View Full Version : RedTop Block+Tranny and parts for sale

09-23-2004, 08:18 PM
Hey guys, I have a few things for sale

SR block and tranny minus fuelrail/injectors and stock turbo.includes manifolds. (650+shipping)

Block engine is in my car running right now but running sluggish, my assumption is either needs a new headgasket or the major exhaust leak at manifold to turbo point is causing the ECU to go crazy.

I also have a spare stock redtop oil pan (80+shipping)
and an SR harness that SHOULD work.. has proper conversion for redtop into S13 and has power... but will not give me spark or fuel.. I replaced it 6 months ago and the engine started right up.. if you know your wiring and can fix it, go for it.. (90+ shipping) it is complete and uncut.. just not functioning.

I want to sell the tranny/block together but if I can't I'll part it out.. if I had a spare turbo , fuel rail, and injectors I would for sure but I'm not going to BUY them just to put it on the engine and sell it.

Hit me up with any offers at [email protected] this will all be available in about 10 days, not this weekend but the next ready to GO GO GO! I am currently in SD but it looks like the swap out will occur in Santa Cruz so that's where the block and tranny could be picked up or shipped from.

09-24-2004, 09:12 PM
come on people I know someone out there needs a block to rebuild.. hell considering it's running and has no thrown bearings and bent valves or anything weird it may need nothing but a headgasket.

If i part it, I have a spare CAS, and 2 oil pans, obviously an assembled block and head, stock intake and stock exhaust manifold as well as a 5 speed tranny in great shape.. prices are also negotiable so hell hit me up here!

Install now looks to take place in San Diego area I think I found a shop so i won't have to go all the way to Santa Cruz so if you want to check it out or pick it up or have it shipped it'll be from this area.

09-25-2004, 08:22 AM
if you do part it how much for the block and head? also how much for the valve cover?

09-26-2004, 02:00 PM
I can part the block and head for 550 including the valve cover. That wouldn't have a CAS, fuel rail/injectors/coils/coilharness. I dunno what shipping would be but if your interested we can find out.

If you want the working (engine is in my car running right now) CAS I can toss that in for another 100 bucks. I also have an extra oil pan though one WILL come on the block for 550.

09-26-2004, 10:41 PM
how much for the tranny?

09-27-2004, 05:06 AM
wpuld you be willing to sell just the vlave cover?

09-27-2004, 09:19 AM
I want the tranny if you will let it go for a reasonable price.


09-27-2004, 11:33 AM
Yes I can sell you just the tranny just name a price you feel is reasonable. It doesn't grind any gears and shifts quite smoothly. I don't race the car right now given the engine needs some work but it doesn't slip at all as far as I can tell. E-mail me with what you feel is a fair price and it's most likely yours.

As far as the valve cover goes... yes I can sell just the valve cover, my only qualm with that is whoever gets the head will have to have it sent to them unprotected (cams, valves, rocker arms) and I don't really want to do that, but also.. e-mail me a price you feel is fair on a valve cover.. or even the head if you'd take both I'm sure I can go pretty low on it. Hell if I can make

500/600 bucks back on
a block, head, tranny, 2 working stock oil pans, 1 harness that needs some work, and a CAS. I'll be satisfied so obviously I don't need a fortune per part.