View Full Version : Hey, Listen! My '95 S14 build

02-21-2017, 01:48 PM
Part 1: April


April 3rd 2013
I Just graduated high school going in to my second semester of college. I managed to convince my parents into going halfzies with me on a smaller more “economic” car rather than a V8 1998 Dodge Dakota that I was daily driving to school and work.
During the spring break of 2012 I went to my first drift event with my cousin and a bunch of his friends at Gulf Greyhound Park or “GGP” as everyone locally calls it. I immediately fell in love with the sport. Seeing these low, aggressive and loud cars literally throw themselves sideways and slide around the track was the coolest shit I’ve ever seen and I knew I wanted to do the same. So fast forward a year, I had done a bunch of research on what cool drift cars look like, as well as what the best and most affordable chassis suitable for drifting were. I was convinced that 240’s were the coolest looking cars while having enormous aftermarket support and parts availability so I was dead set on a 240sx. At the time I was really trying to find a decent coupe but I wasn’t having any luck finding something local.
Then this 1995 S14 zenki shows up on my local craigslist.
-130,XXX or so miles on the chassis
-KYB GR-2 springs and struts
-Spec D exhaust
-cold air intake
and of course I can’t forget the homie chromies!


Car was just up I-35 an hour away in Austin, TX. talked to the guy selling it and he gave me a few more details and set a date to meet.

Sealed the deal and was on my way back home.
That first cruise back home is still one of my favorite memories. Car didn’t have a radio which was a bummer but I was still too excited to care.


About a month into owning it my friend Kyle helped me do a few basic tune ups, spark plugs, fix wonky idle, fuel filter, and even let me borrow some spare 15’s he had lying around.


I went to my first “Nismo Fiesta” with all my friends which was super cool.


It sucks to know that my car is the only one out of all four 240sx in these pictures that still exist amongst my friends. Two were sold or parted out and the other two were in accidents.

A few weeks later I managed to find some cheap replica sideskirts locally and some cool looking 16” mesh wheels for a good deal.


Me and friends were planning a trip back up to GGP and I was wanting to do something different with my car and idk what came over me but I plastidipped the meshies. Didn’t come out terrible but being young, naïve, and a broke college kid with a part time job this was the best I could do at the moment!



Me and Jerry getting his car ready for GGP since him and a few others were going to be drifting that day.

I wish I could’ve driven in the event as well but I didn’t have any spare tires, this thing still had an open differential, the motor wasn’t in the best shape due to the previous owners and it was still AUTO! (more details about that soon)

So as summer was coming to an end a friend of mine mentioned to me he was planning on stripping his interior to weld in a cage and pretty much go full retard with his car. He had some clean carpet he was selling and I wanted it. Mine was gross and had tears along the rear where the passenger seats were.

Come to find out he also had a super clean uncracked dash. He told me he’d trade for my cracked dash plus some cash on top since he was just going to run a through dash type cage. He didn’t want to ruin a perfectly good uncracked dash.
So of course with my luck, my brake booster managed to take a shit and stopped working prior to me pulling the old dash out. But it worked out since its extremely easy to take the booster off without a dash board in the way.

Installed new carpet, new booster and my crown jewel of an uncracked S14 dashboard ( which to me have always been harder to find than s13 ones)


finally all back together ready to drive again!

Car held up great for a few months before one rainy afternoon as I was driving into work. I guess i didnt realize how shitty my tires were but i started sliding right into a curb.



so instead of replacing it with some used OEM LCA and Toe rods I figured it was time to buy adjustable arms

i went with Megan Racing adjustable arms.
soon as they came in slapped on the new arms and got an alignment.

Since one of my mesh wheels got pretty bent up, i needed to fix it or replace it. But at the time my good friend was selling his Impul R5’s for super cheap. They had some terrible sizing and offsets but thats why they make spacers right?


found out 95 accord front lips kinda fit so I bought one from my local pick n pull for like $15 and zipped it onto the front bumper. While of course I wanted an SE Lip I couldn’t afford a new one and I was never able to find one locally for less than $100 which to me wasn’t worth paying for at the moment.


My s14 was starting to look kinda cool. But I wasn’t totally satisfied.

Started saving over the next couple of months and finally I had enough to buy my first set of coilovers. I went with PBM due to the fact that they are completely rebuildable, came with decent spring rates, were affordable and my friend had been running them on his car for months and he loved them so I figured why not.


also bought some Tein Inners a while back since one of my oem ones had a slight bend in it.

Its now the 21st of November 2013,
Literally the day they showed up at my house I called my buddy Kyle and he helped me install them.



This shit was soo low but I loved it. Idk why I let my friend convince me to see how low they went, but I was so happy to finally have coil overs that it didn’t bother me regardless of how much my exhaust was scraping on the road.

Picked up some RUCAs to help with the natural camber that was added after slamming the car.



got used to driving around with such a low car over the next few days because a week after I was going to drive back up to Houston with some of friends to go check out Wekfest TX.

saw some cool cars, ate some good food, and had a bunch of laughs with my friends.


well the weekend was over and it was time to head back. Then around 11:00pm still about an hour away from home, my water temp starting rising, which was odd at first because the whole way home prior to, the needle was sitting below where it usually would mark. So I just assumed it would slowly climb back down since it was about 35 degrees outside, but I was wrong. A few miles further down the road and I started to see smoke coming from the hood. Killed the motor and started to pull off to the shoulder on the highway. My friends immediately pulled up behind me and started to help me figure out what was going on. Sure enough my water pump pretty much seized up and was useless
Thinking back on it, I don’t remember why we thought we could fix it on the side of the highway in the middle of the night in freezing weather. But I called a tow truck, which took like 3.5 hours to show up -________- but my friends stuck around with me and we waited til about 5 in the morning to get this thing loaded up and on the way back home.


ordered a new water pump and got this thing back on the road.

Drove the car as much as i could, whether it was to local car meets or just cruising with friends.



test fitted my cousins 15's


I could barely even drive down the street without scraping subframe...

quickly realized it was a bad idea and took them off.

Soo earlier I mentioned this car was still automatic, well over for the past few months I was slowly gathering parts to do a five speed swap.
Managed to get a drive shaft, transmission cross member, clutch pedal and lines off of my friend parting out his s14, found a KA Transmission for under $100 and a slightly used clutch and pressure plate for a good price as well.

I had done the research online, found countless threads and I was finally ready to do a 5 speed conversion on this car.

Luckily my cousin was kind enough to help me and let me do the swap in his drive way.
Drove over to his house with literally every part for the swap in the trunk of the 240… yes I had a spare transmission in the trunk…

Got the car up on jack stands and started to get to work.
Started to follow the steps according to the “how to” threads and everything was going smoothly until I got to the pilot bearing. It just wouldn’t come out. So I said whatever and kept it in there.

