View Full Version : Another Z Problem...

10-01-2016, 02:59 PM
What's going on guys? So, once again I have another problem with my Z32.

I've been searching the web for a little bit now trying to get decent ideas on what my problem actually is. All of my searches end up coming around to so many different options. I just need advice on where the hell I should start.

So basically I was cruising in fourth gear last night at around 40 MPH. All was good. I pulled up to a light and threw it in neutral and slowed down to approach the red. All of the sudden I look down at my cluster and of course my RPMs are tanking. My car stalled shortly after. No amount of gas to keep my RPMs up could save it. It's like I lost complete power. Like I had zero fuel pressure almost. But the problem is, I did have fuel pressure. About 5 minutes of praying to God that my car would start, after trying to fire it up countless times at this light.
She fired up like a champ. As I was riding out. Trying to limp this bitch home to figure out what the hell happened. She stalls again but this time, right as I let out the clutch to get into 3rd gear. I notice my fuel pressure was a little higher than it has been, this time.
Might I mention before hand I've had some issues with me receiving power loss in 5th gear after cruising at a steady pace for 5 minutes at a time. Again still feeling like I was getting no power what so ever.
But anyways. I kept trying to limp my car home and I stalled maybe 7 or 8 times on the way home under a "load"

She idles fine but once I put her in gear and start accelerating she freaks the fuck out.
Today she got even worse. I went to take her to go get gas and I was good, all the way up until I pulled into my driveway. She stuttered and died again. At this point I'm miffed. She wouldn't start for 30 minutes until I let her be for 15 minutes. I went back and she fired right up again like there was no issues. She started running, super rough however. To the point where I'm seeing white smoke and backfires when I get on it. But there's no visible leakage like it could be a head gasket. I'm so fucking confused and I have no clue where to start.

Morale of the story here is. This car just wants to die. She's so miserable but I can't let her die. She's a classy whore. And classy whores don't die at the end of movies. I just need some advice or pointers on where I should look to get this shit fixed. Could it be a fuel pump issue? Idk I think it goes beyond that. I'm terrified and so is my wallet. So let's get into it I guess.
Thanks for reading all of it and I'd appreciate any feedback. Thanks again.

10-01-2016, 03:12 PM
Left out Important into. Not too long ago she overheated. I have a small coolant leak which is visible from a hose closer to my firewall. But she's been running fine since I rectified that overheating problem. Just decided to take a shit at random yesterday.

10-01-2016, 05:48 PM
Have you done a compression test yet?

10-01-2016, 07:27 PM
Actually I haven't. I know I have two bad injectors but I haven't gotten around to changing them. I had one injector about 2 months ago with a completely dead reading and was causing my car to miss harder than a bad guy on an action movie. These two injectors both have bad readings. One is like 36 and the other was spiking 60. Pretty crazy but she still runs without missing. I don't want to make a habit out of running on these bad inj.'s but I just don't have the time or effort to change them right now. I'll work on a comp. test but until then, any other suggestions? Actually started thinking it was my catalytic converter being clogged to shit due to my injectors but I checked and they're actually all clear. I've been making a note to change my spark plugs as well. Been running on them since I bought the car a few months ago. Probably only put 1.5k miles on them. Don't know how long they were in there before I bought it. But yeah. Lotta basic maintenance that needs to be done. But yeah, like I said, any reccomendations until that comp. test?

10-01-2016, 09:04 PM
Pull the spark plugs and check them, also look inside the cylinders they could be filled with fuel.

10-03-2016, 12:03 AM
Same here. Check the spark plugs and change out the injectors. Also look at the fuel pump and fuel filter..

Sent from my SM-G360V using Tapatalk

10-03-2016, 11:31 AM
I want to say distributor but Z's have coil packs. Check your ignitor.

10-04-2016, 11:53 AM
Alright guys. I did some pressure tests and it came back perfect. Replaced my fuel filter just in case and I also replaced my fuel pressure regulator. Still experiencing issues after that. So I boiled it down to Electrical. It was a thought but it definitely wasn't the first thought on my list.

Jiggling CAS (Crank Angle Sensor) caused the detonation sensor to trigger which told the ECU not to run properly. Thanks to the ECU, the motor was cutting in and out and not burning all the fuel inside the cylinders which was causing the backfire.
I've fixed this issue and she runs like a bat outta hell again. Thanks so much for ideas, support, and direction guys. I hope this thread might even give others with this same problem a little bit of info that could potentially help them out with it. Thanks again dudes!

The legacy of Jess, The P.O.S. N/A Z32 lives on!!

10-04-2016, 02:57 PM
So was the problem the CAS or the ECU?

10-04-2016, 05:06 PM
The CAS was the main issue. I read problems that others were having with theirs and it sounded nothing close to mine. Like I went from a Nasty little stock N/A to a piece of shit. Well, at least when the car was hot. Cold starts and idles were fantastic and nothing seemed wrong. But you put it in gear and it sounded like someone banging pots and pans around when you're trying to sleep. So, well,

Like shit.