View Full Version : Why Does Everyone Hate The Us!

10-22-2004, 03:38 PM
ok guys, need your opinions for my class. why do some people hate the US?im not going to give examples cuz i dont want to sway your answers...and i know you are thinking "oh crap another politcal thread" but please bear with me and give honest opinions. thx

10-22-2004, 03:49 PM
as a mexican than lived on north USA for a year, i have to say, i like americans (in the north) on south man... 25% are arrogants and rasist with mexicans , my point of view of the rest of the world is, than americans do waterver they want on other countries only for personal benefits, and many (i am not saying all) americans dont feels shame for that, they mostly get on the "cause-we-kick-ass" attitude, i am not making this up i had many of this discusions on internet about stuff like that, what u can think about a country than go to another country and kill civilians only to get the oil????

and making publicity on TV with rasist jokes about french, canadians, mexicans, etc... dont help a lot ^_^

i have to say i like americans, i just dont like they political ways to do the things

ps: my english sucks sowwy

10-22-2004, 05:32 PM
americans are arrogant wherever they go. it's true.

im american born chinese... when i went to taiwan i couldn't help but feel like the place was a shithole. bad air quality, all smashed up cars, the people have no pride in neighborhood. they spit everywhere, have no respect for traffic laws or even building codes, eh. course, that's just life in taipei. i don't really have the right to feel 'superior;' if i was raised there i bet i would be the same way but... eh. alot of people feel the same way when they go to other countries.

translate that into alot of our foreign policy and business dealings and u kno why the rest of the world hates us. 5% jealousy 95% b/c we're assholes to them; and super ignorant too.

10-22-2004, 05:52 PM
The same reason all the other forums hate Zilvians. We're arrogant because we are the best, and we know it. :D

10-22-2004, 06:35 PM
Foreign policy, arrogance and imperialism.

People get tire of seeing the Americans save the world in Hollywood movies.

10-22-2004, 06:45 PM
Cause Haters whanna hate...

10-22-2004, 08:39 PM
look, the point is that America is clearly the world's most powerful/influential country. Sure, other countries and people are going to be jealous of that. Sure, we're going to be proud of our status...does that make us arrogant? maybe. does it matter? no. the point is that America has bailed the world out so many times, and if they want to hate us for it, fine. we're still gonna keep on kicking arse like you wouldn't believe because we're still the best place in the world to live/find a job/raise a family. theres a reason why people keep immigrating here.

p.s. canada - we love you, we only give you a hard time because we know you can take it. you're basically our brothers.
p.s.2. mexico - we love you, too. only in a different way. i'm from texas so i know all about the mexico, and after moving up north for college, i respect mexico in a completely different way.

10-22-2004, 09:43 PM
Why people hate Americans....or the USA? There is several reasons actually...We have practically everything in the world at our fingertips and we take it for granted. We step on other peoples shoes by going around the world and straightening out other peoples screw-ups despite what they actually want. We have more food than we can look at. Religiously....we are heathenistic, self-absorbed, and greedy. Hell, the list can go on forever....but everyone would live here if they got the chance.

10-22-2004, 10:22 PM
Why does everyone hate the Us?
All your bases are belong to Us!!

10-23-2004, 01:02 AM
Being an International student... I've seen US from both inside and out...

From inside... I love it!! and about rasist and all that... everywhere you go... there will always be rasists.. same with terrorism... you cant eliminate them completely...

From outside... arrogant and most countries in the world wants the US to go down... and this will happen sooner or later.. the wheel is always spinning.. sometimes you're up there.. but sometimes your way down on the ground. I'm not going to give examples (I have a bunch of scary stories) cuz I dont want to make you guys worry about it too much... I like it here... I managed to get a bunch of close friends here

I hope the US will stand like this until I die..

10-23-2004, 03:04 AM
Its funny because the US' education system sucks more than an H2 Hummer on gasoline. Yet, we basically are the biggest influence on the World Economy. I think the reason why the rest of the world "dislikes" us so much is that they will NEVER be able to have the same influence and power the U.S. has. As for being racists, well, we are a fucking melting pot of all kinds of races and religions and ideas. Maybe with all of the different perspectives we have, we are able to accept and adapt to those ideas. The rest of the world can't because they are too full of themselves and their f**king narrow mindedness.

U.S.A. - we take the best of everything.
Most of the World - jealous of the U.S. since we can't do the same because we are so into ourselves.