Wish I would’ve take more pictures this night.
But I was way too busy trying to make sure I was doing everything correctly.

the weekend was quickly ending and I was running out of time.

I managed to only get as far as pulling the old transmission off, cutting the hole for the clutch master cylinder and installing the clutch plate, pressure plate, and flywheel. I would have to come back next weekend to finish.

As the weekend came along I immediately drove over to Jerrys house as soon as I got off work on Friday and tried to get this swap done before the weekend ended.

With the help of my cousin, uncle, a few friends, and a bunch of beer. We managed to get everything back together. Added some new fluids, made sure all the wires were connected and lowered it off the jack stands.

Tried to turn it on but nothing was happening when I turned the key.

Turns out I simply overlooked the starter wires and forgot to bolt it down correctly.

Tried it again and it turned over first try.

I was in shock. I couldn’t believe it was working. I didn’t know what to feel in that moment. I was nervous and happy all at the same time. It was such a cool feeling knowing that I managed to get it running with the couple of tools and basic mechanical knowledge that I had back then.

Well here is a good time to mention I never really drove a standard vehicle before.

I mean… I knew how it all worked and understood the concept of shifting gears but I never had a car to practice on… until now.
So since that was the case I let my cousin drive it around first to make sure everything was in working order. We climbed in and took it around the block.
The transmission was shifting smoothly and the clutch was engaging properly. So now it was my turn. Got in and started her up. It was a little shaky at first but within a few minutes I managed to get the hang of it. Drove it around the streets for about 30 minutes with my cousin and then came back.

This is where it gets shitty.

I was finally ready to leave back home in what felt to me for just a moment, a new car, as I get on the highway im shifting up through the gears and as I was going to put it into fifth gear, I guess I miss the gate and throw it back into third. The motor only revved up to about 6300 rpms but I guess that was enough for catastrophic damage.

The motor blew out a loud bang and I could hear metal shards jumping around the engine bay. I drove it down the road another ¼ mile before eventually a cloud of smoke started emerging from the hood of the car. I pulled over and turned the car off and got out to a trail of oil leading back to where the bang first happened. i just remember looking at the poor KA and thinking “Well, it was fun while it lasted.”
my dad was just up the road in front of me so I called him and had him tow me all the way home.



PART 2: A New Heart

Well, I blew up my fucking motor…

It was time for an SR!

The KA had developed a knock shortly after I bought it but it ran longer than I ever expected it to, that's why I didn't really mind doing a 5-speed conversion on it, i figured it would've lasted a little bit longer, but oh well...

I started to consider an RB25 but after doing some calculations I realized it was much more cost effective to do an SR20. I wanted the car back on the road as soon as possible.
So I started looking around the interwebz for an S14 SR20DET. I got a few leads on ebay and a few others with some local engine importers. Just shy of two months of looking I finally found a shop in town, that imports motors and had an SR that fit all of my requirements.

Met up with the shop owner, he was kind enough to do a compression test for me as well just so I can have that peace of mind.
While they went to lunch I pulled out cash from the bank and brought home April’s new heart.


so due to previous water pump failure with the KA, I didn’t want to have to go through that same process of towing it home so first thing I did while the motor was out was install a new water pump.


Job was simple enough.
so I was too excited to get this car running again I didn’t really bother with changing out any other components on the motor so I just ordered the rest of the parts to complete a swap.

I bought the standard stuff for the swap
-3in turbo elbow
-front mount intercooler and piping
-Wiring specialties harness
-Redline MT-90 trans fluid
-3in down pipe, went with “ISR formerly Isis” since my buddy said it pretty much sits above frame rails which was convincing enough for me

cleaned up the bay a bit, found a bunch of metal chunks from the KA, scraped out a bunch of old grime and gunk that had accumulated over the years.


02-22-2017, 01:51 PM
240 Friends came over to help me work on the car.

I couldn't wait to go cruising around with everyone again.


The day finally came where I could drop the motor in and start bolting everything on

SR swap... you've seen it a thousand times blah blah


finally starting to look like a car again!

So this parts pretty funny actually when I look back on it.

Everything was finally wired up, I had all the piping and vacuum lines installed
But when I go to turn it on, it wouldn’t rev past 3k
The car was basically in limp mode and it wouldn’t run properly.
I tried so many things,
Unplugging the maf, unplugging the ecu, double checked all of my grounds and wires.

Nothing worked.
I even went as far as buying another MAF sensor.

Then one day my friend Eric came over and I asked to see how his MAF was wired up, and sure enough It hit me… I had the maf set up backwards. Basically the air was flowing in reverse through the sensor causing the computer to not meter the air properly. I had a good laugh about it with my friend and proceeded to fix the maf and install it in its proper direction.

the car felt great! I was so excited to finally drive it again.

It took from February to the end of May to get all the parts in and the car running again.
At this point I was soo stoked, I did my first motor swap at the age of 20. I was somewhat on a budget but everything worked and I was grateful.

A month goes by and I pick up some kouki skirts


A buddy of mine was looking to get rid of his bride reps for some s14 seats plus cash so I took advantage of that and came home with some new seats!


Tried to enjoy the car as much as possible, worked out a few small kinks such as blowing off couplers and weird idle issues.

Went to Mineral Wells with my cousin and my friend to hang out and watch some drifting!

Met Yokoi-san which was very rad!

as the end of summer approached I did a few more things to the car like installed some SS Turbo lines.


The engine Importer had originally told me it came with an s15 turbo so when i ordered the lines, I requested it come with an S15 oil restrictor, I soon came to find out it was just a stock s14 T28 so i had to order the correct size oil restrictor.

It was finally time to get some new wheels. My birthday was coming up and wanted to get myself something cool for the car. I was still wanting some 15’s or 16’s but after scouring all over the internet, I managed to find some Carving Head 40’s in awesome sizes and since they’re 9 hole, they would fit my car now and in the future whenever I would decide to do a 5 lug swap.


17x9JJ-5 fronts and 17x9JJ-15 rears

got some 205/40 tires from my local discount tire then took them to the local shop to have them mounted.



fronts fit great but would still rub a bit but the rears in order to fit the wheels I had to pull the rear qp a shit load. But before I could get my hands on a fender roller I settled with raising the rear a tad to keep rubbing to a minimum.


So fast forward a few months, drove the car up to Austin to hang out with my friend on Halloween. I managed to get my hands on a roller and I went to work on pulling the front fenders and rear QP to fit the carving heads the way I wanted.

Around Christmas time the Power steering rack decided to blow up on me. So I parked the car and drove my parents old truck they had while I found a new steering rack.

