View Full Version : Registering out of state car in CA?

11-02-2016, 06:21 PM
Anyone here have experience doing so? It's my first time doing this and I'm getting the car from Florida next week. It's JZ swapped, but I already have smog taken care of. As far as the "verification of vehicle" goes when you're at the office are they just going to verify the VIN and fuck off? I'm worried they might pop the hood, see the JZ and send it to state ref, or just hope that the DMV person has no idea what theyre looking at

11-05-2016, 08:26 PM
I think its one of those YMMV things , I had to do it twice , once on an integra and another time on a GTO. With the integra they looked over the engine and other things , with the GTO they only really cared about the VINs/stickers.

11-06-2016, 12:02 AM
I think its one of those YMMV things , I had to do it twice , once on an integra and another time on a GTO. With the integra they looked over the engine and other things , with the GTO they only really cared about the VINs/stickers. do you think the DMV people would be smart enough to tell a 1jz isnt stock in a 240? lol

11-08-2016, 03:21 PM
Are you AAA member? Do itttt. Best money spent, much shorter line and no hassle (out of state reg).

11-08-2016, 04:04 PM
How much that all that cost?

I might get a sc300 with AZ plates

11-08-2016, 05:24 PM
This is the form that the DMV rep fills out: https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/wcm/connect/052f05b3-ea4f-4cde-b017-3d970b8ea1a4/reg31.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url&CACHEID=052f0 5b3-ea4f-4cde-b017-3d970b8ea1a4

Only emmissions related questions are around checking the EPA labels, so I want to say they won't need to check if the engine is stock. Someone should confirm this.

Are you AAA member? Do itttt. Best money spent, much shorter line and no hassle (out of state reg).

+1 I believe AAA can do the verification and you get 100 mile free towing a year

11-10-2016, 01:25 PM
Did it at AAA with my AE86. All I needed was the paperwork filled out, a current smog, and the title and registration. The lady at AAA checked over the car, everything took about 20 min. However, she didn't know much about the car and insisted on putting it into the system as a Toyota GT-S, because it had a GTS badge but no Corolla emblems.

11-10-2016, 06:58 PM
Alright I got my license plate and registration today. Did the vehicle verification, the DMV guy literally looked at my 1jz and I told him it was an inline 4 and he just went a long with it. He also asked if the intake cone attached directly to my top mounted turbo was a K&N and I was like "yep" and that was that. It was surprisingly easy

11-13-2016, 10:24 PM
I think it's going to be bad for me because the VIN on the title is missing one character and on the car it has all 17 character. My S13 has a Maryland out of state title. :P