View Full Version : How would you improve the forums today?

anti tyler
11-11-2017, 12:43 AM
I'm going to ask a very simple question, for my own curiosities.

Please don't turn this into any type of personal attack, belittlement, or general douchebaggery otherwise I will shut you, and this thread down.

In your own words, how would you attempt to better the Zilvia.net forums?

11-11-2017, 02:42 AM
No way to make it better than they already are. You can't go on giving participation trophies for good comments and shit...

11-11-2017, 08:17 AM
Figure out way to ditch spam account/threads.

11-11-2017, 11:06 AM
^^ Agreed.

Also, the 2day rule to add pictures in the FS section should be by end of day MAX. If you don't have pictures then you're not ready, simple as that.

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

11-11-2017, 03:55 PM
well since this is a fresh thread and not buried deep within the "forum suggestions" section, i'll post here since i never got a response from a mod.

why can't we search for 3-lettered words? is there a way to change that?

s15, lsd, ARC, SPL, SPC, PBM

i hate it

also hate the 20 or 30 seconds i have to wait between searches. it's annoying, but i've managed all these years so i guess i can continue to manage. but i've noticed some other forums that don't have this restriction. what're they trying to prevent; a bot from searching too much? stupid AF.

11-11-2017, 09:46 PM
Get more people on it.

11-12-2017, 04:52 PM
TBH, forums are a dying medium, just like car magazines. FB groups are taking over and there's no fighting that wave. However, there are some things that forums are just plain better at.

What I would do is truly tie in activity between the forum and the Zilvia.net Facebook group page. That thing hasn't seen a post since 2012. Let the forum be the place to house permanent fixtures like tech articles and build threads. But direct daily activity to the FB group. Have special annoucements on the FB group directing ppl to the fourm to check out special advertisements... etc etc etc

11-13-2017, 07:05 AM
Make me a marketplace moderator so I can clean that shit up while everyone in the US sleeps. There should be ZERO wiggle-room on the rules. If someone can't read the search criteria then they've demonstrated that they don't have the ability to properly navigate and they should keep getting their thread closed until they figure it out.

11-13-2017, 07:32 AM
Dizzarior for mod!

11-13-2017, 08:19 AM
why can't we search for 3-lettered words? is there a way to change that?

s15, lsd, ARC, SPL, SPC, PBM

i hate it



11-20-2017, 01:31 PM
i think the forum itself is fine.

If the context of the question was to figure out how to increase more users, i feel like there are a few things that can be done.

Messageboards used to be the cornerstone for online communities. Today's online "hangout" is facebook. Additionally there are other social media outlets as well such as youtube. I feel like it all has to be utilized to get users engaged. The FB, the youtubes, the IG should all be funnels to land onto the messageboard website.

11-20-2017, 01:39 PM
S-chassis are fading out, in more areas that others of course. In all honesty, if the forum could have more users, fix links for stickys and be updated regularly it would be great. I dont have FB so I cant see whats going on there for Zilvia.

Another thought..maybe some Merch? :)

11-20-2017, 01:56 PM
I don't think that forums themselves are the issue, look at LStech and Yellow Bullet comparatively speaking those forums are alive and well.

The issue is that I just don't think Zilvia is run in a way that's conducive to growth.

11-20-2017, 05:51 PM
I don't think that forums themselves are the issue, look at LStech and Yellow Bullet comparatively speaking those forums are alive and well.

The issue is that I just don't think Zilvia is run in a way that's conducive to growth.

but i feel as though the higher number of LS1 vehicles plays a pretty decent role in that.

also, if dizzariot becomes mod....i WILL burn this place down.

Another thought..maybe some Merch? :)
lol merch.....you sound like a wannabe youtuber

11-20-2017, 07:59 PM
but i feel as though the higher number of LS1 vehicles plays a pretty decent role in that.

also, if dizzariot becomes mod....i WILL burn this place down.

lol merch.....you sound like a wannabe youtuber

I may be a lot of things and its definitely not a "wannabe" like your sorry ass, keyboard warrior. I bet your just the coolest dude around your circle aren't you....kudos. :facepalm:

What I was getting to is stickers, maybe shirts...why the hell not.

anti tyler
12-02-2017, 01:38 PM
Anyone else have some input on this?

