View Full Version : No distributor spark!?

06-22-2016, 05:42 AM
I recently finished my turbo rebuild and have fired the engine multiple times and even drove it down the road and back. I recently was working on the pcv valve and when I was pulling the alternator off I accidentally sparked it against metal for a quarter of a second. Yes I know I'ma idiot for not pulling the battery cable. So I finish what I'm doing and Jack down the car and now I have no spark. I have checked all the relays. And I have tested power all the way to the distributor but nothing out of it to the wires. I know the wires and plugs are good. Could that small spark have ruined my distributor? Should I go out and buy another whole distributor or just the cap or what other problem should I be looking for?!

06-27-2016, 05:59 PM
Check your alternator fuse. I know that you said that you checked all of your relays, but did you check the fuse?
The alternator and distributor are not tied into each other so I don't see how you setting off a spark from the alternator will cause damage to the distributor.
I've done this same dumb thing and it blew my alternator fuse.

07-04-2016, 07:38 AM
Take cap off and look inside. Look at rotor and under the cap. Make sure there's nothing crazy going on under there. Is it an s13 or s14.