View Full Version : FS:97 S14 SE Rear Quarter Panels:SoCal Area

09-30-2004, 04:11 AM
In the process of parting out a 97 S14 SE. I've got the car down to a shell & will be taking an acetylene torch to it in about 3 weeks time. Before I go crazy with the torch & cut the shell up into tiny little pieces I thought I'd ask if anyone is interested in buying the rear quarter panels.
(FYI...The rear quarter panels are part of the unibody S14 shell & cannot be unbolted from the frame...the panels have to be cut away from the vehicle with the torch).
If you're interested in the rear quarterpanels, hit me up at [email protected] Maybe we can work something out. You can come down & torch them out yourself or pick them up after they've been torched out.


09-30-2004, 05:47 AM
Would you be interested in shipping them?

10-01-2004, 12:08 AM
Would you be interested in shipping them?

If you're willing to pay for the shipping costs & can deal with the fact that you'll be at the shipping company's mercy as to the boxes arriving in one piece, ( who knows if the freight guys will stack stuff on it or sit on it during transit), yeah...then I might ship them provided you pay for the shipping up front. I am however not guranteeing you that they will not be damaged during shipping. All I can do is take pictures prior to shipping & during packaging to show you how it was packed & shipped. Remember this is gonna be a big-assed box I'll be shipping, maybe like in the dimensions of 6 feet long by 4 feet high by 2 feet deep, (approximately) for each quarter panel - there's two of them remember. They probably weigh between 50-100 pounds each..maybe more...I won't know till I torch them from the car.

The reason I'ld like to keep it local is so that whoever buys them can come down here and look at them & tell me specifically what areas they need cut from the car so it matches their damaged areas. Whichever bodyshop that welds them back on it is gonna need some extra panel area to work with so I need to know what that area is before I torch it off.

10-03-2004, 12:50 AM
would you be willing to sell the doors?