View Full Version : PW: Kerry cheated during debate!

10-03-2004, 09:29 AM
What did he pull out his pocket? Maybe notes with his "positions" of the day, so he wouldn't flip-flop too many times.


*** INDC Journal and Daily Recycler Exclusive ***

John Kerry brought prohibited material into last Thursday's Presidential Debate. From section 5, pages 4-5 of the binding "Memorandum of Understanding" (pdf file) that was negotiated and agreed upon by both political campaigns:

(c) No props, notes, charts, diagrams, or other writings or other tangible things may be brought into the debate by either candidate.


10-03-2004, 09:53 AM
hes a democrat, so there will be no repercussions. had it been bush, he would have been ridiculed as being "stupid" and "needed" to use an aid since hes so stupid.

10-03-2004, 11:20 AM
No wonder Kerry did so well. (Yes, he did do well, probably better than Bush... and this is coming from a Bush supporter. Bush missed many opportunities.)

10-03-2004, 11:26 AM
It's only cheating if you get caught...

... Or if your a supporter of the other side during the aftermath.

10-03-2004, 11:48 AM
If any of you guys even saw the debate you will notice that both men was writing while the other person was debateing. What they had i guess you will never realy know, but BOTH of them was WRITEING. Perhaps it was just a paper for both to keep track of what the other person was saying. So if anyone is gona say anything please watch the debate first...

Andrew Bohan
10-03-2004, 12:42 PM
it's one thing to take notes on blank paper and create a new document while debating, but it's another thing entirely to turn away from the audience and pull a folded-up piece of paper out of your pocket.

10-03-2004, 12:45 PM
I went to the website and checked out the video, to me it looked like he pulled out a pen. Which he used to write down notes durring the debate. I seriously doubt it could have been anything bigger than the size of a fist. Besides, I'm sure both party canidates were searched by a non partisan committee to check for these things before hand. This is a debate for the presidency of the United States, it's HIGHLY unlikely something like this would be overlooked. If this really was the case, then it would have been reported a long time ago (like right after the debate), but of course 4 days after the debate its reported by yellow journalists.

10-03-2004, 01:23 PM
Remember the MSM is the same group that presented reports knowingly based on forged documents. It wasn't until the bloggers exposed the fraud that the other networks started reporting it.

Also, if you check out the video, watch how long "Lefty" Lehrer watches Bush going to his podium. This is so he can use the old excuse "Well, I didn't see Kerry take anything out of his pocket"

This whole story is now being reported on Drudge, so we may start seeing it reported. http://www.drudgereport.com/dnc57.htm

10-03-2004, 04:01 PM
Here's Kerry's excuse:

sarcasm on/

"I took notes TO the podium before I took notes AT the podium."

sarcasm off/

10-03-2004, 04:24 PM
The bloggers exposed what ? Superscript in typewriters has been around since 1931.




Oh sorry thats the "liberal media" at work again. Then you have extremly reputable media sources such as the drudge report. Please. Republicans need to pull their heads out of their asses and wipe it off with some of those free 100$ bills they got back and did nothing to help the economy with.

10-03-2004, 08:18 PM
Video closeup:


If he can't even follow the rules during a debate, imagine what his presidency will be like.

We'll be having a coronation instead of an inaguration. King John F'n Kerry

10-03-2004, 10:34 PM
No i have more fear of bush deciding hes the king of the united states then kerry.

10-03-2004, 10:39 PM
Video closeup:


If he can't even follow the rules during a debate, imagine what his presidency will be like.

We'll be having a coronation instead of an inaguration. King John F'n Kerry

Dude, you are so far off to the right that you're humping the curb.

"You said we're headed to war in Iraq -- I don't know why you say that. I hope we're not headed to war in Iraq. I'm the person who gets to decide, not you."
- Der Fuhrer, click here to hear him say it (http://www.dubyaspeak.com/audio/notyou.phtml)

WHAT? YOU get to decide? Last I heard this was fucking AMERICA and CONGRESS gets to decide...

"I want to thank all my citizens for coming."
-- Der Fuhrer, Northern State University, Aberdeen, South Dakota, Oct. 31, 2002

"I'm honored that Governor Shaheen is here today. I appreciate her taking time out of her schedule to come and pay her respects to the Presidency."
-- Der Fuhrer, Manchester, New Hampshire, Oct. 5, 2002

I refuse to have future Presidents, or this President, deal with a Senate trying to tell me through micromanaging the process how best to secure the homeland.
-- Der Fuhrer, Trenton, New Jersey, Sep. 23, 2002

OH, and the BEST ONE (When I first heard this, I couldn't believe my ears)

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier... just so long as I'm the dictator.
-- Der Fuhrer, During his first trip to Washington as President-Elect, Washington, D.C., Dec. 18, 2000 . Click to listen. (http://www.dubyaspeak.com/mp3/dictator.mp3)

Who's the real wannabe fuhrer here? Here's a hint: Bush.


