View Full Version : Need help urgently, 240sx s13 ka24e is overheating

05-12-2017, 07:16 PM
My s13 is overheating as of late and I replaced waterpump and thermo and its still going heating. I will post a reddit post here to give a full description

Sorry what I meant to say was I was testing the car and I taking the radiator cap off the radiator and let it sit idle for 20 minutes at about 5 minutes coolant start to bubble out of the radiator at that point I let it bubble over a bit then put the cap back on then I squeeze the upper acouple times then took off the cap at this point coolant stopped bubbling out. Then I let it idle some more coolant started to bubble out again and I replaced the cap and did the same thing then I took off the cap but it spilled over then the coolant stop bubbling out and I waited another 5 to 10 minutes for to do it again but it did not. At this point I replaced the cap and drove her about a mile and a half the temperature begin to spike so I parked and I opened​ the hood there was steam coming off the radiator and the upper hose felt warm and the lower hose felt warm. I had reason replace the water pump because it failed and I'd replace the thermostat because I thought that was the problem. Mind you the belt for the water pump is pretty bad and I need to replace it. Also every time the coolant bubbled over I replaced it and burped some air out of the upper hose.

05-15-2017, 08:36 AM
Should be a bleeder screw near the intake mani, I know there is on twin cams anyway, did you use that when bleeding it? Lift the front end of the vehicle when bleeding/ park on a steep incline, nose up. Also, smell the bubbles that are coming out of the radiator, does it smell like exhaust? If so, probably need a head gasket. A worn belt wouldn't cause your issue unless it's slipping on the pulley and causing the water pump/fan clutch not to turn properly. Good luck!

05-25-2017, 12:23 PM
Yeah sounds like a bleeding problem. Also your brand new thermostat could be defective. Also is your radiator old? It could be clogged with gunk possibly.