View Full Version : Ka24de feels sluggish and slow

02-15-2017, 02:32 AM
Picked up a 93 s13 convertible and put a 5speed in it and it just seems really slow. Like I mash the gas and the rpms just barely move, intake sounds really loud. I've done a compression test all had 180-190 psi did a new cap,rotor,plugs,wires. Checked the cam timing and set timing to 20degrees. Only mods is a air filter. I'm a little puzzled why it feels so slow I've looked at a few videos online of people doing pulls in their Ka24de and they rev up pretty decent compared to mine. Every once in awhile I get a code for knock sensor and egr. And I'll be checking my fuel psi soon. I found this thread on here but they said they fixed it (lower timing chain was off) and that's all they said http://zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=259730 Anybody have any ideas for me? I pulled the valve cover and looked at my timing and everything seemed to check out. Let me know thanks guys

02-15-2017, 06:24 AM
knock sensor would cause this. Replace with an OEM unit and go from there. Fuel pressure is another good thing to test. Take care of both of those then report back.

02-15-2017, 05:43 PM
Well I checked fuel pressure and I have 40 at idle and drops to about 35 when I rev it up. I took the exhaust off to see if it was clogged up. Didn't make a difference just louder. I got a knock sensor coming tomorrow hopefully that will fix it

02-15-2017, 06:23 PM
Your fuel pressure should not drop to 35 when you rev it. You should be at 42psi under a load (when you rev it), so your pressure is low. Look at FPR, fuel filter, and your fuel pump. Try a Z32 fuel filter first, and an FPR if that doesn't help.

I don't know why it drops to 35 when you rev it and goes UP to 40 at idle, that is just bizarre.

02-15-2017, 07:18 PM
Has a new z32 filter and it sits at 40 and when I rev it it stays at 40 and when I lift of the throttle it goes to 35

02-15-2017, 07:24 PM
I also let my dad drive it and he agreed it feels like a dog lol

02-15-2017, 07:32 PM
I'd play with the timing more, try retarding it, if your knock sensor has a code that could mean your detonating before tdc i.e. timing is too far advanced. If you timed it to 20 deg it may look like 20 but could be a few degrees in the wrong direction of you didn't set it after revving for 3 mins etc. like it says in the procedure. Also check coolant sensor at the front of the engine and make sure that connection is tight, that also affects timing. Slow car, probably a timing issue.

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02-15-2017, 07:40 PM
Your suppose to rev it for 3mins? I just got it nice a warm and disconnected the tps and set it.

02-15-2017, 08:09 PM
Has a new z32 filter and it sits at 40 and when I rev it it stays at 40 and when I lift of the throttle it goes to 35

ok, this isn't what you said earlier, so your fuel pressure is fine.

Yes, perhaps double check your timing. Could be a tooth off, the knock sensor is very finnicky and can cause issues so install that when you get a chance.

Have you looked at your spark plugs to see how the tips look?

02-15-2017, 08:31 PM
Yeah sorry I mixed that up. You guys are talking about the distributor timing right no the mechanical timing. I put new ngks in it when I got it and they look pretty normal to me

02-16-2017, 07:21 PM
Looks like I fixed it with the knock sensor, the sensor was almost completely melted. power seems to be there now :) thanks for the help guys