10-03-2004, 10:56 PM
^^^ Kazuo, are you suggesting that there will soon be an ethnic cleansing, leading up to Gee Dub's final solution leading up to the "final solution," consisting of the removal of anyone even appearing arab in the US and eventally an America, version 2.0 over between the Tigris and Euphrates?

10-03-2004, 11:01 PM
kazuo- you do realize that the audio bit you posted has fact behind it cause he IS commander and chief so he does make the final call when it comes to war... right? i mean, everybody calls this fella sir... you're sayin he ain't in charge?

10-03-2004, 11:12 PM
No i have more fear of bush deciding hes the king of the united states then kerry.
Do you truly have that fear or do you let the liberals spread that fear to you?

Kazuo- Two years ago called... it wants its liberal talking points back. Oh, Moore along with Kim Jong-Il send their regards. In fact, I have a very personal message from them both to you:
"Dearest sir or madam,
We are glad that you joined the good fight. With your help, we will spread socialism and dictatorships throughout the world. We will support terrorists as freedom fighters and help with nuclear proliferation. Remember, every American innocent deserved to die anyway.
Love, Mike and Kim. *kisses!*"

FastBack 240
10-03-2004, 11:15 PM
Cheney is gonna blow Edwards shit out.

10-03-2004, 11:57 PM
Do you "Dearest sir or madam,
We are glad that you joined the good fight. With your help, we will spread socialism and dictatorships throughout the world. We will support terrorists as freedom fighters and help with nuclear proliferation. Remember, every American innocent deserved to die anyway.
Love, Mike and Kim. *kisses!*"
It has come to my attention that (of course not including myself) one of us, if not many of us here on Zilvia, have joined in on the bullshit summation that "socialism" is a BAD idea... Does anyone realize that the problem causing socialism to NOT be a reasonable idea is HUMAN NATURE?!!? Socialism is a system in which the people do for the people, while capitalism is one in which the people do for their fuckin sleves and no one more if they don't dammit feel like it. Sprinkle in the fact that ANY human, left to their own vices, will behave in this manner, socialism will NEVER work without at least ONE person to keep everyone in check, which is what turns socialism to a dictatorship, which turns to shit every time... Every human being deserves to die, it's what you were born for, this is LIFE no one makes it out alive... NEVER

10-03-2004, 11:59 PM
Cheney is gonna blow Edwards shit out.
Cheney will have a heart attack at the debate, Edwards is one of the best trial lawyers in the HISTORY of N.C... Dick Cheney is Skeletor reincarnated, fuck him.

10-04-2004, 12:40 AM
Do you truly have that fear or do you let the liberals spread that fear to you?

And you had the fear Sadam was coming to kill us all ? Oh wait that was fox news telling you that.

10-04-2004, 01:14 AM
^^^ Kazuo, are you suggesting that there will soon be an ethnic cleansing, leading up to Gee Dub's final solution leading up to the "final solution," consisting of the removal of anyone even appearing arab in the US and eventally an America, version 2.0 over between the Tigris and Euphrates?

Uhh? WTF? Are you retarded?

"Fuhrer" means nothing more than "Leader" in German; it has nothing to do with Nazi's or Hitler, or the holocaust.

It is akin to referring to Bush as the King or the Dictator, etc.

Maybe I should just call him "Kaiser" or "Konig" so people who don't know any better wont mistakenly attribute me to making references to Nazi's, etc.

makoto: Bush doesnt decide if the country goes to war, Congress votes for it. It's called a fucking check and balance. Go take a Poly Sci class or read a book.

KA24DESOneThree: So because I am against Bush, I support terrorists, socialism and favour the proliferation of nuclear arms? That's like saying John Kerry is for these things because he is against Bush and the way he does things.

Important points to end on:
- Immigrant, non-citizens from "suspect countries" (mostly Muslim) are already required to register with the government. Go look it up
- The United States supports Israel with billions of dollars in aid, much of which is used to purchase arms which are used against the Palestinians who are resisting the illegal occupation of their land. (The UN recognizes as much; this refers to the West Bank and Gaza, obviously) Go look up the recent sales of missiles to Israel by our country, which was purchased using the money we gave them. So they use these weapons to oppress and kill the Palestinians, who have no government, no basic services, no work, no land to call their own. what do you call that? Fighting terrorism? Spreading freedom?

I'm not going to debate this shit anymore because opinions are like assholes, and we're not going to get anywhere. This will get locked sooner than later regardless.

