View Full Version : ka24de crank but no start

01-03-2018, 07:53 PM
I've got to the point of being able to start my dual cam and when i do try and start it back fired the first few times so I re did the timing at dizzy. It has spark I replaced the fuel pump cause the old one seized from sitting so long and I drained and cleaned the tank out had a lot of white sediment in the tank.

Now when i try and start it will turn over 3 or 4 times and completely stop with a thud sound seems like the motor seizes. Ill re crank and it will do the same thing but this time no back fire but there is a loud hissing after a few cranks.

The previous owner deleted all emissions maybe the vacuum routing is wrong?

01-03-2018, 08:05 PM
Try barring the motor over. Should be a 1&1/8th, I believe. If there's a horrible noise or feeling, take apart whatever part of the motor the noise came from. If it's okay, do a compression test.

This is all assuming your starting system doesn't suck.

01-03-2018, 11:56 PM
Motor turns as it should. I did something different this time I cranked it with the un plugged and motor cranked over 10 plus times with out hesitation then i tried it again plugged in and it did the same cranks 3 or 4 times and it was almost like the motor seized then i let off and re cranked same thing crank a few times and it just stops.

Im going to take the top front timing cover off and see where its at on timing. Its still doesnt explain the back fire on initial start with out messing with the distributor timing and it acting like its seizing up during 3rd or 4rth crank cycle.

01-07-2018, 04:37 PM
Ok guys I got it. I checked everything possible that I could think of as far as why it did what it was doing before I opened up the bottom timing cover and same thing resulted.

Turns out main timing is off 2 links. I really don't know how this happened but its time for a full rebuild valves look good so boost build will be in progress soon!