View Full Version : Good year for being a Gamer

10-19-2004, 02:19 PM
Damn, what a way to end a year.

HL2 just went gold yesterday.
Halo 2 went gold a week ago
GT4 coming out
GTA:SA coming out
MG:SE coming out

Man, its going to be a good year. What are you wating for? And which would get Game of the Year?

10-19-2004, 02:53 PM
KOF neowave

10-19-2004, 03:21 PM
Atari Joust!!

10-19-2004, 03:44 PM
yep yep.... mostly all in november too. you missed a bunch.

EverQuest 2
World of Warcraft
Half Life 2
GTA San Andreas
Guilty Gear Isuka
Viewtiful Joe 2
halo 2
new Goldeneye
Metal Gear Solid 3

knights of the old republic 2
resident evil 4
matrix online
predator : concrete jungle
forza motorsports (xbox gt4 killer? we'll see)

in crappy gaming years alot of them have potential to be game of the year... crazy.

10-19-2004, 03:46 PM
I will be playing WOW and HL2

10-19-2004, 03:58 PM
when is medal of honor pacific assualt coming out? i love the demo..

10-19-2004, 04:35 PM
medal of honor = garbage! at least after spearhead.

go get call of duty for 20 bucks instead.

10-19-2004, 04:49 PM
WOW is awesome! It will not be out in november tho, its no where near ready

10-19-2004, 04:50 PM
eq2 is really good as well. im in the beta.

10-19-2004, 07:20 PM
Ha, yeah i missed alot, but these are the majors ones i see.

MoH:PA demo was freakin awesome. Just wished it was the Perl Habor level. Right now PA looks really good on taken on CoD. We'll just have to see how the full game turns out.

I forgot all about WoW, but I don't want to get into those games anymore. I failed every class i had in 11th grade when Diablo 2 came out.
EQ2 turns me off cause u have to pay to play, ugh... my car does this to me already, so no more haha.

For me, i think HL2 will take the crown. Am PC basied, so sorry haha. I can't stand Console games anymore. But GTA and Halo2 are very good contenders for game of the year. Halo2 already has 1.2million pre-orders, goddamn thats very impressive. But GTA comes out with a replay value of like 10 fold over Halo2, that makes GTA last longer than Halo2. But PCGamer already calls HL2 as the best game ever. But overall its going to be a great year for gamers.

Also a promising future for me in Game Design. Those anlazyist people say its going to be a great 10years for gaming companies.

10-19-2004, 07:48 PM
ill be playing nfsu:2

ill be the one in the clean car.

10-19-2004, 09:01 PM
ohhh ya im getting the ATI x800 just so i can play EQ2!!! hey man im an original evercrack player and cant wait for part 2. But besides that this is a GREAT YEAR for games!!! and BOOO on WOW!! not my cup a tea.

10-19-2004, 09:06 PM
I'll be all upons GTA:SA, Halo 2, HL2, MGS:SE and of course GT4.
I've got Halo 2 preordered, I'll likely d/l HL2, and I'll get MGS:SE and GTA:SA when they drop under $35.

10-19-2004, 09:12 PM
... I wish I had a faster computer. HL brought me into the gaming world; it was my proverbial first time... and everyone knows you never forget your first time.

10-19-2004, 09:22 PM
^go buy one then?

sanchi: my sister plays eq2 with her fx5700 well enough. you dont need an uber expensive card, but it always helps (of course playing it at 1600x1200 is "totally sweet")

10-19-2004, 09:26 PM
Sammy vs Capcom
capcom fighting Jam
KOF 2003

10-19-2004, 09:27 PM
my 'first time' was with Wolfenstein 3D... on a 286/16 powerhouse. Then Doom on a 386/25 rig. Man, it played so smooth on the 486SX/25 IBM my dad bought! Then Quake on a Pentium 100... OMG!!! 16MB of badass RAM! I was unstoppable!
I like HL for how it advanced the field of FPS games, but I laugh whenever someone calls TFClassic the original TF... I rocked Team Fortress Quake for at LEAST 3 years... Those were some good times.
It's great seeing the leaps and bounds developers are taking with computer games... I agree that computer > console generally, because it'll be at least 2 or 3 years before a game like Doom3 could be ported to a console effectively. I like consoles (I have PS2 and XBox) because they're easy, and you never have to worry about installing a game or wondering if your hardware will conflict. That, and some games are console-specific (Gran Turismo series, MGS, etc).
I can't wait for this new round of games... I just hope that darker games let you use a flashlight.

10-19-2004, 09:34 PM
holy crap... i used to play quake TF too. i also started with wolfenstein 3d. i moved to half life TF after a while but it just wasn't the same... i couldn't stand how stupid all the characters looked. i played team arena on quake3 which tided me over a bit... but that's the last time i ever played that shit seriously. i played grenadier/demoman almost exclusively and a bit of sniper... that shit was fun as hell. nothing compares to it today IMO.

10-19-2004, 09:36 PM
ohhh ya im getting the ATI x800 just so i can play EQ2!!! hey man im an original evercrack player and cant wait for part 2. But besides that this is a GREAT YEAR for games!!! and BOOO on WOW!! not my cup a tea.
they are both mmorpg, but yeah you are hooked on that evercrack ;) Oh yeah i will also be playing GT4 and have been playing Counter Strike: Source for 2 weeks

10-19-2004, 09:43 PM
shame gt4 won't be online on its release, but apparently it will be later

10-19-2004, 10:08 PM
wow Quake TF is really old school. I remember playing that and Action Quake. Then Quake2 came out which awesome on my PI MMX, 40mb, 15gigs, and a 3DFX Banshee Card and a small ass 15inch screen haha, ohman those were the days.

