindness by having him put to sleep

FastBack 240
10-25-2004, 09:53 PM
Yea my uncles dog is 165 pounds and its one of the biggest dogs ive seen. It tore apart a German Sheppard that attacked him in the yard. Sad to say it has hip displacia as well and also its life span is only around 10 years of age. All he does is give the dog medicine to help dull the pain and run the hips down after a long walk. Thats pretty much all you can do. Its rather unfortunate.

Its a Macedonian sheep dog or aka Sharplaninec.


10-25-2004, 10:06 PM
im sorry to hear about your dog. dogs are one thing that i love more than cars

10-26-2004, 07:22 AM
My old lab had that problem. really sucked. She got progressively worse and worse. We eventually had to put her down. :(

I feel bad for you b/c I know how painfull it is to watch them suffer.

good luck.

10-26-2004, 11:09 AM
yes thats common with retrievers.

is yours a pure breed?

my family always did are research on breeders and made sure that they had a good reputation and were part of the golden retriever breeders registration.

there is like practically more research that you do when you buy a pure breed retriever or dog for that matter when you buy a car!

my first retriever was attacked by a pit bull, and his carotid artery was crushed. we were pretty distraught. he had the best personality. but then we heard the same breeder that we got our dog from was having another litter and this time the same father as my previous dog was the father of this litter. who is a champion in the retriever show circuit. so we thought it was a sign so we got a puppy from that litter, and we see so many traits from our old dog in our new dog, its scary. its like he's living through our new dog.

anyways best of luck.

10-26-2004, 12:34 PM
thats a big ass dog

10-26-2004, 01:05 PM
thanks for the replys guys... and yes its a pure breed... the vet told me to just give him some physical therapy (like simulate walking motions) because he isn’t even moving his rear legs and simulating the walking motions might bring feeling back… and if he shows signs of movment they will operate on him…... but.…. they probably just told me to do that to make me feel better.. I think i know what i have to do.... *sigh*

thanks again for the replys

10-26-2004, 02:20 PM
search around other sources and people that have gone through the same thing with their golden.

i know its a common problem with their hips so there must be answers out there

10-27-2004, 02:29 PM
Wait so what does this do tothe dog?
I have a black lab, and i noticed she has been walking kinda slow. I thought it was arthritis cause she is getting old, gray hair for a few years.

sucks to hear about ur dog. I wouldnt want to lose my dog.

Andrew Bohan
10-27-2004, 02:41 PM
i just found out my dog has cancer and all her major organs are shutting down. she's 14 years old.
we got her when she was a puppy from my uncle cuz he couldn't take care of her cuz he had aids. he died 13 years ago.
this is really upsetting for my mom cuz the dog is the only link she still has with her brother.

10-27-2004, 06:21 PM
i just found out my dog has cancer and all her major organs are shutting down. she's 14 years old.
we got her when she was a puppy from my uncle cuz he couldn't take care of her cuz he had aids. he died 13 years ago.
this is really upsetting for my mom cuz the dog is the only link she still has with her brother.

ohh thats awful dude sorry to hear about that.

i can't imagine how difficult that must be for her.

10-28-2004, 02:44 AM
dogs are awesome animals to have in the family(currently have 2 k-9 unit german shepherd puppies and a pug puppy in the house). there is alot of pain in losing them, but sometimes that kind of stuff has to be done ya know? as far as what sort of treatments there are for hip displacia, no real cure except MAYBE surgery. anything else is only going to ease the pain until they build up a resistance and you have to up their dosage. i forgot who was posting about their lab starting to walk slow, but yeah, it could be hip displacia but probably just arthritis have it checked out either way.