View Full Version : aka rally

10-22-2004, 03:23 AM
just saw a show about the aka rally on mtv. kinda reminded me of one of my fav movies of all time, cannonball run. anyways, im just wondering if anybody heard about or participated in a similar event. and if you saw the show what you thought about it

oh yeah if you have no idea what im talking about then check out this link

10-22-2004, 03:28 AM
my thoughts.....stay away from bitches in m3's

10-22-2004, 07:16 AM
My thoughts; They were idiots. lets see, almost crying over a ticket. Examine the event they were in. A group of stickered up cars, all expensive, rallying across the US. did they think there was goign to be no Cop attention? If you wanna see a good rally, pick up the Gumball 3000 DVD, those are awsome. The reason rally's are not such a good idea anymore is because laws change. You can go to jail now for tickets, as opposed to when they started doign them in the 70's or whenever, where you paid off your tikets you accrued, and left it at that.

10-22-2004, 08:22 AM
Show was too stupid to even warrant a thread about it.

I like how the one kid says he wanted something "cheap" when talking about his S4. Stupid fucking spoiled rich kids. I turned it off after that.

10-22-2004, 10:26 AM
i would enter with a modified prius. gas prices these days.......

10-22-2004, 12:08 PM
im too poor to do anything like that

FastBack 240
10-22-2004, 09:16 PM
show was a joke. Plain and simple. So was the Gumball.

10-23-2004, 08:56 AM
The other thread is so much better...


11-01-2004, 12:31 AM
I got my place in the sept 18th Cannonball Run a little while ago. It is going to be awesome ( unless my car brakes). I was going to join Gumball 2006, but shortly found out that those snobs only reserve the 100 places for the most exotic cars. So out of 10,000 applications 100 are selected. So to them a 240sx would be around the 9,500's. Any ways, I found that Cannonball Run did not reserve any thing for the rich, so I joined the rally. I would highly recommend joining since it will be a blast and it will be a chapter of your life you will never forget. You have 10 months to join me in the rally, and it is a very reasonable 6570$ to join for the weeklong adventure. Come on guys, I know someone wants the demolish 1/4 million dollar Italian super cars. If no one will join me, then please support me, I will be God on the road. The owner of the Cannonball is shipping his GTR to compete, mine weighs 1000lbs less. Time will tell…


11-06-2004, 06:23 PM
fuck that :fawk2: ,$6570,why dont they make something free :rant2: I can do sr20det swap for my 510 for this kind of money..........no wonder i saw only expensive cars on that mtv show.

and it is a very reasonable 6570$ to join for the weeklong adventure. -Snail