I was first introduce with Quake, then Q2, then doom, Duke, Age of empries, Fallout1, HL, TFC, Q3, then it was all up hill from there. haha.

I use to be a console freak, but then it just wasn't comparing againt PC Games. Once the Next Gen Consoles come out, PC are already double the speeds by then. Xbox anncounce that its going 3.5ghz, that was like last month where 3.5 is like Whoa. Now PC is up to 4.0 with the new AMD64 FX 4.0ghz. Then intel is going straight towards Dual CPU early 05.

But this is why i have a little brother that has a PS2 and Xbox for them critual games that will never see the PC. ie. GT4 =P

edit: ohyeah not sure if anyone seen these pics yet of the new Unreal3 engine but heres one of the 7 pics i found.


(no linky pic please)

10-20-2004, 01:11 AM
holy crap. those are some pretty visuals.

10-20-2004, 01:34 AM
my first game was some wierd pos maze game on an apple lol. you were a mouse and had to find your way around. man that was so long ago.

10-20-2004, 03:19 AM
my first game was cosmic ozmo.

then followed orgeon trail. those animals never had a chance.

10-20-2004, 04:13 AM
the best game of the year already came out this year....
Burnout 3: Takedown!!!

Gradius is also another good one...

but yea, im waiting for MGS:Snake Eater, Killzone, Guilty Gear Isuka, Viewtiful Joe2 and mostly Resident Evil 4....

10-20-2004, 04:48 AM
Uncharted waters 2 (Dos version) :)

oh and I already pre-ordered(reserverd) WoW... They say WoW is supposed to come out Mid-November...
Ready or Not, they can always update the game by providing patches.

10-20-2004, 11:03 AM
damn i need skrilla to upgrade my comp.

10-20-2004, 11:36 AM
Looks like Outrun2 for Xbox is going to slip under the radar this year. Outrun 2 = best poser drifting game ever.

10-20-2004, 11:56 AM
All of those with girlfriends should spend as much time as possible with them, for you will eat, breathe, and sleep in Leguna Seca starting December 14th.

10-20-2004, 01:06 PM
booo-urns on laguna seca.

hate that track with a passion. regardless of the history it has behind it.

10-20-2004, 01:40 PM
Looks like Outrun2 for Xbox is going to slip under the radar this year. Outrun 2 = best poser drifting game ever.

Since Outrun 2 is the sequal to Outrun (first came out in 1986-87) then really it isn't a poser drifting game. The game was well out before drifting was here in the states in 86

10-20-2004, 02:19 PM
i was just down at laguna seca for the weekend to watch lemans. too bad it was so god damn cold

10-20-2004, 02:37 PM
GT4 = reason to dust off the PS2. I haven't touched my PS2 since GT3.

10-20-2004, 03:10 PM
Looks like Outrun2 for Xbox is going to slip under the radar this year. Outrun 2 = best poser drifting game ever.

at least you have to counter steer in that game. in our arcade the initial D machine is right next to it. one guy was asking, "hey how come they turn the wheel the wrong way when they drift?"

10-20-2004, 07:02 PM
the reason I say Outrun 2 is a poser drifting game is because it's super easy to drift, especially for a Sega game... actually you DONT have to countersteer.. you only need to countersteer to widen your drift in order to dodge traffic. The car will autocorrect itself (at least in the Xbox version) coming out of the turn. Doesn't matter though, the game is still retardedly fun. Nothing is as satisfying as doing 1 minute drifts through heavy traffic with a friend in Outrun 2.

I don't see why this game hasn't caught on even though it can make you feel like a drift god after 30 seconds of practice. It's a shame really.

10-21-2004, 03:10 AM
any game that actually requires you to do some kind of real drift entry move will be dubbed to technical in the arcade and be doomed to obscurity. can you imagine if some of these games actually had clutch pedals? people would think the machine was broken. i think its alright for outrun b/c its meant to be nothing more then a simple arcade game.

the reason it hasn't caught on is cuz it's not exactly a super poser drift game. that bit of countersteering is too much for most players to handle. and there aren't any drift cars in it like the 86 and 240sx. now initial D, that is a super poser drift game. and people actually think it's realistic. ugh.

10-21-2004, 04:16 AM
cant wait for HL2

10-21-2004, 03:16 PM
Dead or Alive: Ultimate..... online mayhem + scantily clad girlies + voiced taunting = oh-so-good-fun!!

10-22-2004, 11:25 PM
Gaming > me. I just beat Paper Mario the other day (hated it, waste of 30 hours)...before that was Fable...before that I dusted off SW: KOTOR and beat that again. I am going to ITT....I was thinking about going into game design, but then I though about my future and am now doing networking.

The next 6 months are going to be awesome for games. Right now I am playing ESPN NBA 2k5, and Star Wars Galaxies....just to pass time til next month when the real fun begins :). I got the Jump to Lightspeed Beta and sadly it is not all I hoped for. Rumor has it that LucasArts is buying the SWG servers from SOE and changing the game completely....depending on whether that is true or not will determine whether I stick with it or move on to EQ2 or WOW.


10-22-2004, 11:37 PM
How much is Halo 2 gonna be if it hasn't already came out?

10-23-2004, 12:17 AM
How much is Halo 2 gonna be if it hasn't already came out?

Well, the French version leaked to the internet, and if you have a hacked Xbox you can play it right now. Otherwise you will be paying $49.99 for the regular version or $54.99 for the limited edition on November 9th.


10-23-2004, 11:45 AM