Here is also something else to think about. Some of those with immigrant parents or international friends see that they tend to say that the place where they come from is the best. Yet, they are living/studying off the U.S. Now, if they are talking so highly of their native land, then why don't they go back and stop bashing the U.S. for what it is. It pisses me off when they are taking advantage of the U.S. system and then bash it and say that their country/people are better. WTF is that? If you wanna leech off the U.S. system, thats fine, but don't EVER do it AND bash the U.S. You are a fucking hypocrite and don't have the right to bash something that you don't even contribute to. Its like you coming to my house and I cook you dinner, then you throw the food on the ground and say I didn't cook it correctly.

My 2 cents..... heard this too many times, and it pisses me off....

10-23-2004, 09:47 AM
No offense guys, but the USA is not the place place to live.
High crime rate, a lot of poverty, education and health system costs an arm an a leg... just to name a few.

On a side note, saying that the rest of the world if full of themselves/jealous of you is pretty much another reason why the USA is so dislike. Granted, you have power, granted, you have influence on the world economy? But with power and influence comes responsability and acting like world cowboys is not responsible.

By the way, have you notice how the US dollar is going down lately? Our Canadian Dollar just reached a new high in 13 years... 81cents for 1 cdn dollar. I was around 66 cents when Bush took office. 70 cents last January. It rised, not because our dollar is strong, but because yours is weakening (Compared to the Euro...). The European Union might be an world influence much sooner than we think.

10-23-2004, 09:48 AM
Finally, it's not the US people that is dislike, it's the US administration...

10-23-2004, 10:53 AM
I spent last summer working in Europe. I have to say, by the end of my stay I started to hate American tourists. We are arrogant, loud, and we force everyone to speak english because we are too uneducated to adapt to other languages. Our current leadership has a "we are always right, so fuck off" attitude even when meddling in other people's affairs. Many foreign people hate us for that. We are also the "big dog" who everyone wants to take down, even now that we are on the downslide, we still act like the big dog and that is yet another reason to hate.


10-23-2004, 12:52 PM
yes, and thats why i see the smart american tourists using canadian flags on their bags and clothes.

and thats why i try to make it known, especially when i was in italy, greece, and turkey that i was canadian.

because if you are white its either one or the other and id much rather let them know before hand that i am canadian before they make their own assumptions.

10-23-2004, 01:01 PM
Basically, we are forcing our ideas upon others. George W feels god is telling him to make the world free, so it must be done, cuz god said it. God said invade other countries, oust their leaders, call them terrorists, forget about 9/11 and the real enemy, and just liberate every other country.


10-23-2004, 02:48 PM

Here is also something else to think about. Some of those with immigrant parents or international friends see that they tend to say that the place where they come from is the best. Yet, they are living/studying off the U.S. Now, if they are talking so highly of their native land, then why don't they go back and stop bashing the U.S. for what it is. It pisses me off when they are taking advantage of the U.S. system and then bash it and say that their country/people are better. WTF is that? If you wanna leech off the U.S. system, thats fine, but don't EVER do it AND bash the U.S. You are a fucking hypocrite and don't have the right to bash something that you don't even contribute to. Its like you coming to my house and I cook you dinner, then you throw the food on the ground and say I didn't cook it correctly.
Do you realize that your last paragraph completely refutes the first? You start with your reasoning why Americans aren't racist, when this in itself is not accurate. EVERYONE is racist in some way or another, whether it be conscious or subconscious, it relates itself to fundamental differences. Some of us are honest enough with ourselves to admit to this... You then turn around in the above paragraph and give us all the wonderful bit of overtly mature wisdom "You're here trying to better yourself, but remember that you arenn't from here, so you are taking advantage of OUR shit, we deserve to treat you like shit, go home if you don't like it." Since we are throwing around analogies, that's like being born in America, being provided with equal or better educational/employment opportunities, not taking advantage and instead waiting for someone who is actually driven to DO shit from somewhere else, have THEM exhibit better work ethic and then sit back on an internet message board and bitch about it... Tell you what, I will keep that Yugoslavian dude I went to college with, his name is Davorin. He came in to class, never bitched, made good grades and IMMEDIATELY went to work afterwards to pay his way through school, and I will send YOU back to his war torn home country.

Women of Mass Density, won't be finding any of those over there either...

10-23-2004, 06:22 PM
"Some of us...." its not everyone, its some of them, the ones that are here and bash the U.S. Thanks for taking what I had meant for some then assuming I meant everyone. But I guessed you missed the whole part about the 'some'. And I don't really see how the world hating us undermines my observation on how SOME of those people who are living here talk down about the U.S.