Believe what you want. :wavey:

10-04-2004, 04:52 AM
Cheney will have a heart attack at the debate, Edwards is one of the best trial lawyers in the HISTORY of N.C... Dick Cheney is Skeletor reincarnated, fuck him.
Trial Lawyer...Bah, this is the presidency of the USA we are talking about. He will fold under Cheney's power. He's a pretty boy and not much else. Cheney will grab him up by the scruff of his neck and spank the poor bastard for joining Kerry's team... Edwards :angel: :rl: Cheney

10-04-2004, 05:38 AM
Trial Lawyer...Bah, this is the presidency of the USA we are talking about. He will fold under Cheney's power. He's a pretty boy and not much else. Cheney will grab him up by the scruff of his neck and spank the poor bastard for joining Kerry's team... Edwards :angel: :rl: Cheney

Cheney's nothing more than a bumbling fat spoiled aristocrat. Edwards is the "smooth pimp daddy who loves the pussy". lol

Cheney will receive the smack down. do not doubt this. it WILL happen.

It's funny that you use this: Edwards :angel: :rl: Cheney... Doesn't good usually defeat evil? :bow:

ALL bush supporters have to say is "We're safer, we're more secure" Guess what boys and girls, you can be safe and secure under ANY form of leadership. Communism, Socialism.. whatever..

The key is WHO will protect your rights as an american? Freedom of speech, and unlawful search and seizures, etc? NOT BUSH AND HIS FAWKING UNCONSTITUTIONAL PATRIOT ACT.

KERRY in 04'!

10-04-2004, 06:21 AM
this is where somebody cites godwins law and the retarded quarrel dies like it needs to.

10-04-2004, 07:16 AM
This retarded quarrel will NEVER end, it will play itself out into some form of bullshit discussion endlessly for about 11 months every 4th year, brought on by people blindly beleiving that their side is right... Add in the war on terror (A.K.A. "operation America 2.0") where everyone who has anything against the United states heavy handedly and quite arrogant handling of the world is either "affected by the liberal (GOD I hate that word) media" (Isn't that just so easy to say, it's a fucking COP OUT) or is "Supporting terror" I believe it was said; "Invading Iraq after 9/11 is akin to invading Mexico after Pearl Harbor." I laughed because it was funny

10-04-2004, 08:31 AM
"You said we're headed to war in Iraq -- I don't know why you say that. I hope we're not headed to war in Iraq. I'm the person who gets to decide, not you."
- Der Fuhrer, click here to hear him say it (http://www.dubyaspeak.com/audio/notyou.phtml)

WHAT? YOU get to decide? Last I heard this was fucking AMERICA and CONGRESS gets to decide...

Keep in mind that CONGRESS did decide. They voted the President the authority to use military force. Even your hero, Waffle-Boy Kerry

Edwards is one of the best trial lawyers in the HISTORY of N.C...

And to call Edwards a lawyer is a stretch....he's nothing but an ambulance chaser. Look at some his trial "wins", they're the reason medical litigation is so screwed up and doctors have to pay astronomical insurance premiums. One case - Doctor didn't do a C-section, so baby was born with Down's Syndrome...Edwards flashes his baby-blues, cites some voodoo science to jury and they award millions.

HISTORY of N.C.? :tweak:

10-04-2004, 09:49 AM
Or maybe its because they are fucking negligent ? Ever seen people with tools, gauze, and other random objects left in them ? Ever heard of people getting infections after having surgery and having their chests open in front of them and being stuffed with padding everyday for months to keep the from dieing ?

10-04-2004, 10:14 AM
Cause Obviously John Edwards is the reason our entire medical system is screwed up!!!

And I'm sure your such an expert on medical sciences that you know that Edwards was wrong. He did prove before a jury of 12 people that both parties agreed upon, that the doctor was wrong..

Why not just come out and say our entire judicial system is fuxored and it's all because of John Edwards.

These days I'm damn thankfull of our judicial system. They seem to be the only ones in our govt. these days with any sense of reality.

10-04-2004, 10:53 AM
Cause Obviously John Edwards is the reason our entire medical system is screwed up!!!

And I'm sure your such an expert on medical sciences that you know that Edwards was wrong. He did prove before a jury of 12 people that both parties agreed upon, that the doctor was wrong..

Why not just come out and say our entire judicial system is fuxored and it's all because of John Edwards.

These days I'm damn thankfull of our judicial system. They seem to be the only ones in our govt. these days with any sense of reality.

OK, I'll say it. Our judical system is fuxored!

We need tort reform and judges who know how to read the US Constitution and not make up their own rules.

Explain to me how normal child-birth causes Down's Syndrome. Were you and 90% of the population born by C-section? He used fear and voodoo science, which the judge permitted in as testimony. I'll try and find the article about some of his trial "wins".

