View Full Version : VA bunch of sr/240 parts

09-20-2016, 03:19 PM
bnib oem nissan lower timing cover/oil pump for redtop sr - 250
stock sr exhaust mani and 3 layer metal gasket - SOLD
sr good pistons and rods - 100
sr maf attached to janky intake - SOLD
sr ignition coils harness - 40
shitty sr tubular exhaust mani - SOLD
sr cas - 100
t25 wastegate with free t25 turbo - SOLD
turbo elbow - 20
sr valve cover x2 - SOLD
coil cover - SOLD
sr accessory belts - 20 for both
sr chain tensioner - 20
sr lower oil pan - SOLD
sr alternator - SOLD
sr ps pump and bracket - SOLD
turbo water and oil lines - 80
sr knock sensor and harness - 20
stock sr intake mani with all sensors and throttle body x2 - SOLD
basically new timing chain for sr - SOLD
stock sr injectors in rail - SOLD
sr starter - SOLD
single cam gauge cluster - 30
sr rad - 50
sr clutch fan - 40
sr intercooler piping with ebay bov welded on - 100
plug and play s13 wiring harness - SOLD
stock sr ecu - SOLD
sr lightly used arp mains - 30
sr valve cover hardware - 10
sr oil filter housing with sensor - 30


09-22-2016, 02:31 AM
Texted you ...

09-22-2016, 04:35 AM
bnib oem nissan lower timing cover/oil pump for redtop sr - 250
stock sr exhaust mani and 3 layer metal gasket - 50
sr good pistons and rods - 100
sr maf attached to janky intake - 40
sr ignition coils harness - 40
shitty sr tubular exhaust mani - 40
sr cas - 100
t25 wastegate with free t25 turbo - 20
turbo elbow - 20
sr valve cover x2 - 50 each
coil cover - 40
sr accessory belts - 20 for both
sr chain tensioner - 20
sr lower oil pan - 20
sr alternator - 60
sr ps pump and bracket - 60
turbo water and oil lines - 80
sr knock sensor and harness - 20
stock sr intake mani with all sensors and throttle body x2 - 50 (one in pieces, one complete)
basically new timing chain for sr - 20
stock sr injectors in rail - 80
sr starter - 60
single cam gauge cluster - 30
sr rad - 50
sr clutch fan - 40
sr intercooler piping with ebay bov welded on - 100
plug and play s13 wiring harness - 100
stock sr ecu - 80
sr lightly used arp mains - 30
sr valve cover hardware - 10
sr oil filter housing with sensor - 30

Do you ship?

Sent from my N9518 using Tapatalk

10-28-2016, 02:10 AM
Texted you.

10-28-2016, 09:42 AM
Anyone getting an answer from op?

10-28-2016, 09:58 AM
Most stuff is sold, I'll edit the post now

10-28-2016, 10:02 AM
Do you ship?

Sent from my N9518 using Tapatalk

Yes I can ship