View Full Version : Why im going to jail

10-19-2004, 12:55 PM
There is some stuff going on where i might have to go to jail. I will let you in on the story of what happened. Please tell me if you think this is unlawful. Its kind of a weird story so just bear with me.

2 nights ago i was chilling at my house. I was cleaning out the garage, and had found a laser scanner that i used to use when i was a dj. The laser scanner is of the type that makes laser desighns on the walls at partys. Anyways, we plugged it in to make sure it was still working. We were shining the laser designs in the front of my house. A car drives by, and the driver gets out. He is upset because he thought the laser was dangerous and could have blinded him. I told him that this is a very low power laser, designed to make patterns on walls at partys, I also told him i was sorry. He seemed ok with that and drove away. About 10 mins later he came back again. He preceeded to say "that laser is a weapon of mass destruction" he was also still upset. I told him i was very sorry, and would be more carfull with the laser in the future.
He seemed ok with my apology and drove away. I thought everything was ok, so I put everything away, and went inside. I ate some food, and chilled for about 30mins. I then walked into my bedroom to get ready for bed. Since it had been raining outside, i noticed that one of my pellet guns was developing rust on the outside. I also noticed that 2 of my knives that my grandpa gave me were also a little rusty. So i grabbed the 2 knives, put them in my pockets, and grabbed my pellet gun. I started to walk towards the front door, I opened the front door took a step outside, and there was a cop standing there. He said "drop the gun" so i did. I also told him i had 2 knives in my pocket, and i was just bringing everything out to the garage for cleaning. He then asked me where a laser scope gun was. I told him i do not own a laser scope. Then he asked me where a laser was, i showed him, and told him that its a laser that makes designs on walls at partys. With that said he arrested me, on my own property, and took me to jail. They charged me with 2 felonys for concealed weapons (on my own property) and a misdemeanor for shining a laser scope at someone.

I went and talked to my lawyer yesterday, and he thinks these charges are complete bull shit. I think they are too. The only problem is, im on probation allready and could be facing a year, on a probation violation if convicted.

I hope that i dont. What do you think of these charges?

10-19-2004, 01:00 PM
no comment since i'm no lawyer, but i wish you good luck on your case.

10-19-2004, 01:05 PM
Man that sucks...Hope everything turns out all right.

10-19-2004, 01:05 PM
just explain everything to the T... no streching the truth or anything...and well hopefully you'll come out it ok...goodluck

10-19-2004, 01:06 PM
Thanks guys

10-19-2004, 01:08 PM
that sucks balls man, good luck. us norcal zilvians should show up at ur court date n start a picket line.

other then that man....were with you, may the force be with you :x:

10-19-2004, 01:09 PM
Damn that does sound like a bunch of bs,thats a crazy story ,,what are you on probation for? Ive been to court over 20 times and a couple lawyers, probation, community service all that so I know what youre goin through man.

10-19-2004, 01:16 PM
if you are telling the 100% truth here, i see no reason why you should be in trouble with the law.
i know there are 2 sides to every story, so i can't judge anything for sure.
but if your account of the story is truly accurate, i can't understand why you would be in any trouble at all.
what kind of knives were these? pocket knives or big knives?
you were at your home, i don't see why having knives would get you in trouble.
i have tons of knives at home for butter, steak, etc. if i carry them, does that mean i am breaking some law and deserve to get arrested? no. it does not.

anywho, goodluck with your problem here. i hope you are telling the absolute truth, and if you are, i see no legal problems for you.

10-19-2004, 01:19 PM
To me that sounds like BS, seems like you are guilty until proven innocent in Cali these days. especially if you have any kind of record.

10-19-2004, 01:19 PM
yeah but answering the door with knives in your pockets and a bb gun in your hand for a cop is a little suspicious for them dont you think?

10-19-2004, 01:23 PM
Goodluck. SJ Judges just don't give a rats ass about anyone.

Im sure you are going back in, you are not supposed to have any weapons with you while in prob. Dont matter if you are just cleaning shits and giggles. If you are caught, then you are fuck.

Goodluck, Ill pick some stuff off from you when you have time.


10-19-2004, 01:26 PM
Im on probation because i sold weed to a undercover 3 years ago. I went to elmwood for 6 months, then to a live in rehab for 30 days, then had to live at a court owned house for 4 months, and 40 days of weekend work.

