View Full Version : Quick question about speed sensor **searched**

10-06-2004, 10:43 AM
ok, so ive been under the car and checked out the tranny.
Theres a big black thing on the passenger side of the tranny. has one wire (black) coming from it.
Then there are 2 other tiny (less than 1 inch) ones.
They go in order like this (from front of the tranny to back)
Tiny one(with 2 wires), Tiny (with 2 wires), and Bigger black one.
Which one is the speed sensor?
Ive unplugged one of the small ones, and i dont think thats the speed sensor because tranny fluid is supposed to leak out?? and none did.
Is the speed sensor the quarter sized black one?

10-06-2004, 11:11 AM
Speed sensor is the one on the very rear of the trans...it's a small 2-wire plug.

It's also held in by a 10mm bolt, not screwed in the like front sensors (they are neutral position and reverse lights, etc...)

- Brian