View Full Version : Weird Power Window Question

02-13-2017, 08:42 AM
Hey guys, to save me a couple of hours of frustrating power probing does anyone know what wires need to be hot and grounds for the power window/lock harness on an S13? I'm doing a custom chassis harness and this is the last step but I cant seem to find much on it. I found the factory service manual schematic but I've never been good at reading those maybe someone could take a look and point me in the right direction, page BF-14 has the schematic layout. Thanks!


02-13-2017, 10:45 AM
when I redid mine (uk-euro spec car) I found I could just pull the complete power window circuit out of the unwrapped OEM chassis loom.

I had a brief look at page bf-14 and it looks like the whole power window system is fed from the ignition relay in the centre of the diagram, so if you feed the W/B wire a 12v ignition source then the whole circuit should work. you then need to ground the black wire that would have gone to the old relay.

I never bothered with central locking 'because-racecar' etc.. so ripped all the gubbins out the doors.
but looking at your diagram it looks the same deal as the windows power up the W/R and earth the black on the 'door lock timer' and the whole circuit should work.

you guys get the wind up windows as standard surely they are lighter than power windows.

02-13-2017, 10:48 AM
when I redid mine (uk-euro spec car) I found I could just pull the complete power window circuit out of the unwrapped OEM chassis loom.

I had a brief look at page bf-14 and it looks like the whole power window system is fed from the ignition relay in the centre of the diagram, so if you feed the W/B wire a 12v ignition source then the whole circuit should work. you then need to ground the black wire that would have gone to the old relay.

I never bothered with central locking 'because-racecar' etc.. so ripped all the gubbins out the doors.
but looking at your diagram it looks the same deal as the windows power up the W/R and earth the black on the 'door lock timer' and the whole circuit should work.

you guys get the wind up windows as standard surely they are lighter than power windows.

Thanks for the info! As per the power vs manual comment, they definetely are lighter, however I'm proudly lazy and can justify it by saying if I put door bars in my car I can still operate the window while the doors closed haha

02-13-2017, 12:46 PM
tbh the electric mirror circuit will probably come out of the oem chassis loom the same as the two previously mentioned as it share the same door plugs.