View Full Version : FF TYPE 2 coilovers

09-28-2016, 06:24 PM
Not so much a review as a bit of info. I couldn't find anywhere as to how low these exactly go. I bought some finished installing them as low as they'll go ( without removing collars etc.) These go pretty low IMO then again I'm on the stock tear drops.

Any idea on how to accurately measure the drop these gave so I can post the Info for others???

09-28-2016, 06:37 PM
You can raise everything up as high as it can go, then after counting how many rings there are on the shock body itself, count the turns you made to get to the height/drop you wanted. For example 80/100 turns would be pretty low, literally 80% drop. That or you can measure from the spindle to the highest point on the fender lip how much of a difference there is. I'd go the first way because it's more precise.

09-28-2016, 07:22 PM
That's a great way to do it, it'll have to wait till tomorrow though.

Any idea how high the stock shocks and springs sit our cars at? (I.e. sideskirt to ground)
In hindsight I should have checked beforehand.