View Full Version : greddy profec b help!

10-10-2004, 01:07 AM
i ran a vaccum from the cold pipe, to the greddy unit, and split into the wastegate, and stock electronics. didnt work in either settings greddy specified for internal wastegate settings. so i took out the stock electronics. now i'm running the vaccum from the cold pipe, to the greddy unit, and straight into the wastegate actuator. my question is. i keep hitting 14-16 psi thru my gears. i'm running stock turbo, 3 inches from turbo back (testpiped). the boost controller does help by letting the boost climb faster (using the balance knob). but i can't control the boost. can someone help me out? this is the standard profec b. not the profec bII. i dont want to ruin my turbo.

10-10-2004, 07:00 AM
sell profec b and get an hks acutator, only 90 bucks and it holds boost as well as reaches boost faster, you'll be more than satisfied.