View Full Version : What is the best way to weld S13 frame rails?

06-02-2017, 12:03 PM
Hey guys so my car is finally running well and is back on the road so that means its time to pull it right off the road and try to weld up my grotesque driver side frame rail.

Before everyone gets bent out of shape and tells me to use the search command and how there are 20,000 threads and write-ups on this hang on, because this question isn't what you think. I know how to weld decently well to accomplish this goal, my question is how to set up the car for this project. I obviously don't want to be uncomfortably lying on a creeper getting molten metal on my face. I'd like to at least be in a reasonably comfortable seated position in order to concentrate the most on getting good welds. I was considering setting up the car something like this: https://www.google.com/search?q=240sx+on+blocks&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS743US743&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJsfGU25_UAhUl7YMKHawoCMgQ_AUICigB&biw=1736&bih=452#imgrc=pzDiNanm8PYdFM:

I wanted to get input from others especially those that have done some welding on the underside of their cars. If I'm really lucky I may be able to rent a bay with a lift at the local bodyshop but that's not very likely and will restrict when I can do my work and will also cost me money.

Thanks for all of the input!:)

*don't worry I will thoroughly de-grease the underside before welding and have fire suppression equipment at the ready.

06-02-2017, 01:24 PM
Lift would be best, but I've done it using just jack stands. Just got to get the car as high as they go.

06-02-2017, 01:42 PM
Easiest way is to use jack stands or blocks etc & a creeper... Which is how I've always done it.

Proper way would be to put the chassis on a rotisserie, flip it upside down & do it standing. Or horizontal etc... Ideally, you'd grind the rail/floor to find all the spot welds to drill out & actually remove & replace the whole rail properly vs capping the rails like most people do.

But don't worry about doing it upside down... These things called welding helmets will prevent you from getting mig slag in the face ;) Now if you were under an aluminum boat with a tig the risk of a runny puddle does come into play ;)

06-03-2017, 09:44 PM
Easiest way is to use jack stands or blocks etc & a creeper... Which is how I've always done it.

Proper way would be to put the chassis on a rotisserie, flip it upside down & do it standing. Or horizontal etc... Ideally, you'd grind the rail/floor to find all the spot welds to drill out & actually remove & replace the whole rail properly vs capping the rails like most people do.

But don't worry about doing it upside down... These things called welding helmets will prevent you from getting mig slag in the face ;) Now if you were under an aluminum boat with a tig the risk of a runny puddle does come into play ;)

I hate to tell you but I'm planning on just capping the rails as most people do. I'm looking for a little more structural soundness and peace of mind but my car isn't a great all around example of an s13 so I'm not trying for the complete restoration. Its a weekend racer and it beat on at the autocross course, not a pristine weekend warrior by any means.

I was planning on doing this all with the motor and trans still in the car. Hopefully that's fine.

Sounds like I'll have to get comfortable welding upside down. Urgh.

06-03-2017, 11:19 PM
I'm the service center manager of a Valvoline and did some welding on my s13 at work, having access to a pit anytime I want is awesome, the owner lets me use the shop after hours whenever. Made the welding job super simple, if you were local I'd invite you over haha sorry man!

Honestly though, I've done plenty of welding on my back under a car on jackstands, laying a few beads for a patch should be easy enough, good luck! :)

06-05-2017, 10:04 AM
I'm the service center manager of a Valvoline and did some welding on my s13 at work, having access to a pit anytime I want is awesome, the owner lets me use the shop after hours whenever. Made the welding job super simple, if you were local I'd invite you over haha sorry man!

Honestly though, I've done plenty of welding on my back under a car on jackstands, laying a few beads for a patch should be easy enough, good luck! :)

Thanks man. I'm going to do my best to get that lift but I'm trying to be prepared if I don't.

06-06-2017, 08:25 AM
just roll it onto its side, couple of jacks couple of mates, no worries.


06-06-2017, 10:06 AM
Haha why didn't I think of that? Even if it is a little unsafe I could just add a second "safety board."