Almost 400 views, don't be afraid to voice an OPINION. Don't take it out of context though.

12-02-2017, 03:28 PM
Diz for MOD, I will also pay for memership if they clean up the site! I was a paying member, but to many dumb .... allowed on the site.

12-02-2017, 04:37 PM
What is a Diz?

12-03-2017, 08:29 PM
Informative how-to's with working pictures organized by category (engine, trans, suspension, brakes, interior, exterior, etc).

Plenty of information online if you search for it, but I've never found one place where everything is neatly organized.

Other than that, can't really think of much. Facebook unfortunately has made it incredibly simple for people to post their 2 cents, constantly troll, talk shit, and generally be completely useless when it comes to posting useful information.

I've always admired peoples (actual) build threads. Blogs were always neat to read.

Can't stand the majority of youtube builds.

I guess just being nicer to one another. Point people in the right direction and contribute to the forum.

12-04-2017, 01:03 AM
I think it's important to keep a culture of talking alive on a forum, or your forum is screwed forthwith - following that, FUCK people who whine about either searching, or gravedigging - it's great if you found a thread, and it's great if you made a thread, and if people don't like it, maybe they should go somewhere threads don't exist, so nobody will post in them.

Promote positive car culture - snowflake ricers who think everything under the sun is doing it wrong, with no distinction as to what is actually wrong, or not, don't attract anyone - if they're doing it wrong, they're trying to do it and you should be trying to help them. There's nothing wrong with calling out what's wrong, but that thread is generally a discord-sowing misdirection of the energy that the community needs.

It's important to make sure that pictures are hosted in long-term ways, so that builds and how-to's and other underpinnings of the community don't float away with old members loss of interest, and undermine the knowledge base. Threads should be future-proof.

Convince people to save 240s - beyond improving, there won't be any left to talk about pretty soon.

12-04-2017, 05:51 AM
One place where the forum is lacking is on quality membership. I say that to say the general 240SX owner nowadays is younger and grew up on the internet. Everything is a right-now immediate kind of thing and where people once took their time and DIDN'T throw together ratty little shitbuckets and call that a "build," that seems to be everyone who has joined nowadays.
A lot of the OG members don't bother coming around much anymore. This could either be the cause of it, or because of it.
I would like to see the days where people would do the legwork and use the information on the forum to get to what they were after, to put together good shit instead of "this is just my missile anyway" and ruining the car in the process.

Which brings me to my next point...
There are a finite number of these cars remaining, a number going down QUICKLY as more and more folks just randomly buy them to fuck them up. As the number of the cars go down, the number of potential members goes down with it.

And lastly...
Can people please learn to spell and form a proper fucking sentence? Would punctuation kill some of you?

12-04-2017, 06:39 AM
I have noticed (especially in the for sale items) threads that need to be closed. Many of these threads exist that get revised by its creator, that have been edited the main body of text to suggest some kind of thread closure. If the creator of the thread could delete ones they create (even just in the for sale items) this would clean up a lot of blank forum pages.

12-04-2017, 12:23 PM
I have noticed (especially in the for sale items) threads that need to be closed. Many of these threads exist that get revised by its creator, that have been edited the main body of text to suggest some kind of thread closure. If the creator of the thread could delete ones they create (even just in the for sale items) this would clean up a lot of blank forum pages.

The issue with that is that the privilege that allows it would ALSO allow them to reopen a thread closed by a moderator or admin.
We used to have it, but it got abused. Since people don't read rules and it really isn't worth it to go banning the crap out of everyone, we just won't be reactivating that option.

12-04-2017, 01:35 PM
The issue with that is that the privilege that allows it would ALSO allow them to reopen a thread closed by a moderator or admin.
We used to have it, but it got abused. Since people don't read rules and it really isn't worth it to go banning the crap out of everyone, we just won't be reactivating that option.

Is there no way of just having a delete thread only?
Even including a button that the users can use to categorize their thread to be deleted by an admin/moderator even, so that it can be reviewed and deleted safely, and made easier for them to be eliminated- :2c: