View Full Version : New level of spam?

08-21-2016, 04:13 AM
Wtf lol

In my inbox really?

http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb54/dirfters2it_sideways/Screenshot_2016-08-21-03-09-14.png (http://s210.photobucket.com/user/dirfters2it_sideways/media/Screenshot_2016-08-21-03-09-14.png.html)

08-21-2016, 07:15 AM
Yeah I got a spam PM too. First time that's happened.

08-21-2016, 01:56 PM
owner of zilvia sold out and is selling forum links to spammers. zilvia has good pagerank, even irrelevant outbound links pull decent juice. basically milking it for all it's worth before the forum activity completely shits the bed.

drift freaq
08-21-2016, 06:58 PM
owner of zilvia sold out and is selling forum links to spammers. zilvia has good pagerank, even irrelevant outbound links pull decent juice. basically milking it for all it's worth before the forum activity completely shits the bed.

Do you have actual proof of such or are you just trying to pull his leg or being sarcastic?
Just wondering,

08-21-2016, 11:50 PM
Can't get past that horrible font. That's the real travesty.

08-21-2016, 11:59 PM
Font made my eyes bleed

08-22-2016, 04:12 PM
Can't get past that horrible font. That's the real travesty.
Font made my eyes bleed
Thought I was the only one. Thank god.

08-22-2016, 10:50 PM
Warning, Stanleymew is a catfish. I waited all night but he did not show up and has not responded since then.

08-23-2016, 03:46 AM
Do you have actual proof of such or are you just trying to pull his leg or being sarcastic?
Just wondering,
It's self evident. It would take virtually no effort to combat the spam, and it's only a single spambot operation making accounts and spinning posts.

The alternative is the owner is neglectful and throwing away money, which is worse. I'm calling it like I see it.

08-23-2016, 02:12 PM
Go to Hawaii. They have some next level Spam there...