The time came that I realized, 240s aren’t that reliable.
Well I realized that a long time ago, but it was time to get a real daily.

I knew I wanted a 4 door rear, standard transmission, rear wheel drive car under 10K. since I work at a financial institution I didn’t really worry too much about financing since they always are willing to help and get me a good rate.
I was stuck between a G35 and a lexus IS300
But the 07-08 model G35’s were still a bit too pricey and I had found a unicorn of an IS300 I couldn’t pass up.
Drove up to Houston with my dad the third week of January 2015 and bought my first grown up car.


-2003 Lexus IS300
-all black leather interior
-5 speed manual trans
-102,XXXmiles on the odo
-under 10k

I was super happy with my new car I didn’t even bother trying to fix the 240 for months

(240 still broken but lookin good^^^)

My Cousin got his IS300 a couple of days before me, which was cool.

Replaced the steering rack and installed new moog outer tie rods and got the car on the road again!

So I was finally trying to get a new kit, I was tired of the oem front bumper with the shitty accord lip.

Navan aero was always amongst my favorite styles and I found one online for a decent price.
Sure I could’ve gone brand new and bought a rep bumper but I love having the authenticity and quality of real oem Nissan aero.
For the longest time I opted for quick alternatives because I couldn't afford all of the most expensive name brand parts.
but I do believe I spend my money on the parts that matter.

I quickly learned how true and accurate oem aero pieces fit as opposed to replica parts.



Threw it on the same day it arrived.

Didnt have the kouki skirts on so i quickly put on my other set of sides too.

while I was buying aero, I had been meaning to get rid of the accord rear valance thing and get legit navan spats.

I came across a pair for a decent price and had them shipped out to me.

Ended up borrowing some Aero Marker mirrors my cousin had sitting in his garage and decided to throw my kouki skirts back on for a change.

met up with Taeisbeast! can't wait to see his car back on the road!

I was tired of having this giant fart can slapping around all over the road and constantly breaking the welds on the exhaust hangers so I opted for a quick fix and cut the can off and got a sharp looking fence pipe welded on the end instead.
Sounded pretty rad too!

went to a local car show/meet benefiting some cause for kids I think… did some limbo thing. Turned out the only car lower than mine was a miata literally slammed to the ground…

02-22-2017, 02:03 PM
pleasantly surprised by this.

02-22-2017, 02:25 PM
Sooo while I was changing out my exhaust I came to see there was a crack that had developed on my rear subframe. So instead of just having it welded, I decided to completely replace it and do rear energy suspension polyurethane bushings while the subframe was out.

This was a much more troubling task than I ever thought it would be.



I soon came to find out that s13 and s14 rear subframes have different steps to follow and they also vary depending on what type of bushings you’re installing. I began to follow instructions online according to someone installing solid bushings on an S14, I looked for more threads but that was the most detailed one I could find.

I ended up cutting out one of the outer rings on the rear side of the subframe that I shouldn’t have.
Didn’t even realize what I had done and proceeded to install the subframe bushings as well as the arms and differential.
A couple of friends came over and we began to install the subframe back on to the car only to find out that once the 4 bolts were torqued down and I dropped the jack off the differential the entire subframe started to droop. I was seriously annoyed with the whole thing I didn’t even want to look at the saggy subframe anymore so I put it back on the ground and called it a night.

It took me about two weeks to find another rear s14 subframe in good condition locally. The worst part about it all was that I paid $40 for the first subframe and $100 for the second one. -___-

So the second time around, I cut out the the old bushing correctly and was able to do it a lot faster with the help of my friends pneumatic tools. Seriously so much easier to do with air hammers than with a sawzall, a flat head and a rubber mallet.

In the middle of all this subframe commotion I went to dallas with some friends to hang out and watch them drive their cars at mineral wells.
My friend dug up some cool GT style mirrors in his garage that he gave me for free, since he didn’t own an s14 anymore!


Got the Subframe installed and threw on my new mirrors.
what an amazing feeling it was to be driving the car again after 2+ months


Finally had some time to install the Circuit Sports Zenki headlight clear covers.

what an amazing and simple modification.


I had sold the kouki skirts a while ago and had been wanting to find some navan sides so I could go full navan.

Looked all over to try and find some oem skirts here in the states for a reasonable price. But I found some on YAJ for a solid price that I couldn’t pass up.
I hit up everyone’s favorite parts importer Mr. Streeter and he helped me get squared away!

Navan Sides skirts showed up


Also bought a Bride Type LF seat rail. (Best seat rail in my opinion)


This was one of my favorite stages of the car, so much time and money and hard work and it finally looked like a proper street car.

me and some friends had been planning a trip to Houston in december to go check out HIN... which quickly switched to Japanese Nostalgic Car Meet, (which was a better idea to begin with)

drove all through the night with these idiots


MANDATORY Buc-ees stop.




Got some Pho once we were back in San Antonio.

it was an excellent trip to end the year on a good note.

02-22-2017, 03:31 PM
PART 3: Get In The Fucking Robot

2015 had just ended and I had a lot of plans for myself and the 240 in 2016

I transferred schools from my community college to Texas A&M San Antonio to finally finish my degree.

So just like I had mentioned in the beginning my intentions with this car were to get it on a track and learn to drift.

while i was installing the new subframe with new bushings, I also had an s13 welded differential laying around so I simply swapped over my back plate and installed it on my car with fresh new fluids.

Over the Christmas break I found some Ganadors on Ebay cheaper than I've ever seen so of course i bought them.


also i finally wanted to get my steering wheel situation updated so I found a really clean Nardi Classic 330 on yahoo auctions.

it even has an FET stamp which is worth mentioning as well i think.

So on my way to work one morning in January, i guess my tire pressure dropped over night and since I had to go in to work at 6 i didnt really have any time to check or stop and get air.

i felt the car drive differently and i did notice it was scraping in unusual areas of the road on my regular commute to work.

i prayed the car would make it to work at least and i could add air afterwards because i couldnt be late. but luck was not on my side that morning.

tired debeaded and pretty much everything went to shit.






luckily the wheel was still salvageable
If anyone needs any kind of wheel repair in the San Antonio area hit up Wheel Love,
Jud will take care of you.

had the wheel machined and took less than a week to get it back to me.

mean while, my friend who was at the time living in Okinawa went up to UP Garage for me and ordered me a pair of AVS Model 6 wheels i found so i could use them as spares.


the car got its first alignment in approximately 2 years.

I had a legit D-Max trunk spoiler chillin in my room for over a year, my intentions were to paint the car and install the trunk spoiler but I was tired of it sitting so i just sprayed it black and threw it on with double sided tape.

The day had come, the car was finally ready for a drift event, or at least i thought.


scrambled around for almost an hour trying to figure something out for a battery tie down so i could pass tech.
finally got that sorted out and did my first couple of runs.

Still one of my most favorite pictures.

overall it was a successful day and i learned a lot in just those few hours of driving i got in.

on the bad side, i mangled my wiring harness quite a bit. and my 75A fuse blew up.

i fixed up the harness and tucked it up even higher than i previously had it.


Not fun^^^


My buddy Tyler Greene rode along with me a couple laps and gave me some pointers

After my first two drift events I knew I caught the drift bug so of course I wanted to drive better and have the car perform properly

I wanted to get some properly sized spares and take out as much rear camber as possible.

My cousin was wanting to sell his full set of chrome R33’s and I always wanted to have a set so I worked out a deal with him and decided to go 5 lug!


My friends Tyler and Pooter came over and helped me do the hub swap for the rear.


Got some tires mounted on the R33's and took out almost 5 degrees of camber in the rear.

drove to Nismo Fiesta and took some pictures next to this weird car.
US As Fuck!!


I've always loved the style behind simple one word car/team names and front windshield logos.

some examples:





You get the idea...

So i came up with this.

02-22-2017, 04:47 PM
Cool build. Enjoyed the read. Have any spare Listen! decals?

The entire time I was hoping you would swap out those front wheels, lol.

Put the 6's up front, and the R33's in the rear, or vice versa. :)

Primo's Silvia
02-22-2017, 05:49 PM
Nice build! Motivating my build tax season is here!

02-23-2017, 09:30 PM
Dude! Youre the owner of this car!? I love the style of the wheels with the zenki. Cholo as fk

02-23-2017, 11:45 PM
Cool build. Enjoyed the read. Have any spare Listen! decals?

The entire time I was hoping you would swap out those front wheels, lol.

Put the 6's up front, and the R33's in the rear, or vice versa. :)

Thank you, and no its more of like a 1 of 1 thing for just my car,
but i do have a box logo design i need to make more of to give out.

Nice build! Motivating my build tax season is here!
Thanks dude

Dude! Youre the owner of this car!? I love the style of the wheels with the zenki. Cholo as fk

Yessir, and thanks man!

02-24-2017, 12:40 AM
Passenger side rear brake caliper decided to take a shit while I was driving home.


this thing was a huge pain in the ass, slider pins were seized and managed to take a mini torch my friend Tyler had and heated it up until the pins broke loose.

Drove my first event since going 5 lug and taking out 5 degrees of camber in the rear.

my friend Eric had this test pipe that he wasn’t using yet so I bought it off of him and made him order a new one lol



Gaskets were soo fucked.

I love YAJ


Thanks again Streeter!

I had been needing some gauges for the longest time but I never had the money or couldn’t find cool ones and I didn’t really want to go the auto meter route either. But then IcedSole himself said he was trying to sell his Defis and the price was worth it, so I picked these up, as well as this cool door gauge pod holder.


Me and my friends did a lot of bike riding that summer,


Had a lot of summer hangs, summer cruises are always the best!


But friendly reminder,

with every good day, there also comes some super shitty ones...

damage wasn't as bad as it looked.

it pushed the rad support in a tad, but i was able to tie a ratchet strap to the back of my friends tahoe and I pulled it back into place.


took the broken housing, and my old cornbread lens and taped them together in the mean time while I was on the look for new headlights!


Used vertex 10 star came up for sale for cheap.
I love my Nardi, but ive always been a fan of the deep concave steering wheels, because of how far back they reach, especially when drifting.

I got some money from my insurance co, from the accident and since i fixed it myself I decided to spend some of it on new parts for the car!

I had been contemplating on which exhaust manifold to go with for months now but of all the options I had I decided to go with the Tomei Expreme.

Parts were starting to pile up!

Dazed was parting out his car, it sucked cuz I had been a huge fan of his style for years but when he said he was convinced on parting it out, I knew I had to have a part off that car.
I always wanted that MoreCollage spoiler since first seeing pictures of it online.
I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to buy it.
Brad is a real cool dude; can’t wait to see what he’s going to build next!
Sanded it down and painted it black in the mean time.

Dropped in the new manifold
I bought some megan motor mounts off of my friend Eric, about a year ago but i never had the chance or time to install them until now.

Also put in a P2M upper rad hose with the port for water temp sensors.

my buddy tyler came over and helped me wire up the Defi water temp gauge and change out the old transmission fluid for some fresh redline mt 90

So in the mean time there was a dude selling some Try-Force Zeldas in the coolest sizes ive ever seen. Ive always loved these wheels and i finally had the chance to get my hands on a set.

somehow only 3 show up at first, while the 4th ended up getting lost through a distribution center -____-
a week goes by and it never shows up, so i file a claim with UPS and it takes them another 2 weeks to locate the wheel and get it to my house.

02-24-2017, 11:36 AM
Nice Zenki man, wish I could find one that is as clean as yours.

02-24-2017, 02:52 PM
At least you got that 4th wheel! I don't usually like cars like yours, but I REALLY like yours. Subscribed.

02-24-2017, 03:16 PM
i like your wheel selection.

02-24-2017, 03:28 PM
This thread started off ruff but now is great! :kiss:

02-26-2017, 11:42 PM
Nice Zenki man, wish I could find one that is as clean as yours.

thanks man, they're getting harder to find now a days.

At least you got that 4th wheel! I don't usually like cars like yours, but I REALLY like yours. Subscribed.

i like your wheel selection.

This thread started off ruff but now is great! :kiss:
It was definitely a relief once it showed up.
and thanks dudes!

02-27-2017, 12:47 AM
all four wheels finally showed up, did a quick test fit while i figured out my tire situation.


I hate the fact that finding 225/40/17 tires is literally impossible, so i opted for some 235/40/17 after realizing that 215/40/17 are just too small for a 17x10

Ended up taking a weekend trip down to Marfa, TX and Big Bend with my gf and some friends!

came back and drove a local drift day

got the MoreCollage wing mounted on finally,


02-27-2017, 01:38 AM
Keep going

02-27-2017, 05:44 AM
If you ever decide to let go of the morecollage, hmu first! haha

02-27-2017, 10:46 AM
If there is one thing to take away from this it is:

The time came that I realized, 240s aren’t that reliable.
Well I realized that a long time ago, but it was time to get a real daily.


Liking the progress....

02-28-2017, 08:44 PM
drove a couple more events,
car ran great every time without skipping a beat.

sure i had a bunch of little issues to sort out in between events but that's all apart of driving.
drifted a night event which was soo much fun.




drove the car as much as I could in between fixing things like boost leaks and what not.

Drove up to Fort Worth with my girlfriend to check out the modern art museum to see KAWS exhibit, "Where the End Starts".

These sculptures are unbelievable, it was so cool to actually be able to see them in person.

couple days later while browsing YAJ i found my holy grail of steering wheels for sale.


And also came across something I never thought I'd see on YAJ.
but ill talk about that more later...

I put up the R33's for sale since I had the Zeldas and the Carving Heads.
I also wanted to pull the rear quarter panels a bit more to be able to fit the carving heads in the rear with minimal camber. So i borrowed my friends fender roller and my heat gun and started working the QPs.

ended up pulling them where i wanted to without buckling up the rear QP and to be able to fit the carving heads.


I was pretty happy with how it came out now.

In the process of pulling the fenders I installed a gktech rack spacer.


didnt make a night and day difference but it was definitely enough to be able to notice some better angle.


went drifting in the last event of the year for 2016.

had a bunch of fun even though it was freezing cold.



02-28-2017, 09:53 PM

My new steering wheel showed up.

I was sad to let go of my Vertex but I couldnt wait to put on my new Key!s wheel.



While browsing YAJ i came across a full set of Stich Gulf I couldnt pass up on.


So during the december event i ended up running into a barrier and messed up the front bumper a bit

I was planning to fix it and paint the entire car but I decided to go a different route...


A bit of inspiration, these have always been among some of my favorite cars...

I seriously couldn't believe I found this kit for sale,


I hit up ATK-Garage (ATK Jordan) who was able to help me get the kit on a container and shipped over to me.
Seriously super legit services! I cant thank him enough for helping me get the kit overseas.

The SR20 has had an awesome year of drifting as well as 3 years of driving all across Texas.
Its been a long time coming but it was time to pull the motor and freshen everything back up.

03-01-2017, 01:36 AM
love the style of this car in every stage

cant wait to see the 326 kit on

03-01-2017, 02:22 PM
I love every bit of this

It's like memory lane

03-01-2017, 09:49 PM
literally love every single piece of this build so far. please for gods sake dont stop

03-01-2017, 09:59 PM
new aero kit is a nice selection.

03-03-2017, 12:01 AM
love the style of this car in every stage

cant wait to see the 326 kit on

literally love every single piece of this build so far. please for gods sake dont stop

new aero kit is a nice selection.

Thanks for the kind words!

I love every bit of this

It's like memory lane

dude I know, I cant wait to cruise again soon buddy!

03-03-2017, 01:29 AM
Part 4: April's Reprisal

It was time to give the SR a refresh. Its been an amazing motor to me for the past 3 years but the front and rear main seals were starting to go, the front cover was leaking, the upper oil pan had 2 partially stripped bolts that were slightly leaking.

The motor was just leaving oil on the ground every time i moved it.

So with the motor coming out and getting new seals and gaskets I decided It would also be nice to be able to turn up the boost and make more power.

I wanted to make more power but I didn't really want to break the whole motor down and spend the money on an entire engine rebuild.

My friend Dustin offered helping me pull the motor and keeping the car in his garage while the motor was getting refreshed.

I had previously drained the oil so it wouldn't leak all over my drive way, so when the day came to start pulling the motor, I added oil back in the motor and drove the car over to my friend Dustin's house.



Got the motor pulled out and off to R&N Garage here in San Antonio where my motor was going to get rebuilt by my buddy Justin.


03-08-2017, 12:15 AM

started to clean the motor off.

It was good to see 20 years of grime and dirt being knocked off.


Cool parts started to show up.

I decided I wanted to get this car back on the road with a bit more power without going overboard, dumping money into it.

Here's a parts list for the new setup.
-A'PEXi Metal Head Gasket
-Tomei 256 PonCam
-ARP Head Studs
-S15 Spec R Dual BB turbo


Also finally had the chance to put on the oil filter relocation kit i've had laying around for months.

Motor got completely torn down and resealed.


the motor cleaned up pretty well.


The head came back from the machine shop.
Definitely surprised how fast the turn around time from the machine shop was. literally it took less than 2 days.

motor started to get put back together

Also picked up an OEM S14 SR20DET gasket set from Nissan.




glad i got the cams replaced

cleaned off the intake ports

Got the cams installed,

03-08-2017, 02:13 PM
Good stuff, definitely subscribing. Please tell me you are buying some Schwerts to go with the 326 kit.

03-09-2017, 12:50 AM
Good stuff, definitely subscribing. Please tell me you are buying some Schwerts to go with the 326 kit.

As much as I like Schwerts, I definitely think that belongs more on a a DLUX kit.

03-09-2017, 01:39 AM
The exhaust ports were cleaned off as well,


Motor was finally assembled,
started to get all of the accessories on minus A/C, It was always just taking up space in there, never really cared to hook it up. So it was time to ditch it.

Got the intake manifold on, finally the motor was pieced back together in about 2 weeks time.


So as soon as i tightened down the exhaust manifold, I noticed something that resembled a crack along the last runner.
further examined it and it was definitely a crack that had developed. probably from the exhaust hangers constantly breaking on me.


Before letting it get worse i took the manifold back off and drove over to my friends house so he could weld it up for me.

03-11-2017, 12:14 AM
so after i got the manifold welded, and put it back on the motor it was finally ready to go home.

loaded it back into my friend Dustin's truck and unloaded it in his garage where my car currently was.


So while the motor was getting reassembled, I wanted to take the time to clean up my engine bay up a little bit.

I took a bottle of degreaser and started scrubbing. then took a pressure washer and cleaned off 20 years of old dirt, oil, and grime that had been collecting in the engine bay.

Took out all the emissions crap that was hanging out in the bay doing nothing,
as well as the old A/C condenser a couple of other useless brackets.

I also was finally able to relocate my battery to the trunk and have it mounted properly compared to a shitty ratchet strap that I had there previously.

also painted over where the battery had leaked a bit of battery acid as well as under the brake master cylinder where some brake fluid had leaked from a long time ago.

I also picked up a tomei bell mouth style exhaust elbow off my friend for $80 off my friend.


the weekend was finally here meaning, the time had come to drop the motor back in.

I was so excited to be able to get this thing back on the road.
even though i drove at a drift event in December it still felt like i haven't really drove the car in months.

bunch of friends came over, picked up a bunch of cheap beer and had a badass motor drop in party/garage hang sesh.

didnt really get the chance to take more pictures that night, since I was pretty busy trying to bolt everything back on but I managed to get the motor in pretty quickly that night.

came back sunday morning and worked on the car some more with my friend Dustin, we knocked out a bunch of stuff like mounting the battery and mounting all of the intercooler piping.


the time came to try and start the motor.

sure enough it started first try, but was not holding any oil pressure.

quickly started looking around for leaks and found that the turbo oil feed line wasn't fully threaded into the block.
Not only that but the AN fittings that I was running were leaking pretty terribly.
tried to fix them but there was no hope saving them since it looked like they've been re-used plenty of times. Decided I was just going to go to a local hot rod shop and buy some new fittings.


found the fittings i needed first thing monday morning and went back to my friend dustins house after work.

after redoing the lines it was finally running again.

It was time to start breaking in my new Spec Stage 2+ clutch.

I was extremely happy I finally got the chance to drive the car home again.

03-15-2017, 05:27 AM
This has been an awesome read man! Keep at it!
I like the style

Also, drive out to Albuquerque for No Coast ;) Party with us its a 2 day drift event

PPS: add Navi (Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time) to your "Listen!" logo somewhere! 10/10 would buy

03-16-2017, 01:41 AM
finally the car was running again but it still had a bunch of kinks to work out.

-car was cutting out under boost
-blowoff valve wasnt going off
-vacuum lines needed to get redone since it wasnt going into boost properly
-exhaust was still hanging too low and scraping everywhere

so on my next day off I got new spark plugs, new vacuum hose to completely redo the lines and tucked the exhaust up properly

drove out and got some tacos with my friends!


it was awesome to finally drive the car again and take it places with my friends!

More updates coming soon!

03-16-2017, 04:26 PM
This has been an awesome read man! Keep at it!
I like the style

Also, drive out to Albuquerque for No Coast ;) Party with us its a 2 day drift event

PPS: add Navi (Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time) to your "Listen!" logo somewhere! 10/10 would buy

Thanks man!

And hmm tempting!
Maybe if I get a couple friends to go with me!

PPS: surprisingly enough the inspiration behind "Listen!" Didn't necessarily come from the game but actually a song that sampled the audio... but I know what you mean by adding a "Navi" to it Lolol

03-22-2017, 12:01 AM
so over the next couple of days i drove the car around as much as i could.
I was heading to a local bar with some friends, while on the way my exhaust
hanger broke again and ended up turning around and dragging the car all the way back home.
In reality it wasnt that far but it sucked driving through my neighborhood
at 11 at night with my exhaust scraping every inch of road i went over.

decided it was time to dump that piece of garbage exhaust since the welds were completely destroyed...

(pics coming soon)

and picked up my friends 5Zigen fireball exhaust that he was selling for very cheap.
i planned to weld new exhaust tips to it while another friend of mine had already agreed to buy the fart can tip for his car.

while i was getting the car up and running i came across the holy grail (at least for me) of carving head 40 center caps on YAJ.

I just had to have them so I messaged streeter and he helped me place a bid on them.

couple weeks later and they finally show up.



Immediately had to put them on the car to see how the car looked with matching center caps all around finally!



i was soo stoked on these!
now i have 6 of these Mariachi Caps or as i like to call them Mexican Throwing Stars:naughty:

a couple of days after my new center caps showed up to my house, my kit finally showed up to my friends shop where i had my motor resealed.
I was soo excited to finally see the kit in person and take it home to fit on the car!

my friend Eric was kind enough to help me with his truck and take the enormous box to my house from the shop.

since it was already kinda late that night i had to wait until the next day to test fit everything and make sure it was all in one piece!

woke up the next day and immediately started getting to work on the car.

put it up on jack stands and unbolted my old exhaust, Navan front bumper and OEM rear bumper, which has never been removed before but after following the FSM i found all of the bolts that needed to be removed, i mean its pretty self explanatory but just wanted to make sure i knew where i should be looking.

My buddy Tyler came over as well to help me run the turn signal blinkers into the corner lights since the new 326 front bumper doesnt have sections for turn signals.

first test fit with the front and sides



and finally the rear!

i was beyond excited to have the kit on finally after months of waiting!

friends wanted to hang out later that night and get some coffee and hangz so it was time to take the car out on her maiden voyage with the kit!

my friend Ricky, who is an amazing photographer has been wanting to do a mini photoshoot of my car but i kept having to make him wait since it has not been running for 3 months!

so that night was the perfect opportunity to do a little WIP photoshoot.



Of course I had to take a couple pics myself lol

03-22-2017, 12:10 AM
Forward momentum.

I dig it man, I want to give you a hard time but i know its a WIP haha

Ill see if I can find some decent zenki lights around somewhere. Such a baller build though.

Kit goes extremely well with those Daytons ;)

03-22-2017, 11:18 AM
I literally double tapped a picture to try and like it. Haha I love your car man

03-22-2017, 08:18 PM
I love this car so much. Willing to say how you made the windshield banner?

03-23-2017, 01:07 PM
Forward momentum.

I dig it man, I want to give you a hard time but i know its a WIP haha

Ill see if I can find some decent zenki lights around somewhere. Such a baller build though.

Kit goes extremely well with those Daytons ;)

haha thanks man, I know shes looking rough right now but soon enough ill clean up the ugly spots
im just trying to enjoy the car again,
im finally past the clutch break in period so i can drive this thing hard again!

I literally double tapped a picture to try and like it. Haha I love your car man

always remember, Rule #2 Double Tap.

you can always double tap my IG pictures ;)

I love this car so much. Willing to say how you made the windshield banner?

It was a combination of hand drawing, scanning into Adobe Illustrator and then finally sending the design to Lazy Rocket Vinyl to get printed.
and thanks for the kind words!

more updates coming soon!
thanks for looking!

03-24-2017, 02:01 PM
Most of me was joking buddy. Don't worry :) it's sweet. I'm stoked on your build.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

03-25-2017, 07:54 PM

Saw this on the S-Chassis FB page today

Thought of you so here's some motivation. Get that ball rolling!

Also. Paint your car MP3 or LX0 (or LP0 whichever) from R32-34 chassis. Midnight purple!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

03-27-2017, 12:20 AM
center caps were a major score

04-04-2017, 12:46 AM
My friend got some new BC coilovers for his 370z, he needed somewhere to install them and since he recently got out of surgery he couldn't really do the work him self
so we worked out a deal and I installed them at my house.
a bunch of friends came over and we had a chill sunday funday.


Drove up to pluckers in San Marcos with some friends to get some wings!!!


Mandatory Bucee's stop.


Drove the car around as much as i could to get the new spec stage 2+ clutch broken in.

Went over to my friends house and finally installed the MoreCOLLAGE wing back on the car!


tried going to a local meet with some friends but apparently the thing was over before we even got there!
so we just hung out and had our own car meet.



