View Full Version : RB25 vs 1JZ VVTI

07-04-2016, 09:06 AM
Currently in this massive debate over which is better for a strictly drift car. This car will not be on the streets ever. I am trying to compare these two motors and yes price does matter. The 1JZ Vvti is significantly more $$ than the RB. This is what raises my question of which is better. Please put some details in the reasoning and not just "oh I love JZs so that's why". I need some real knowledge to help me decide. Thank you all

07-04-2016, 10:14 AM
Ive driven (drifted) my buddies car and mine, his is a stock rb25, mine is a stock 1jz vvti.

im super happy with the 1jz. torque and boost response is way better, less effort for drifting.

I like the engineering/ layout of the 1jz better, easier to work on IMO

and i think a 1jz sounds better, just dont tell my buddy

07-04-2016, 11:01 AM
Stock for stock the vvti 1J has fatter, better power.

But when it comes to actually building it out, pretty much everything costs the same. Headwork, bottom end, manifolds, arent any more expensive for either. You just get the added bonus of a variable cam for one of them which isnt a liability considering every tuning solution supports that now.

The added bonus of not having a giant snail steering column/booster side always just somehow felt more right to me.

07-04-2016, 04:24 PM
Sooo the JZ then lol also how about transmissions. R154 vs the stock TB tranny?.

07-10-2016, 04:56 PM
z33 trans imo

07-21-2016, 08:02 AM
Z33 tranny is ideal..... But if you dont know what you're doing dont even bother going that route.

I would never compare a 1JZ to a RB25....... More like rb26 vs 1jzgte.