I am telling the story exactly how it happened.

One of the knives is a us navy seal knive, that my grandpa gave me, the other is a buck knive that my grandpa gave me, both are legal to own, and carry on the outside of your clothes. Also when they were in my pockets they were sticking out about 4 inches because they are longer than the pockets. PLus how can you be charged with a concealed weapon on your own property?

10-19-2004, 01:28 PM
Goodluck. SJ Judges just don't give a rats ass about anyone.

Im sure you are going back in, you are not supposed to have any weapons with you while in prob. Dont matter if you are just cleaning shits and giggles. If you are caught, then you are fuck.

Goodluck, Ill pick some stuff off from you when you have time.


Technically they are not weapons. The knives are not listed in the code book. If they were double sided, then they would be.
And the pellet gun isnt listed either because it is not a fire arm, it uses no gun poweder.

nismo skyline
10-19-2004, 01:35 PM
get a high profile lawyer turn around and sue the city for wrongful arrest. u'll be rolling around in a skyline in no time

10-19-2004, 01:46 PM
Wow...talk bout bad timing....dont sweat it man....im sure things will work out ur way if everything you said is the truth....sux that ur having to give up ur 240 tho =/

10-19-2004, 01:51 PM
hire somebody and kill the guy who was pissed about weapons of mass destruction.

10-19-2004, 02:14 PM
Dont forget to "do something" to that guy who drove by your house, starting all this crap. He deserves "something". :rant2::rl:

Ritz S14
10-19-2004, 02:39 PM
What the hell is wrong with people these days.

Bring the "evidence"(laser light) to the court house, and let the juries take a good laugh at the cop for taking you in. Mass destruction huh? right.

Good luck on your case man.

10-19-2004, 03:02 PM
That WMD shit is nuts, everybody is so paranoid nowadays...
Hopefully the judge won't overreact like the driver or the cop did, otherwise, see you in Guantanamo Bay.

10-19-2004, 03:06 PM
id have to agree with the 2 sides to every story thing. i just dont see somone going through that much trouble if you were shining a laser on the wall, unless you were purposfully shining it at cars passing by or something, in which case id call the cops too.

10-19-2004, 03:11 PM
Dude that sucks. I hope you come out ok.

Drunk Bastard
10-19-2004, 03:15 PM
Luke, I wish you the best of luck! Obviously, these charges are completely rediculous. The guy driving buy was over reacting, especially saying it was a WMD. These charges seem to be pretty rediculous. That cop must have been a rookie, who was tipped off by that driver who had claimed some rediculous $hit. You should sell the evo, and keep the Silvia.

good luck Luke,


10-19-2004, 03:42 PM
If everything is as was said. You won't have a problem with court. You won't be able to sue the police, or the city, because when you're on probation or paroll you give up all rights in that respect. A police officer is allowed to arrest you for spitting on the side walk. What your probation officer decides to do with the arrest is up to him.

There is NO law against BB guns or Collectors knives as long as they remain on your property. I've worked a gas that was almost exactly like this last year.

Don't even trip. Reading what you said, if it all went down like that you won't have a problem. The D.A. won't even file the charges. If the DA does decide to file charges, then it won't make it past Air. The judge will throw it out as soon as it's brought to his attention.

Before anyone says anything about what I said or think I know or don't know. I've been a Paralegal for a Criminal Law firm in Down Town San Jose for the past 6 years now.

10-19-2004, 03:48 PM
lol... WMD! what a tool. i wouldn't sweat it. sounds like the guy driving by had too much time on his hands.

10-19-2004, 03:54 PM
hope this doesnt come out rude, but what ethnic background are you, and the guy who drove by? Just tryin to see here..

10-19-2004, 03:59 PM
Damn man.. talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time... i hope everything goes well for ya!

d r i f t swift
10-19-2004, 04:51 PM
damn.. well i hope things work out for you

10-19-2004, 05:46 PM
If everything is as you say, then im pretty sure you will be ok, although having a record wont help you out.Hope everything works out

10-19-2004, 05:51 PM
I felt really bad for you, thats hella bad luck and bullsh!t. I truly wish you good luck.

10-19-2004, 05:55 PM
Thanks guys.

HyperTek: We are both white. im 21 and the dude was about 28

10-19-2004, 06:32 PM
WMD. lets all give bush a hand for that.

