View Full Version : Driveshaft 1.5-2" too short!?

04-17-2017, 11:27 AM
Got an s13 240sx, manual with SR20 and non ABS diff. Recently bought an aluminum driveshaft from a guy that claimed was exactly for this setup, s13 ka non ABS.

Of course, the damn thing doesn't fit. It seems 1.5-2" too short. Here it is against my stocker:

Here's how the stocker fits:

Here's how the new one fits:

Here's what I figure the amount of actual engagement is (about 2"):

I measured the new shaft and it's 45.75" long. DSS says their equivalent is 47.25" long or 1.5" longer.

The story is that it came with some v8 to ka 5 speed swap kit from Collins Adapters (http://collinsadapters.com/) (shipping label confirms it comes from there). My question is, what could it be for with that length and the fact that it technically fits?

EDIT: Although I though the difference between ABS and non ABS was ~0.75", DSS claimes their ABS shaft is 46" end-to-end or a 1.25" difference. Could that be it? Even then, I'm still missing at least 0.25" and feel it should be even more.

04-17-2017, 11:42 AM
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH????? Hellloooo its for a 1uz with ka transmission like you said obviously. You answered your own damn question. Lmao! Its because using that engine clearly pushes the stock trans back a bit and that's why the driveshaft is shorter. Do you think a drive shaft would come with a kit if it wasn't needed?

04-17-2017, 11:58 AM
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH????? Hellloooo its for a 1uz with ka transmission like you said obviously. You answered your own damn question. Lmao! Its because using that engine clearly pushes the stock trans back a bit and that's why the driveshaft is shorter. Do you think a drive shaft would come with a kit if it wasn't needed?I looked into it and asked him that before buying, he said that it was just an upgrade. The kit seemingly doesn't come with new tranny mounts so I had no reason to believe it would change it's location.

04-17-2017, 12:13 PM
It comes with a steel drive shaft, aluminum is an upgrade. Here, I took 5 min to do some research for you.. look what Collins himself said back in 2011 .

"I have a completely swapped 1UZ in my S13 and it was probably one of the easiest swaps I've ever done. Swapping an LT1 into my Sonoma was more difficult.

Here is the recipe for 1UZ into S13:

buy the Adapter plate for SR/KA/350Z transmissions off ebay (http://www.ebay.com/) ($3xx)
lengthen throwout bearing (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dautomotive&field-keywords=throwout%2Bbearing) 1/2" or buy it off of SWAP1UZ.com (http://swap1uz.com/) ($100)
buy pilot bearing adapter (http://rover.ebay.com/rover/13/0/19/DealFrame/DealFrame.cmp?bm=367&BEFID=96477&acode=378&code=378&aon=&crawler_id=339395646&dealId=QgCLPd9NwPl2PHZNJs3sLw%3D%3D&searchID=&url=https%3A%2F%2Fautoplicity.com%2F5444219-accel-15975-pilot-bearing-adapter-chevy%3Futm_source%3DShoppingCom%26utm_medium%3DCS E%26utm_campaign%3DShoppingComNOFITMENT&DealName=Accel%2015975%20Pilot%20Bearing%20Adapter-Chevy&MerchantID=507376&HasLink=yes&category=0&AR=-1&NG=1&GR=1&ND=1&PN=1&RR=-1&ST=&MN=msnFeed&FPT=SDCF&NDS=1&NMS=1&NDP=1&MRS=&PD=0&brnId=2455&lnkId=8070676&Issdt=170417051219&IsFtr=0&IsSmart=0&dlprc=41.77&SKU=5444219) off of SWAP1UZ.com (http://swap1uz.com/) ($65)
toyota (http://rover.ebay.com/rover/13/0/19/DealFrame/DealFrame.cmp?bm=367&BEFID=96392&acode=356&code=356&aon=&crawler_id=507376&dealId=oi-olsAEoLVu60etRKc8uA%3D%3D&searchID=&url=https%3A%2F%2Fautoplicity.com%2F3318877-yukon-gear-axle-yukon-yoke-for-04-and-newer-toyota-t100-and-tacoma-without-locker-with-30-spline%3Futm_source%3DShoppingCom%26utm_medium%3DC SE%26utm_campaign%3DShoppingComNOFITMENT&DealName=Yukon%20Gear%20%26%20Axle%20YY%20T34030%2 0Yukon%20Yoke%20For%20%2704%20And%20Newer%20Toyota %20T100%20A&MerchantID=507376&HasLink=yes&category=0&AR=-1&NG=1&GR=1&ND=1&PN=1&RR=-1&ST=&MN=msnFeed&FPT=SDCF&NDS=1&NMS=1&NDP=1&MRS=&PD=0&brnId=2455&lnkId=8070676&Issdt=170416051304&IsFtr=0&IsSmart=0&dlprc=128.44&SKU=3318877) tundra headers off ebay (http://www.ebay.com/) ($150)
some V-bands for the exhaust (http://rover.ebay.com/rover/13/0/19/DealFrame/DealFrame.cmp?bm=367&BEFID=96424&acode=306&code=306&aon=&crawler_id=339395646&dealId=xJ6NmeXNdKKKatZY4LwZ1g%3D%3D&searchID=&url=https%3A%2F%2Fautoplicity.com%2F8731523-straightline-f0098-vent-kit-ac-4pc-exhaust-side-kit%3Futm_source%3DShoppingCom%26utm_medium%3DCSE% 26utm_campaign%3DShoppingComNOFITMENT&DealName=Straightline%20Performance%20Frogzskin%20 4%20Piece%20Exhaust%20Side%20Vent%20Kit%20F0098&MerchantID=507376&HasLink=yes&category=0&AR=-1&NG=1&GR=1&ND=1&PN=1&RR=-1&ST=&MN=msnFeed&FPT=SDCF&NDS=1&NMS=1&NDP=1&MRS=&PD=0&brnId=2455&lnkId=8070676&Issdt=170416051304&IsFtr=0&IsSmart=0&dlprc=101.6&SKU=8731523) ($50)
some manderel J-bends off ebay ($65)
buy a 1UZ off ebay($600)
Motor (http://rover.ebay.com/rover/13/0/19/DealFrame/DealFrame.cmp?bm=367&BEFID=96477&acode=357&code=357&aon=&crawler_id=339395646&dealId=_yUjoFP-M0KoTla-BagaXA%3D%3D&searchID=&url=https%3A%2F%2Fautoplicity.com%2F3575206-standard-motor-products-ps431-engine-oil-pressure-sender-with-gauge%3Futm_source%3DShoppingCom%26utm_medium%3DCS E%26utm_campaign%3DShoppingComNOFITMENT&DealName=Standard%20Motor%20Products%20PS431%20Eng ine%20Oil%20Pressure%20Sender%20With%20Gauge&MerchantID=507376&HasLink=yes&category=0&AR=-1&NG=1&GR=1&ND=1&PN=1&RR=-1&ST=&MN=msnFeed&FPT=SDCF&NDS=1&NMS=1&NDP=1&MRS=&PD=0&brnId=2455&lnkId=8070676&Issdt=170416051304&IsFtr=0&IsSmart=0&dlprc=82.16&SKU=3575206) mounts for this exact swap off ebay ($250)
shorten drive shaft ($150)
Hobart mig welder ($450)
Walbro fuel pump (http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&index=automotive&keywords=walbro%2Bfuel%2Bpump&linkCode=ur2) ($79)