04-04-2017, 01:48 AM
Ive been wanting to paint my valve cover for quite some time now and since the motor was freshly resealed and the rest of the engine bay got a new tune up it was time to paint the cover!

opted for a nice dark red for the base

I've always been a fan of lace so i thought I'd try out a simple lace pattern on top of the base layer.


getting the lace to sit tight over the valve cover was such a frustrating task.
i contemplated about 5 times just giving up and leaving it red or doing a two tone red and black... but i had already bought the lace and I didnt want it to go to waste!

I knew it wasn't going to come out amazing since i only spent $25 on materials and did it over the course of a few hours but it didnt come out too bad!



finally back on!

finally got my new exhaust tip in the mail


i was excited to get this thing welded up and put on the car!

Got the car up on the lift


got it all measured up before we started tacking welds

Super happy with how it all came out !

Had my first bad experience with fiberglass...


But i got it fixed the next day with the some help.

got the inside reinforced and painted black again!

back on and good as new!

04-04-2017, 02:11 AM
Damn g, lookin claner and cleaner

05-25-2017, 12:19 AM
been a while since ive had any updates...

ive been extremely busy with school, work, car, social life, but I have finally found some time to get this thing updated...

finally bought some 15mm spacers so the zeldas would fit the way i want.


Finally re-arranged my gauge set up,
still needed to weld a bung for the afr but it makes a good place holder for now.



Got the car ready and went out to the first drift event since December, car ran amazing with the new cams and turbo. still needing a tune though. had a lot of fun driving and hanging with friends!

more updates coming soon!

05-25-2017, 01:22 AM
looking good cant wait

05-26-2017, 12:44 AM
At this point the car was almost ready for my first Lone Star drift event at Mineral Wells,

its always been a personal goal of mine to drive out there with friends and drive such a high speed and aggressive track.

I spent all month prepping for the event.

finally got around to hardwiring the fuel pump,
which was pretty simple with the help of my friend Tyler

Bought a new Defi Water temp sensor sender unit since the one that came with my gauges was so old and heat cycled that it decided to rip out at the base of the wires.

Ordered a new Tomei Fuel Pressure regulator with a circuit sports fuel pressure gauge.

Mounted it to the fire wall where it was easily accessible and visible.

installing the fuel rail adapter was a night mare and half.

had to disassemble my intake manifold and take off my fuel rail just to get to the two bolts that hold the stock fpr.
ended up stripping those bolt and had to take a tiny handsaw and create a new crevice where i could fit a flat head screwdriver and take it off.
I was beyond frustrated with this thing, and i literally had 2 days to get everything else i had to do before driving four hours north to Mineral wells

once i put the fuel rail and put the upper intake plenum back on it was time to run the fuel lines.
I thought it was weird that the fittings came with teflon tape since its obvious that Gasoline would eat through that immediately so i made the dumb mistake of removing it and installing them without it.

as soon as i went to turn the car on it didnt stop spewing out fuel, no matter how much i tightened the fittings.

took it off completely and decided maybe the teflon was there for a reason.....

sure enough it stopped leaking as soon as i put the tape back on.

anyways... long story short, installing the FPR took much longer than it should have.

New front tires showed up!!

these things were soo fucking sticky




took care of a couple other small things so all that was left to do was get the car aligned and loaded up friday morning before taking off for Mineral Wells

friday finally came around, got the car aligned,
had lunch with some friends and made sure i had all the last minute things taken care of.

Drove 4 hours with 4 other friends who were also drifting that weekend.

i was the only one street driving the whole way up there.

made it to the hotel in one piece and partied in the parking lot for a while with everyone before we got some rest for saturday.


I couldnt believe i was finally here.
it had been about 2 years since the last time i attended an event here and that was just to spectate and pit crew with some other friends

I was excited and nervous but i was in for a really harsh awakening later that day....

I hit the shit out of the plastic barrier they had set up coming into the sweeper...

I guess i truly understand now the importance of "Never Lift"

I came in with a really shitty narrow line and kicked the car out but it wasnt aggressive enough and took my foot off the gas and the car caught grip and as I was still understeering i was pretty much slingshotted straight towards the barrier and i panicked.

I locked the front brakes and at that point i new shit was going to get FUCKED UP...


came out with just a few tiny cuts from the glass and a bruised knuckled from punching my steering wheel. ( i was pretty pissed )

got the car off the track and back in the pits.

Thanks again everyone who rushed out and made sure i was okay and helped me push the car back...

shout out to jyw0rld for picking up every little bit of fiberglass from my front bumper!

Sooo, the car was Fucked.... real bad.

but immediately my friends started helping me make sure it would still run.

Pulled out the front core support with a ratchet strap and popped a coupler back on and it started right up with out any leaks... which was pretty amazing.


I ended up being told by Losey, that if i take the windshield off i could continue driving.

so sure enough i spent the next 3.5 hours stripping away at the broken glass.


oddly i had probably the best time ever drifting the car like this...
I guess since i kinda stopped giving a shit about it breaking.

I learned A LOT that weekend.
about driving and good friends and great times.

My buddy whos car was still drivable decided he would street his car back home and i could trailer mine, since that was kinda the only option at this moment.

After finally getting the car home it was time to rebuild.

05-26-2017, 10:14 AM
Hoooooly shit.

That must have been a hard hit.

05-26-2017, 11:25 AM
engine build looks good.

car design meh. Hitting that wall did it a favor.

Almighty So
05-26-2017, 11:34 AM
Glad you and the wing are okay lol

06-05-2017, 09:11 PM
Hoooooly shit.

That must have been a hard hit.

yeah, luckily it was like 98% cosmetic.

Glad you and the wing are okay lol

thanks man! im glad nothing happened to the wing too, i wouldve been devastated.

06-05-2017, 10:03 PM
got the car home,

and started pulling the front end back into place.

needed some kind of anchor to pull up from, sooo i used a tree branch and used the ratchet strap to pull up on the front core support.


after that was done i had scheduled an appointment for a new front windshield.
$150 later and i was squared away.


spent the next couple of days looking for a new front end.

I managed to pick up a single passenger side fender for $20 in san marcos which is about 30 minutes north of me,
but still needed the other side as well as head lights.

I had found a guy selling some fenders in houston for a good price, but that meant that i would have to drive 3 hours there and 3 hours back just for fenders. then the night before i was set to leave with a buddy of mine to go get fenders, the unimaginable happened.
I stumbled across a for sale ad on Facebook, and worked out a deal with a guy selling a complete front end.

so I went to go pick up a mint pair of fenders, head lights and a Seibon carbon fiber hood all for $300.
i was beyond excited. Especially because I didnt have to drive to Houston.


Also managed to pick up a Nismo Power Brace off the guy as well, ive been trying to buy one of these for forever and finally came across one for a good deal.


finally got home and was able to get everything aligned and bolted on.
slapped on my spare hood, until i was able to get some hood pins for the carbon fiber hood.