10-19-2004, 06:38 PM
I'm thinking they could mess with you about the lazer. Was it pointed towards the street or were you by the street and pointing the lazer towards the house? If it was pointed towards the street then I think they got a chance against you with that charge. But, the concealed weapons charges will most likely flop.

get a high profile lawyer turn around and sue the city for wrongful arrest. u'll be rolling around in a skyline in no time

If found guilty with the misdemeanor I don't think it will work.

10-19-2004, 06:49 PM
that suck, hope every thing work out fine

10-19-2004, 06:52 PM
wouldnt that guy havta testify then?

i think you would be pretty same with a moron like that.

10-19-2004, 08:24 PM
if the charge reads laser scope thats not a laser scope, if it reads low intensity laser (ie. laser pointer, laser scope, laser picture projector, etc) they MIGHT have something. other than that I'd say get a lawyer, sit back, and then sue the guy for harassment. maybe the paralegal can toss in if he could get away with the harrasment suit on the guy who bitched about the laser.

10-19-2004, 09:01 PM
They said it was a laser scope

10-19-2004, 09:21 PM
WMD. lets all give bush a hand for that.

Try Saddam. Good effort, though.

blu808- I think the charges filed against you are bull and here's hoping you're found innocent.

10-19-2004, 10:28 PM
I just want to know what kind of stick was up that guys ass who drove by.
And I hope for our and your sake that your story is 100% true, I mean who would all of a sudden clean two knives and a pellet gun, late at night in which you would have to walk outside to get to the garage to clean them?
Also why would they be rusty in the first place? Did you leave knives and a pellet gun outside on purpose?
Sorry to rag on you, if its all true...but you got to admit, it doesnt sound very logical.

edit; misread post.

Mr. Badlose
10-19-2004, 11:39 PM
Good luck, Luke.

10-19-2004, 11:41 PM
Try Saddam. Good effort, though.

Who gave them the WMD? Oh, thats right, we did.

Good effort, though.

OT: Good luck Luke

10-20-2004, 12:00 AM
Dude that BLOWS. Good luck getting everything straightened out, it shouldn't be a problem because that's suuuuch bullshit.


10-20-2004, 12:26 AM
I just want to know what kind of stick was up that guys ass who drove by.
And I hope for our and your sake that your story is 100% true, I mean who would all of a sudden clean two knives and a pellet gun, late at night in which you would have to walk outside to get to the garage to clean them?
Also why would they be rusty in the first place? Did you leave knives and a pellet gun outside on purpose?
Sorry to rag on you, if its all true...but you got to admit, it doesnt sound very logical.

edit; misread post.

That is the absolute truth. I am often up late at night, and often in the garage, The knives and pellet gun were in my bedroom. They do tarnish and rust if not cleaned every so often.

10-20-2004, 12:44 AM
WMD. lets all give bush a hand for that.

Who gave them the WMD? Oh, thats right, we did.

Good effort, though.

OT: Good luck Luke

OOuuchhhhh :nono: Sit DOwwwnnn

10-20-2004, 12:52 AM
yes we may have gave him some, but he did have some of his own.

its not like all of his wmds were from us

and its not like the bush administration gave them the wmds.

10-20-2004, 12:58 AM
if a party laser thingy was a weapon of mass destruction, a lot of people that go to raves would have been dead by now.

10-20-2004, 01:01 AM
I've had problems with my paintball and airsoft guns. Running around shoting each other with stupid neighbors... Did they take the gun or knifes? If they didn't leave them out on the back porch to realy rust up. Then submit them as evidence with the laser show.
Hey you could have got "discharging a machine gun it a public park"

10-20-2004, 01:09 AM
if the charge reads laser scope thats not a laser scope, if it reads low intensity laser (ie. laser pointer, laser scope, laser picture projector, etc) they MIGHT have something. other than that I'd say get a lawyer, sit back, and then sue the guy for harassment. maybe the paralegal can toss in if he could get away with the harrasment suit on the guy who bitched about the laser.

yea im hoping you can countersue that guy for harassment. he deserves it. i hate ppl who have nothing else better to do than to call cops on ppl minding their own business.

Kid Zelda
10-20-2004, 01:48 AM
DAMN .. sorry to hear that .. holding the wrong things at the wrong time.
You should be able to beat the case, but if not ... i feel for ya.

