View Full Version : quick question injector wiring

06-25-2016, 05:29 PM
hey guys im currently taking apart a ka-t s14. i need to know if this is a resistor box (picture below) the car has low impedance top feed injectors. Im pretty sure its a resistor box. but i want to be 100%. also when i took it out the wiring harness i noticed that there are 3 other wires they seem like they were cut. 2 red wires and a brown/red wire. just sitting there next to red wire they ran to the resistor box. do i need to wire each of my injectors to each one of those red wires. i got some stock injector pigtails from an s13 and all 4 injectors connect together to one single red wire.. how would i need to wire in the stock injector pig tails..... thanks guys!

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c7/chieumuabuon/IMG_0625_zpsu82kzttu.jpg (http://s24.photobucket.com/user/chieumuabuon/media/IMG_0625_zpsu82kzttu.jpg.html)

06-25-2016, 05:48 PM
That all depends what injectors you are using

06-25-2016, 06:40 PM
i just need to know if i should wire each injector to each one of the 3 red wire and the black/red wire. OR just wire in the 4 injectors to one hot wire. the wiring diagram shows that all 4 injectors connects to a black/red wire.. what are the other 3 red ones then... lol

and is that picture a resistor box and does it come stock with a 240... lol

running stock injectors.

06-25-2016, 07:27 PM
You should not need a resistor if you are running OEM injectors. Get rid of whatever cob job the previous owner did. Find the OEM wiring and repair it.

Also I don't believe the injectors all connect to one wire. There is a single wire that runs a signal to each individual injector. They don't all fire at the same time.

06-25-2016, 07:54 PM
i already have stock harness of an s13 . on the stock s13 harness all 4 injectors join together and hook up to one hot (power) power wire. i have an s14 tho. i am asking about the power wires. not the ecu signal wires. injector should have power at all times waiting for signal (ecu ground)

i should have taken a pic of the harness side..