do the wiring yourself ($xxx)
buy misc radiator (http://rover.ebay.com/rover/13/0/19/DealFrame/DealFrame.cmp?bm=367&BEFID=96392&acode=356&code=356&aon=&crawler_id=208580983&dealId=jqst1nf8UI9qb-Ib1rdAJA%3D%3D&searchID=&url=https%3A%2F%2Fautoplicity.com%2F9956329-tyc-620920-dual-radiator-and-condens%3Futm_source%3DShoppingCom%26utm_medium%3D CSE%26utm_campaign%3DShoppingComNOFITMENT&DealName=TYC%20620920%20Dual%20Radiator%20And%20Co ndens&MerchantID=507376&HasLink=yes&category=0&AR=-1&NG=1&GR=1&ND=1&PN=1&RR=-1&ST=&MN=msnFeed&FPT=SDCF&NDS=1&NMS=1&NDP=1&MRS=&PD=0&brnId=2455&lnkId=8070676&Issdt=170416051304&IsFtr=0&IsSmart=0&dlprc=128.24&SKU=9956329) hoses from Discount auto parts ($xx)


any questions talk to me [email protected] "

04-17-2017, 12:17 PM
here is the link http://www.240sxforums.com/forums/hybrid-section/135395-mating-1uzfe-ka-tranny.html

04-17-2017, 12:29 PM
Yeah just found this:

"Yes the drive shaft that I sell is about 2" shorter then the stock shaft and works great with this swap, its all one piece and comes balanced ready to install.."

Here's the kicker, yes they use the stock trans mount. But you are supposed to push it back and only use 2 bolts instead of the 4. I never would have guessed that kit involved that kind of mickey mouse shit, especially when I also read some kept their stock shaft and just pushed the engine forward.

Live and learn, guy was local and I jumped on it too quick...

04-17-2017, 12:37 PM
Yeah just found this:

"Yes the drive shaft that I sell is about 2" shorter then the stock shaft and works great with this swap, its all one piece and comes balanced ready to install.."

Here's the kicker, yes they use the stock trans mount. But you are supposed to push it back and only use 2 bolts instead of the 4. I never would have guessed that kit involved that kind of mickey mouse shit, especially when I also read some kept their stock shaft and just pushed the engine forward.

Live and learn, guy was local and I jumped on it too quick...

It is Brett Collins you are talking about, Luckily he responded to me once when I was trying to buy an adaptor kit and when I asked how do I pay I never got a response. lmao I have seen people talking about some of his adaptors not being square so the pilot bearings get chewed up quick too. See if you can get it lengthened locally

04-17-2017, 12:40 PM
Im sure the people that kept the trans in the same spot took out their sway bars because im sure that's why it needs to be pushed back