Good luck LUBE .. I mean Luke :P

night-night, keep your butthole tight.

Andrew Bohan
10-20-2004, 01:51 AM
a bunch of us should find a way to get on jury duty.

10-20-2004, 02:24 AM
if a party laser thingy was a weapon of mass destruction, a lot of people that go to raves would have been dead by now.

lol. shit i used to go clubbing alot. if he actually gets in trouble for this, someone should sue the manufacturers of those laser light projectors for making all us club goers blind.

10-20-2004, 02:45 AM
what they took you in for is total BS...but otherwise i hope nothing else happens and they realize how big of a mistake they made and feel dumb... good luck to you in any way...

i was going to ask about ethnicity too about the other guy... theres this crazy guy that walks around talking about how people are secretly "ZAPPING" him... he chases the alahambra water delivery trucks because they have those shimmery things on the back.. he thinks those are WMD... and one day he rode a bike to the local starbucks with wires wrapped around his feet and the pedals because he didnt want to get "GROUNDED" by zaps..

10-20-2004, 03:03 AM
if you are telling the 100% truth here, i see no reason why you should be in trouble with the law.
Sounds kind of coincidental to me....

10-20-2004, 03:42 AM
Definitely countersue, the asshole in the car and the county, and dont tell them about the 12 kilo-ton nuclear delivery vehicle you have buried in the backyard...

10-20-2004, 05:54 AM
counter-sue the driver on what terms?

over reacting? perhaps you could counter-sue if he exagerrated his report to the police, and you could sue for the fee's of paying for the lawyer. i don't think you will be able to milk it though. perhaps with the county for a false arrest, but that might now play so well in courts because you did come to the door with a bb gun in your hand. and knives in your pockets, but if you had a good lawyer then you can say its on your property and they aren't double sided and the bb gun has no gun powder, and so on.

otherwise i don't see any other angles.

10-20-2004, 09:37 AM
counter-sue the driver on what terms?

over reacting? perhaps you could counter-sue if he exagerrated his report to the police, and you could sue for the fee's of paying for the lawyer. i don't think you will be able to milk it though.

I'm pretty sure he exagerrated his report when he told the cops the guy had WMDs, and they were only party lasers.

People like that need to be kicked in the nuts... two times.

10-20-2004, 10:06 AM
First off. IRAQ had NO WMD. Is everyone forgetting that. Bush made the entire story up so he could go get himself some oil and his buddies a shit load of our tax payer dollars.

Second. Bush is responsible for making everyone crazy. His administration throws out a new terror alert one a month even though they know that nothing is going to happen. He does it to keep everyone thinking hes actually doing something about terror.

Third. He must be succeeding seeings how everyone here actual has it in their heads that IRAQ had WMD. Remember it's Bin Laden that has the weapons. He's actually suceeded in taking about 80% of the US populations minds off the true focus on Terror because he hasn't been able to do anything about it.

Fourth. I'm sorry, but the laws state that someone on Probation or Parrol cannot file claim against the county or state for arrest. They can arrest you for looking at them with a lazy eye if they wanted. It's just the rights you give up when you are on probation or parrol. Now they can't hold you without giving you a trial for what hey arrested you for.

etc. etc. etc. etc. I can't believe that bush has actually turned this nation into a bunch of cowards and crazy ass nuts. Dude, what has become of this country.

10-20-2004, 10:18 AM
wow that sucks, all I can say is "good luck Luke"

Sounds like the guy had it out for you to begin with. y would he come back and ask about it again if you showed him the laser projector. But ya bring it into court, plug it in and show everyone how a white boy dances.

10-20-2004, 10:34 AM
Are we trying to scare the jury?

10-20-2004, 11:00 AM
Im on probation because i sold weed to a undercover 3 years ago. I went to elmwood for 6 months, then to a live in rehab for 30 days, then had to live at a court owned house for 4 months, and 40 days of weekend work.

I am telling the story exactly how it happened.

One of the knives is a us navy seal knive, that my grandpa gave me, the other is a buck knive that my grandpa gave me, both are legal to own, and carry on the outside of your clothes. Also when they were in my pockets they were sticking out about 4 inches because they are longer than the pockets. PLus how can you be charged with a concealed weapon on your own property?

wow, you sound like a cool dude. too bad i never go to meet you even though i'm in SF/SJ. i think its real shitty you have to sell your car for that.

