View Full Version : **NEED HELP** wiring gurus (S14>S13 jumper)

10-18-2016, 12:43 PM
Hey All, Thanks for taking the time to look/help me out. I am currently getting ready to create my jumper harness to be able to use an S13 KA ECU w/ my S14 harness/KA. I have basically created an excel spreadsheet but have a few questions regarding a few pins. Hopefully someone can shed some light.

I currently have an OBD1 5spd (converted) S14 w/ S14 KA24DE and will be running an S13 KA24DE ecu.

- 95' pinout has 4 A/T signals - ARE THESE NEEDED?
- 95' pin#9 A/C hand power switch - DONT KNOW WHERE THIS GOES
- 95' pin#12 Triple pressure switch - DONT KNOW WHERE THIS GOES
- 95' pin#14 Cooling fan relay(low) - DONT KNOW WHERE THIS GOES
- 95' pin#21 A/C switch - DONT KNOW WHERE THIS GOES
- 95' pin#57 Ambient temp switch - IS THIS NEEDED?
- 95' pin#58 Data link connector for GST - IS THIS NEEDED?
- 95' pin#114 REC relay - A/C (recirculation) - DONT KNOW WHERE THIS GOES
- 95' pin#23 TPS switch - GOES TO s13 PIN#37?
- 95' pin#33 TPS signal - GOES TO s13 PIN#20?

The TPS switch/signal is confusing. Usually a white wire is signal which is true for the s13 pinout, however the 95' TPS (sensor) has the white wire and the 95' TPS (signal) has a R/Y wire.

Can someone please clarify these for me. I have attached both 95' and 91' ECU pinout as well as my Excel sheet.


http://i1117.photobucket.com/albums/k584/rbkoukis14/ECU1_zpsueqlesyu.jpg (http://s1117.photobucket.com/user/rbkoukis14/media/ECU1_zpsueqlesyu.jpg.html)
http://i1117.photobucket.com/albums/k584/rbkoukis14/ECU2_zpsgitu9tdz.jpg (http://s1117.photobucket.com/user/rbkoukis14/media/ECU2_zpsgitu9tdz.jpg.html)

http://i1117.photobucket.com/albums/k584/rbkoukis14/S141995KA24DEECUPINOUT1_zpsp8iewc5v.jpg (http://s1117.photobucket.com/user/rbkoukis14/media/S141995KA24DEECUPINOUT1_zpsp8iewc5v.jpg.html)
http://i1117.photobucket.com/albums/k584/rbkoukis14/SP32-20090113-084734_zps7drdmomh.gif (http://s1117.photobucket.com/user/rbkoukis14/media/SP32-20090113-084734_zps7drdmomh.gif.html)