10-04-2004, 11:32 AM
Explain to me how normal child-birth causes Down's Syndrome. Were you and 90% of the population born by C-section?

No I was not, but that doesn't mean anything, because I was a different situation. Saying that Down syndrome couldn't be caused by normal child birth is something you not I could prove wrong b/c we are not experts.

In a court, you present experts who give their expert opinions, which are typically much more informed opinions than yours or mine.

I read an article talking about this, but it provided no evidence of any sort to support a claim that he used false evidence to prove his case, and frankly it was nothing more than a wishy-washy attempt at defacing the soon to be VP.

10-04-2004, 11:50 AM
Uhh? WTF? Are you retarded?

"Fuhrer" means nothing more than "Leader" in German; it has nothing to do with Nazi's or Hitler, or the holocaust.

It is akin to referring to Bush as the King or the Dictator, etc.

Maybe I should just call him "Kaiser" or "Konig" so people who don't know any better wont mistakenly attribute me to making references to Nazi's, etc.

No, but maybe you are the retard...
"They say that cynicism is the humor of hatred" and this fact is never more evident than in my cynical joke, because now I hate you

10-04-2004, 03:25 PM
These days I'm damn thankfull of our judicial system. They seem to be the only ones in our govt. these days with any sense of reality.
OJ Simpson sure is grateful to them.... :D

10-04-2004, 03:55 PM
also the president gets to appoint supreme court justices, which sucks because they are appointed for political reasons to suppliment whatever administration's policy :(

10-04-2004, 05:20 PM
OJ Simpson sure is grateful to them.... :D
And how many other people whose guilt is still open to speculation are glad about it?

10-04-2004, 05:40 PM
Blah, I'm not going to debate because I know Bush will win. I have no doubt in my mind that Bush will put the smackdown on Kerry. I didn't watch the entire debate, but i saw atleast half of it and the interviews after the debate. Kerry was "flip-floppin" like a fish out of water. If Kerry gets in, this country is doomed. Ok I'm done.

10-04-2004, 05:51 PM
Not a biology major but.. Down's syndrome is a genetic disease..

10-04-2004, 06:50 PM
Exactly. Edwards won his millions through junk science and appealing to emotion rather than tangible facts.

10-04-2004, 06:58 PM
Exactly. Edwards won his millions through junk science and appealing to emotion rather than tangible facts.

Holy shit theres an idea ! Lets not forget all the southern whites against those goddamn queers getting married. Thats a real fact right there. God you people are dolts. OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AT HOW SHITTY THIS NATION HAS BECOME

10-04-2004, 07:01 PM
... what the hell are you talking about?

I happen to agree with Bush that "marriage" should be between a man and a woman. I also believe that homosexuals should be allowed to have something identical to marriage, except in name.

I didn't know that not letting gays marry was an indicator of shittiness. If it is, then pretty much the whole world blows.

10-04-2004, 08:36 PM
Its one thing in a long list contributing to the shitacularness of this country over the past 3.5 years.

10-05-2004, 05:10 AM
^^^ Long list, eh? You got examples??

10-05-2004, 10:14 AM
Good debate movie

Reactions to Idiocy (http://www.ejsmithweb.com/fr/faces_fr_fast.wmv) :bigok:

10-05-2004, 10:16 AM
Holy shit theres an idea ! Lets not forget all the southern whites against those goddamn queers getting married. Thats a real fact right there. God you people are dolts. OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AT HOW SHITTY THIS NATION HAS BECOME

Ok, we're dolts and your an angry, bitter person who blames society and others for your failures.

10-05-2004, 02:26 PM
Ok, we're dolts and your an angry, bitter person who blames society and others for your failures.

My failures ? What would they be ?

10-05-2004, 02:31 PM
^^^ Long list, eh? You got examples??

Seperation of church and state, foreign policy, tax cuts, iraq, patriot act, no child left behind, tax cuts for the elite. Do some research of your own. www.ontheissues.org

10-05-2004, 09:35 PM
Holy shit theres an idea ! Lets not forget all the southern whites against those goddamn queers getting married. Thats a real fact right there. God you people are dolts. OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AT HOW SHITTY THIS NATION HAS BECOME

how shitty has our nation become?

10-06-2004, 03:05 AM
goddamn queers

This is your ONE warning. Continue with this behavior and you'll reap the consequences.

Drunk Bastard
10-06-2004, 03:21 AM
darn, i missed the debate. I was too busy mackin chicks at the bars...hense the name Drunk Bastard.

10-06-2004, 01:22 PM
This is your ONE warning. Continue with this behavior and you'll reap the consequences.

Sarcasm much ?