10-20-2004, 12:07 PM
yea that sucks guy good luck with everything. if anything the keyboard is going to become a WMD from all the napalm flaming people will do when this goes into an all out political debate because the name bush was mentioned. either way blue your a cool guy and good luck dont run backwards in the cornfield while your in there if you get stuck...

10-20-2004, 01:04 PM
First off. IRAQ had NO WMD. Is everyone forgetting that. Bush made the entire story up so he could go get himself some oil and his buddies a shit load of our tax payer dollars.

Second. Bush is responsible for making everyone crazy. His administration throws out a new terror alert one a month even though they know that nothing is going to happen. He does it to keep everyone thinking hes actually doing something about terror.

Third. He must be succeeding seeings how everyone here actual has it in their heads that IRAQ had WMD. Remember it's Bin Laden that has the weapons. He's actually suceeded in taking about 80% of the US populations minds off the true focus on Terror because he hasn't been able to do anything about it.

Fourth. I'm sorry, but the laws state that someone on Probation or Parrol cannot file claim against the county or state for arrest. They can arrest you for looking at them with a lazy eye if they wanted. It's just the rights you give up when you are on probation or parrol. Now they can't hold you without giving you a trial for what hey arrested you for.

etc. etc. etc. etc. I can't believe that bush has actually turned this nation into a bunch of cowards and crazy ass nuts. Dude, what has become of this country.

3/4 of your post is not relevant to the topic at hand.

10-20-2004, 01:41 PM
This is not a thread to discuss WMD pertaining to the War in Iraq, or the Presidential Race. Stick to the topic. First, Last,and ONLY warning.

10-20-2004, 02:21 PM
rofl thatguy, and its the sig that really completes the statement :) so blu I take it you dont get zilvia in jail what did you do bail out? hows this all workin for you with everything??

10-20-2004, 02:43 PM
3/4 of your post is not relevant to the topic at hand.

Dude read the entire thread. I was just responding to peoples comments.

10-20-2004, 02:45 PM
This is not a thread to discuss WMD pertaining to the War in Iraq, or the Presidential Race. Stick to the topic. First, Last,and ONLY warning.

You need to Chill. He said that he guy that reported him accused him of having WMD, so to be honest alot of what was said was only in response to that comment.

Get a life.

10-20-2004, 02:53 PM
You need to Chill. He said that he guy that reported him accused him of having WMD, so to be honest alot of what was said was only in response to that comment.

Get a life.

No actually I don't need to chill. I said not to discuss WMD pertaining to war in Iraq. I said nothing about his legal case. This is not a political discussion and doesn't need to turn into one. It's called being a Moderator. Bringing poilitics into the thread will do nothing but cause arguments between Dem. and Rep. party supporters. I am trying to prevent that. :fawk2:

10-20-2004, 03:28 PM
Dude read the entire thread. I was just responding to peoples comments.
respond to the thread topic. This thread is already running the line on politics...

10-20-2004, 04:02 PM
^ Yea.

Thanks to everyone for the input though.

10-20-2004, 04:10 PM
i say we pink him.

anyways best wishes on everything coming up blu

10-20-2004, 04:12 PM
And this is what it cost me.


10-20-2004, 04:18 PM
like i said before if the dude exagerated on his report to the police to make the situation seem worse then it actually was you could perhaps sue the guy for the total amount of your lawyer fee's and perhaps get the money back and then decide what you want to do with it from there.

10-20-2004, 04:20 PM
The world is now safer...haha. But I don’t think you can compare your incident with lets say you being caught with a gun/knife. So I can't imagine you being treated with the same punishment. Hopefully the judge understands this. Good luck..

10-20-2004, 04:36 PM
The whole story sound fishy to me. I don't see cops busting people for light show equipment. I don't buy it at all.

the head
10-20-2004, 05:28 PM
i have had a cop arrest me and impound my car for having no front licence plate ($21.60 bail) i never under estimate the sheer ignorance and disrespect with which most police officers do their jobs

10-20-2004, 05:52 PM
Holy shit, that's the reason? I was fearing much worse! Hopefully if you've got the same lawyer as you had a few years ago, it'll be all good. Best wishes with all this, it'll turn out all right.