Almighty So
06-05-2017, 10:28 PM
That was quick, good to see you bounce back

06-05-2017, 11:31 PM
The build thread is awesome buddy! A lot more in depth than mine. But then again I've only had mine 6 months. Haha. Can't wait to do more cruising and take more pics of the cars and how they evolve. Cheers to more good times

08-10-2017, 12:48 AM

Saw this and thought of you. Also. Fix your photos

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

01-23-2018, 12:49 PM
Alright, A lot of shit has gone down since I last posted on this build thread and with the whole Photobucket shit show, it kinda discouraged me to move and fix every single picture that I had already uploaded to that god awful website...

but I finally have the time to get this taken care and will be updating this thing as much as possible going forward...

to anyone still interested in my build thread... thank you
I promise there will be plenty of new updates from here on out.

01-23-2018, 01:13 PM
Man, I wish I could see all the pics lol.

01-30-2018, 09:32 AM
:( came for inspiration for my 95 ... got a whole lotta photobucket fail. pls fix soon!! <3

01-30-2018, 12:18 PM
Man, I wish I could see all the pics lol.

:( came for inspiration for my 95 ... got a whole lotta photobucket fail. pls fix soon!! <3

You guys know you can use this add on in chrome


01-30-2018, 02:40 PM
You guys know you can use this add on in chrome


Just reinstalled the extension and the pics still don't work :picardfp:

01-31-2018, 04:49 PM
Pics are working now, sweet thread, cool to see the whole story and great collection of wheels. I haven't seen many sets of Carving Head 40's so aggressive, same with the Zelda's.

In for more updates!

02-05-2018, 12:06 AM
thanks for the kind words duders!

I believe i have fixed the majority of the first page of pictures.
please lmk if theyre not working.

working on the rest of the pictures later this week. as well as trying to get caught up to where the car is now.

thanks for looking!

02-05-2018, 02:30 PM
Nice thread! Really dig your wheel collection man:bowrofl:

06-04-2018, 09:13 PM
Time for a much needed update!

ive been meaning to get to this much sooner but life gets in the way, im just glad i can update it now.

Part 5: Easy Come, Easy Go.

Car was for the most part all one piece again.

my full set of Gulf Stich showed up,

17x8.5J + 29 all around.
plans were to relip and make them to a 17x10 or 10.5 but that hasn't happened for a while and may never happen. but hopefully one day.




Swapped out my old stock sway bars for some beefy godspeeds (i think? ... who cares theyre sway bars)


Fixed my ganadors.
They were completely obliterated after the wreck and didnt think id be able to fix them but managed to run some new wires and springs and were good as new!

Bought a sick Blitz RVIT off the ol' Trashman Garrett and he was kind enough to include some rad stickers and Arai helmet patch.


seriously love this thing. Plugs right into the consult port and reads a lot of vitals right off the ECU.

Got some new front steers

the RS-R are sick and unfortunately one of the tires i had on previously developed an air bubble and came to find out i was driving on it with very low tire pressure and managed to rip the inner sidewall lining.
luckily for me I found these RS-RR on ebay for $150 shipped brand new!

finally got the car ready again to go drifting.



ended up having to get towed home that day cuz i blew my fuel pump.
ever since hard wiring the fuel pump directly to the batter, i made the mistake of running 14gauge wire and ultimately lead to the fuel pump over working itself and kept popping fuses.

bought a new fuel pump and redid the wiring with 10gauge wire and havent had an issue since.

car was looking really rough with no front bumper so i pulled out the old Navan bumper out of storage and slapped it on.
( Glad i never sold it cuz it took way longer to get my 326 bumper back...)



ended up driving out to San Angelo with my cousin to pick up his new coupe.


Ended up having to buy new driving gloves because my shirtstuckedin gloves flew out of the window when i was getting towed back home from mineral wells. :(

but these Uras gloves are super nice and comfortable.
Hit up GTR-Garage and luckily bought the last pair in stock.


replaced the old ball joints with some new MOOG ones.
my old ones were super toast.

I had been wanting to change out my tail lights for the longest time to some half and halfs with the intention to color them all red.
I originally Opted for the standard bulb tails but i ended up going with the LED option for a good deal since the set I originally bought were sold out so the guy hooked it up with these !


Also had been wanting to update my battery tray situation as the set up I had wasnt really the most secure route and didnt want to end up looking cool like Pussymayo

had my friend weld up a rad little tray in exchange for $20 and a case a beer.


Sprayed a simple black and red fade with some leftover paint i had and mounted it up.



This is where it starts to get a bit more serious with the upgrades.

Tomei Manifold cracked on me again after dragging my exhaust all over the ground at mineral wells and our other local events.

so I bought my friend Tylers old ISR type 2,
always wanted to run an equal length manifold and i got this one for super cheap.


I picked up a bunch of parts off Tylers car as he had blown his SR at that same mineral wells event and decided to part his car out.





list of upgrades:

-PBM high mount intercooler and piping
-750 Five-0 injectors
-Tubular manifold
-Z32 maf
-RS Enthalpy tuned ECU

that paired with my S15 Spec R turbo really brought the motor to life.

car felt amazing once I was able to get the ECU retuned by Martin to better fit my set up.

prepped the car and went drifting.



06-04-2018, 10:09 PM
started approaching the middle of summer and was having a great time hanging out with my friends and going to as many drift events as possible.

one night while out at my cousins house helping him work on his s13, as I was coming back home from across town the worst thing happened, far worse than wrecking the car.

I had done a bunch of highway pulls before leaving to show Jerry my new set up and i think it started to lift the double sided tape off the underside of the MoreCollage wing,

I used a shit load but being exposed to the elements at all times it started to wear and fade quite a bit.

I dropped him back off at his house and went on my way back home,

i drove casually back home but i think it was just enough to fully separate the wing from the trunk and I lost it on the highway, before realizing i was already home and noticed the wing had fallen off.

I was devasted.
i drove all the way back at 3am and looked for hours trying to find it.

after realizing it probably got obliterated by an 18 wheeler i called it a night and pretty much cried myself to sleep.

sooo no more MoreCollage :(

one day ill find another one and install it with screws or rivets or something.

sad day.

couple of car friends came over to hang and help while i worked on my car.





test fitted my friends work wheels he was selling as i wanted to buy them but didnt have the money at the time.


shop hangs before the drift event.


getting the car aligned back up to spec after 3-4 events





the VVT cam gear had pretty much shit on me by this time and i had to run it unplugged, luckily tyler still had his old one laying around and I bought off him if he helped me swap them out.



it was a rainy day
but hes fortunate enough to have an accessible garage and we knocked it out in a couple of hours at his house.




went drifting...

this time with all of my friends






