View Full Version : Dog Jump infront of porsche. I owe $2163.11

10-21-2004, 07:11 PM
Get this shit, about 1 month ago, Im riding along on the street next to the park. Theres a porsche infront of me and I see water on the ground. I see the porsche and I slow down because theres water and I think he might be going slower. He speeds up, and then slams on the brakes. I speed up with him and also slam on the brakes, however, Im now over the water caused by the sprinkler in the park. Theres a small dog who was so small that he was infront of the posche the whole time. I was paying attention, but the damn dog just jumps in the middle of the porsche suddenly. I rear end the guy, his engine lid is slightly off, like 1mm up on one side, 1 mm down on the other. Guy refuses to go to anybody but some expensive ass porsche dealer, and at the same time will report me to insurance if not. I understand where the guy is comin from, but the stupid dog owner didn't have the dog on a leash. I got his number called him, he said get the estimate first. I have the estimate now, and Im trying to call him but his phone has "been disconnected" message. He gave me his address and it matches the area code on a reverse look up on his phone #. Im gonna pay him a visit tonight see if his ass is at home.

10-21-2004, 07:29 PM
what the dog owner will probably say is "you were following the porsche too close so its your fault." if on the offchance he's not a douchebag you might see some money from it. just be prepared to use "oh did i mention my (dad, uncle, neighbor, anything) is a lawyer so pay now or else ill see you in court you prancing fagalope!."

10-21-2004, 07:37 PM
Did you guys get a police report?

If not, fix your car and tell the porsche driver to go fuck himself. Deny anything more that some rub marks. Still admit that the acident happened but dumb down the severity. He must have gotten the damage somewere else.

I always get a police report after this woman went nuts on me. She hit me and then blamed me and called the cops. They ran up a list of violations when she started yelling at the cops. Two were for the wreck and then the cops wrote her up for every little thing when she kept going.

My point being that the car could have not had Ins. or he could have not had an ID or be wanted. Always get a traffic report and call your Ins company within 24hrs.

Note: The porsche driver shouldn't have been a dog humper...

10-21-2004, 07:54 PM
hydroplant.. the city's fault. not yours
tell the porsche guy ask/sue the city for it and not you.

10-21-2004, 08:01 PM
Damn that sucks man. Hope your car is okay. Let's have a meet at that guy's house tonight.

Ghst 01
10-21-2004, 08:05 PM
pay the dog owner a viwsit wearing black hoodies... and with 2-3 peeps behind you.....j/k IMO it is a long shot that the dog owner will dish out any $$$...

10-21-2004, 08:20 PM
Im suing him if I can catch his bitchass...ormaybe an assbeating will work before he pays up.

10-21-2004, 09:34 PM
assbeating? jeez.

Yeah, the dog shouldn't have been on the road.

Yeah, the sprinkler shouldn't have been spraying onto the road.

But if you know the road's wet, regardless of WHY it's wet, you need to leave yourself more space. It's your fault, and the guy has every right to want an OEM-quality repair. It's your bad luck it was a Porsche.

If he didn't get a police report, then yes, you have a chance to weasel out of it. But you shouldn't.

10-21-2004, 09:47 PM
definatly your fault. shitty but true. also illegal to leave the scene of an accident. chances are if its a real porsche and not a boxer, he has money. it will cause him more trouble in the end if he is cited for that, so you can probably tell him to screw himself and never hear anything about it. also shitty but true. he should have called the police right there.

10-22-2004, 01:17 PM
yeah you can weasel out of this but how would you feel if it was you in the other spot. the dog has nothing to do with it. yeah he jumped in front but boo fucking hoo. you shouldn't of been so close to the porsche knowing the roads were wet. hey your bad luck that it was a porsche you rear ended and not a s10 or something cheap.

10-23-2004, 11:54 AM
the guy is probably rich. tell him to go fuck himself. why does he need a porsche anyways? he just has a small penis thats all. let the guy be. RUN!!

10-24-2004, 11:43 AM
assbeating? jeez.

Yeah, the dog shouldn't have been on the road.

Yeah, the sprinkler shouldn't have been spraying onto the road.

But if you know the road's wet, regardless of WHY it's wet, you need to leave yourself more space. It's your fault, and the guy has every right to want an OEM-quality repair. It's your bad luck it was a Porsche.

If he didn't get a police report, then yes, you have a chance to weasel out of it. But you shouldn't.

you said it brotha.... preach on.

seriously, how do people have the nerve to complain when people REAR END other drivers? why dont you be a punk biatch and blame him for having "superior porsche brembo brakes." Take responsibility for your messup. Its a Porsche, not a Pinto. And regardless, its up to HIM where he wants to get the car repaired. The accident happened because of you, if you werent behind him his car wouldnt have been in an accident.

Forget the dog, forget the water.. these are all variables that you are throwing into the mix as if its an excuse.. the reality is, your car, you were the driver, and YOU were BEHIND him. Two most liable types of accident are: rear ending and left hand turns. Learn to be more cautious with those and you'll be ok.

- Mike

10-24-2004, 12:31 PM
old is kinda right. ya know your really lucky that guy doesnt just say i wanna go through the insurance and youll get royally screwed on your premium on that costing you even more money which he could very well decide to do. if someone whacked your brand new nice car you would probabbly want it to look just right. right now he has the option to either A:) agree to let you pay for the damages under the table like a NICE GUY or B:) complain to his insurance get it taken out of yours and you get stuck with ahigher premium for years that costs you THOUSANDS more...

10-24-2004, 03:17 PM
just pay the guy because you're not going to win here dude. its your fault no matter how you look at it.

case in point:
friend has a mirage with evo body and stuff (its a chic).
she's in tennessee driving down the road
she stops at a light.
lady rear ends her
lady says "well the person in front of me swerved out of the way not to hit her"

big fucking deal. she still rear ended her.
like I said, you shouldn't have been following so close. its not the dog or the owners fault.

10-24-2004, 04:26 PM

few questions for ya...

1) did a cop show up to the scene and do a police report?
2) was the dog hit? killed? (if the dog was hit/killed and you are asking the owner to pay for it, then you are a fuck, sorry...but really...)
3) do you think you were at fault? b/c no matter what happens, you should have had plenty of room between the other car and yours to stop safely (so really, how far was your car behind teh porsche?)

old_s13's right about the left hand turn thing.... lady made one 8ft in front of me totalling my car (cops showed up and gave her a failure to yeild ticket, and it was a done deal concerning the ins. companies)

10-24-2004, 05:14 PM
I'd be pissed if I was the porsche guy.. and I wouldn't be taking to earl sheib either. But under the circumstances, wet roads, hard braking, dog, etc.. I'm sure it would've happen to a lot of people. Nonetheless.. still your fault and bad luck.

10-24-2004, 06:49 PM
dont be a shady asshole. remember karma? tell him to contact his insurance company and you will pay the deductible. or you and the dog owner can split the deductable. you KNOW he has full coverage so maybe he'll be up for it. tell him you can do that or you cant pay since you cant get 3000 dollars. dont be a dick for something that was YOUR FAULT. i mean geez, he is a jerk, hit his brakes trying to not run over a dog. akadriver and olds13(aka salty bastard) are both right