On a side note: we had so much fun with that laser! Love that thing. Remember the night up at your house on 9 with Georgia and her friends? hahaha such good times. girls + drinks + a table + a killer sound system and a kickass laser make a fun time for all! hahahaha.

10-20-2004, 06:24 PM
im sorry to hear your situation but those charges where total bs. i hope everything comes out well.

10-20-2004, 08:03 PM
Holy shit, that's the reason? I was fearing much worse! Hopefully if you've got the same lawyer as you had a few years ago, it'll be all good. Best wishes with all this, it'll turn out all right.

On a side note: we had so much fun with that laser! Love that thing. Remember the night up at your house on 9 with Georgia and her friends? hahaha such good times. girls + drinks + a table + a killer sound system and a kickass laser make a fun time for all! hahahaha.

Ahh Scotty. That was a fun night, Memories.

10-20-2004, 08:54 PM
Dood.......you won't go to jail...I was caught at school with a 4 inch locking blade pocket knife and a bb gun and I didn't go to jail...I just got suspended and 20 hours of commy service...

10-20-2004, 10:58 PM
You probibly arnt on probation for 4 felonys either.

10-20-2004, 11:52 PM
pray do tell, driving related felonies or other?

10-20-2004, 11:57 PM
Luke, may the force be with you. A friend of mine got busted with a knife in a holder on his belt in his house, and got charged with it being a concealed weapon. however it was doubled edged...
hope your lawyer is good considering all the stuff your selling.
good luck!

10-21-2004, 12:03 AM
And this is what it cost me.

you could maybe get a loan using the car as collateral?

10-21-2004, 12:40 AM
It'd be worth bluebook on a stock S14...


10-21-2004, 12:44 AM
First off. IRAQ had NO WMD. Is everyone forgetting that. Bush made the entire story up so he could go get himself some oil and his buddies a shit load of our tax payer dollars.

Second. Bush is responsible for making everyone crazy. His administration throws out a new terror alert one a month even though they know that nothing is going to happen. He does it to keep everyone thinking hes actually doing something about terror.

Third. He must be succeeding seeings how everyone here actual has it in their heads that IRAQ had WMD. Remember it's Bin Laden that has the weapons. He's actually suceeded in taking about 80% of the US populations minds off the true focus on Terror because he hasn't been able to do anything about it.

Fourth. I'm sorry, but the laws state that someone on Probation or Parrol cannot file claim against the county or state for arrest. They can arrest you for looking at them with a lazy eye if they wanted. It's just the rights you give up when you are on probation or parrol. Now they can't hold you without giving you a trial for what hey arrested you for.

etc. etc. etc. etc. I can't believe that bush has actually turned this nation into a bunch of cowards and crazy ass nuts. Dude, what has become of this country.

^^ and this guy is a retard.


10-21-2004, 12:46 AM
actually it'd be blackbook loan value. not sure offhand but its usually about 80-90% of retail value (dealer retail)

10-21-2004, 01:53 AM
Loan companys usually wont hold that for colateral. The car is too old. And my evo is still being paid for. I think i will just save and buy a s15 after im done with jail, or just move to japan, and start over.

Buffalo Daughter
10-21-2004, 02:08 AM
everything will hopefully work out for the best in your favor since the cops was totally making up dumbass shit. If it doesnt work out we'll all welcome your return.

Best of luck brotha!

10-21-2004, 09:44 AM
WMD. lets all give bush a hand for that.

My comments where in response too.

10-21-2004, 09:49 AM
Try Saddam. Good effort, though.

blu808- I think the charges filed against you are bull and here's hoping you're found innocent.

And in response too......

Must I keep going. If you guys would actually read back, this was brought up way before I said anything. Luke himself said that the guy who called the cops said it was regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Luke: I was doing some case law last night on a case that is similar to this one. A guy got busted for playing with a Lazer Pen in his garage. He also had a box full of CO2 canisters for his pellet gone. Some dude next door called the cops and said he was using the stuff in his garage to build WMD and he thought the guy was a terrorist.

We actually were able to get him off with the defense that the entire country is so paranoid that our rights are being stripped from us. The Judge bought it. We never went passed the first hearing date.

10-21-2004, 11:11 AM
yea, thats great no one gives a fuck.

all those comments that you responded to about bush and about iraq having wmds were not pertinent to the thread.

