View Full Version : I need your help!

08-19-2016, 08:00 PM
Hey everyone!

(Yay first post)

So I'm new to the 240 game. Just recently picked up a '97 S14 with a Kouki conversion kit on it. And I love the car to death, Super stoked I picked it up. Except one sort of issue(Mods/Admins if I put this thread in the wrong spot, forgive my soul)

The issue is, The title is rebuilt. So I'm at a dilemma . I have yet to get the car registered due to it being a rebuilt title and in the state of Georgia where I'm stationed at, Its a whole process I have to do. Pretty much have to get her towed to some private inspector 5 hours away, Give him a $100, Have him look at the car and hope to god nothing is bent and no errors come up, Then pay more money and get the paperwork sent off too Atlanta and wait forever for the new title and plates to come in.

OR should I possibly try to register it in FL since I do have friends who have addresses where I have had mail sent too before. Florida registration laws ARE way more lenient than GA. The title was already registered in the state of FL and no inspections had to be done within the state. Is it worth to just shell all the money out to the state of GA or try to get it done in Florida? I just regret buying the car with a rebuilt title. Lessons learned the hardway but whatever. The frame I know doesent have any damage to it at all.

Honest opinions please. My IG is _koukionly if you wanna see pictures of it.

Thank you all!


08-19-2016, 09:17 PM
If it was a 97 it would be a Kouki by birth....

08-19-2016, 09:18 PM
Anyways register it in floriduhhhhh and keep ya money

08-20-2016, 04:48 AM
So go with the idea of using my mail to claim residency at my friends house?

Never done anything like that before so we shall see how it goes.