I have plenty of friends that are not born in the U.S. and love it here and contribute to it, but those that aren't should shut their pie holes.

10-23-2004, 07:37 PM
Plan and simple..... U.S. is precieved to the arrogant, loud (in an annoying manner), rude, showoff ALOT, into other people's matter (when not needed) and also concided. When I went out of the country for a month...man o man did I start to see the other views people had of this country. There are a few factors to why this country is not down in the ground, and a few that are pushing it towards it (indirectly). The U.S......also expects other nations to conform to their likeness.....good example is what's going on right now in Iraq...but I really don't want to get into that. If this nation stayed out of most of the other nation's matters and concentrate on its own.....other nation would like us and we would be far more efficient.

10-23-2004, 08:45 PM
hate is a strong word. I say that a lot of people don't like the usa for unimportant reasons, but the reason that most people in the middle east hate the United States is one word-you need to do some research since you don't know the answer-Israel.

10-24-2004, 11:53 AM
i think those that are jealous or look to the united states as having something that makes us more special are foolish and should do their best to make thier country what they think it is that america has. on the other hand, many americans do think theyre too cool for school even though they contribute nothing to the greatness of the nation. i would say your average human being growing up anywhere in the world will have pride in where they are from. there are obviously open minded people in every country, but i also believe that the general population is not and most follow the popular ideas of their culture and friends. one thing that i found interesting though, when speaking to european people, is that even though they might have a particular viewpoint on things, they tend to look at both sides of an issue, such as the war in iraq and stuggle with its compexities, whereas an american is more likely to tell you what side theyre on and qoute W. or mike moore with an angry tone and completely close there ears to yours side. i think americans struggle with their identity because our culture isnt unified like other countries (this isnt good or bad) but we tend to seek out subgroups in order to be defined, once we find one, we dress like those people and conform our thinking to thiers.
there are things that i appreciate about the u.s. and there are things that i appreciate about the rest of the world. its too easy to be ethnocentric though and make conclusions about us and the world based on our pride and lack of information.

10-24-2004, 12:04 PM
it's surprisign to see people say that the US will 'ALWAYS' be this powerful.

Robert McNamara, secretary of defense under kennedy and roosevelt?, admitted in his book and his film that the US is not as powerful as they were in in the mid 1900's, and that has been a continuing trend.

they may still be the most influential right now, but not because you keep hearing it from peopel in teh administration, only because the world's next power hasnt stepped up yet.

it has long been predicted, since decades and centuries ago, that China or Asia-Pacific would be the next power after the US, and to the American's credit they have invested heavily in this area.

Even though Asia-Pacific has legislation that limits American foreign investment and ownership, Cisco systems has been instrumental in building the technological capabilities of the continenet among other companies as well.

all, and i really truely mean ALL, major north american born multi-national corporations are finding their greatest opportunites outside of the US recently. for many industries America has become saturated and has peaked or passed its stage of maturity.

Of course the major power switch may not come in our lifetimes, but the worst thing to do is act like the U.S will always be the $hit... because then Korea bombs the fuck out of you and where do you go then???

10-24-2004, 12:37 PM
yea i hope the us doesn't mess with korea and iran.

10-24-2004, 02:04 PM
yea i hope the us doesn't mess with korea and iran.
But aren't their people due for "liberation?" Is it not time for a regime change there too?

10-24-2004, 02:48 PM
But aren't their people due for "liberation?" Is it not time for a regime change there too?

you have got to be joking, in which case, good call..

if not, you're scary

10-24-2004, 02:56 PM
you have got to be joking, in which case, good call..

if not, you're scary
I was done being serious about my answers in political threads when people stopped thinking with their heads and started thinking with their hearts and their dicks, of course I was joking...

10-28-2004, 11:16 PM
The same reason all the other forums hate Zilvians. We're arrogant because we are the best, and we know it. :D

hell yeah!

10-28-2004, 11:23 PM
y u say? because american think they are better.. invent the standard system when metric is standard. haha . go figure

10-29-2004, 06:37 AM
they hate us cause it's easy to rip on the top dog. simple as that.

y u say? because american think they are better.. invent the standard system when metric is standard. haha . go figure

you do know that the standard system was based off of king's measurements which came directly from europe, right?

sigh, if only they made shoehorns for mouths.

10-29-2004, 11:31 PM
sigh, if only they made shoehorns for mouths.
They do make them, 4 knuckles of the right hand

10-30-2004, 01:06 AM
i stand corrected.