10-21-2004, 01:17 PM
actually that comment was pertinent to the thread as he was showing a similar case that he was involved in and how the guy got off. thanks and have a nice day.

10-21-2004, 02:31 PM


there was no need to go into detail about saddam, bush, and wmds.

the part about how is buddy got off is relevant to the thread

however,this is a thread about a guy who got charged and he is explaining what happened.

no need to go into politics.

also the reason why we want to keep it on subject and not veering towards politics is that the mods don't want to have to lock a thread where a guy might be going to jail. it is a very serious situation.

A locked thread signifies that the topic has gone astray from the topic and has become a joke. a person who may go to jail where it may possibly effect his life is serious.

thanks and have a nice day.

10-21-2004, 03:39 PM
i vote we pink the next person to use the word bush or saddam after this post. keep it on hand and that last case was awesome. post the guys name or whatever referenceable information you can that blu might be able to build in defence

10-21-2004, 03:41 PM
Man Luke that blows, I was looking forward to seeing the s14 finished. What a douche that guy is, if he was so scared you had a laser scope why would he come back twice? Was he trying to get shot? Haha whatever man youll get through this np, hopefully without losing too much time and money. Best of luck!

10-21-2004, 05:00 PM
im pretty sure you should just chill and build a good defense. no reason to get so worked up = )

10-21-2004, 05:11 PM
We actually were able to get him off with the defense that the entire country is so paranoid that our rights are being stripped from us. The Judge bought it. We never went passed the first hearing date.

uh, actually the judge was probably informed that he was playing with pellet gun co2 canisters and laser lights and knew at once that he wasn't making anything remotely dangerous. somehow i don't think wordy rhetoric on freedoms and rights is necessary in something so minor.

the only thing blu could get in trouble for is shining the laser at oncoming cars. and that's probably a super minor offence, assuming he even did that. there are always idiot teenagers getting in trouble for this crap and they get off with a slap on the wrist. i'm sure blu808 will be okay.

10-21-2004, 11:29 PM
I'm studying a lil bit about the law. Seems like a complete misunderstanding and a very paranoid stranger. What evidence does he have against u? Is there a witness? do u have an alibi?

10-22-2004, 01:57 PM
Sirikool: I did have my friend Ryan, and my gf Olga there the whole time.

They are writing a statement. They also didnt know that was my house. They thought it was my parents house and that they were out of town or somthing. When i got to the station, they asked me, and i told them it was my house that i was paying off. They didnt really seem to care at that point though.

10-28-2004, 03:15 AM
hey man keep us posted. im praying(thats right, i pray, stfu.) that you come out of this scrait. but if it comes down to it, i want to be one of the first to donate towards the "get yo ass a car" fund. seriously, pm me with some address information when it comes time & ill donate what i can

10-28-2004, 03:29 AM
if your on probation, and they see your record, your goin back in. unless you have a very good lawyer. GL man

10-28-2004, 09:15 AM
i forgot who said it, but if something really happens to ya (i.e. it does look like you are going back to jail), i think a nice rally to support the unfairness of the law would be great, espically if the media gets involved...

seriously though...let us know whats going on... maybe we can do something to help

11-09-2004, 06:08 PM
Just for the record: You can walk to your door to meet an officer with a gun by your side if you wish. The officer can ask you to put it back in the house, because it makes them feel uncomfortable. But, at NO point are you required to relinquish your sidearm unless they have a warrent for your arrest or you're threatining the officer/other party with it. Know your rights, this is not a police state.

Same for the two knives. You are on private property. You could walk around with a claymore sword and they couldn't do anything to you.

First order of business - Contact a lawyer. You will need one for your defense. However, you are able to file suit against the county at this point. I would also file civil suit against the other parties involved.

...then again, this is Kalifornia right? You fuckers are all kinds of backwards ;)

11-09-2004, 06:14 PM
...then again, this is Kalifornia right? You fuckers are all kinds of backwards ;)

you couldnt have said it better. In what other states to the victims get sued by criminals?

11-09-2004, 08:17 PM
The whole thing is bullshit....from the first post on...

11-09-2004, 11:05 PM
So....you...when everything is said and done....violated your parole by shining a laser light in the path of road traffic which is a misdemeanor....and any since any misdemeanor would probably violate your parole....you are facing possible jail time?

I hope you get everything straight tho.....that sucks.
