View Full Version : getting in shape...

09-22-2004, 08:02 PM
Yo anyone got recommendations as far as what quick exercises I can do to get cut? I mean doing a few reps of sit ups a night and curls/push ups, etc should come out pretty good right?? I dont have much time during the weekdays, so tips on stuff I can do during the nights would be cool..... trying to tone up before the end of the year basically is my goal. Thanks

09-22-2004, 08:25 PM
LOTS of running. And get into bboying(break dancing)!!!

09-22-2004, 08:31 PM
to get cut you want to do a lot of reps in whatever ur exercising using lighter weights.

09-22-2004, 08:48 PM
yup run, bike, swim.. buy some weights from copelands or join a gym

Ritz S14
09-22-2004, 08:51 PM
There's no quick way. More reps, more sets, less weight.

09-22-2004, 09:17 PM
get into lots of fights.

09-22-2004, 09:38 PM

theres so much to say about this subject im not even gonna get into it. there are too many variables about your diet, body type, what muscle groups to work together, what days to workout, what times to eat, what to eat, supplements...too much. And yes they all have to do with getting fast results. like someone up there said, there is no quick fix. if you want good results fast, you have to take all these things into consideration.

but that website is a good start.

09-22-2004, 11:31 PM
its not like im body building.. just wanna return to "pimp" status.. like how i was in highschool... haha

09-22-2004, 11:41 PM
Watch what you eat, this is very important. Also do a search on "cutting phase", alot of the info and methods could be used by an average person (nonbodybuilder) to get rid of bodyfat, HIIT as an alternative to jogging your ass off.

09-22-2004, 11:47 PM
i've lost a lot of weight by running constantly. -20 lbs so far in the past 8 months

whatever you do, be consistant, and don't be a pussy, no pain no gain.

09-22-2004, 11:51 PM
yup..like everyone said, run or swim. plenty of reps , free weights. It wont come quick though

09-22-2004, 11:56 PM
Burn more calories than you eat. Do any type of cardio exercise (get ur heart goin). Situps will just build muscle and make your stomach bigger :p but if you do cardio too, then your six pack will start to appear when you lose all the blubber around your belly!

09-22-2004, 11:58 PM
we got a gym at work, so I can probably start hitting that up during lunch breaks, just gotta start doing my homework at home instead of at lunch hehe... Im thinking to get back on creatine, I guess I can start setting up a diet also. I think this would be a good for me since its pretty much gives me motivation if I set up a goal.

Im not tryin to be superman or kick peoples asses... I jus wanna look good at the beach etc... being surrounded by overwieght people 8hours a day really sucks...

09-23-2004, 01:29 AM
Stop going on forums..

Andrew Bohan
09-23-2004, 01:41 AM

09-23-2004, 02:15 AM
run run run. Really good for shedding fat. Dropped my weight from 198 to 160 in 5 months from running and eating right.

09-23-2004, 07:11 AM
Run Run Run!
Run Your Heart Out!

09-23-2004, 09:26 AM
basically what they are saying is you need more cardio to shed the excess pounds, creatine does the same thing as loading water before you go into the gym.... i personally wouldn't take it because all it does is add water weight....

eat right + exercise = 6 pack and pimp status..

(in case you're wondering how i know i went from 280 to 218 in a year but now am at 240)

09-23-2004, 10:42 AM
you guys aren't listening. fight people. it's educational and you just might get cut too :)

09-23-2004, 10:56 AM
my girlfriend takes the stairs instead of using the elevator. considering i live on the 17th floor thats a good little work out. its made um... asspects of her phsyique more appealing.


09-23-2004, 12:00 PM
whatever you do, make sure you have a proper diet to back up your workout. When you lose weight, your body is using both protein and fat as a fuel sources (muscle and fat). If you're not eating properly and running/lifting, you will lose weight, but you will lose A LOT of muscle as well. Make sure you're getting at LEAST .8 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass.

Diet is just as important as your exercise. I figured this out the hard way...I went from 215 to 170 in three months. I didn't eat right, I lost a lot of fat and was skinny as a twig, but now i'm in the process of building back a lot of the muscle I lost. I'm now back up to 190 lbs with MUCH more muscle content than before I lost weight, but I would have even more muscle mass if I would have eaten right when I was losing weight.

09-23-2004, 12:15 PM
you guys aren't listening. fight people. it's educational and you just might get cut too :)

I mean.. just look at Brad [email protected]!

Andrew Bohan
09-23-2004, 02:14 PM

photoshop is a good way to get cut too

09-23-2004, 04:02 PM
photoshop is a good way to get cut too

Cut and Pasted, maybe. :bowrofl:

09-23-2004, 05:19 PM
dont use any of that dumb supplement stuff, all they do is just slap on extra nutrients and stuff to your body you dont need if youre already eating a healthy well balanced diet

09-23-2004, 05:25 PM
If you're gonna take creatine you better drink a hell of a lot of water. You'll see why when you go to the restroom :fart:

09-23-2004, 07:21 PM
run run run. Really good for shedding fat. Dropped my weight from 198 to 160 in 5 months from running and eating right.

boooooooooo eating right!!!!!!!!!!

but seriously, you can spend plenty of time "being healthy." you can work out, be active and youll be pretty healthy. but if u wanna loose teh guttness, eating right IS the differance.

look at me, 5'10, 195lbs been working out regularly and all that good stuff. cept eating right.
boooooooooooo!!! thats why im still 195 instead of 185 where i wanna be
and the damn gut never goes away!!!

damn In and Out for being on the way home from skool and work!!!! :duh:

09-23-2004, 08:59 PM
I know something better than running. That's kayaking...you know....rowing that little boat.....not only does it get you in shape really quick......but it also gets you super flexable

09-23-2004, 10:20 PM
dont use any of that dumb supplement stuff, all they do is just slap on extra nutrients and stuff to your body you dont need if youre already eating a healthy well balanced diet

I've been using creatine and it's helping from what I can tell, I've been losing fat faster due to the fact I've been able to lift better (more reps higher weight without getting tired). I'm taking whey protien also, 30 min. after I work out. If you take whey protien it also takes longer for you to get hungry after you take it than if you just drank water. So I work out when I get home and then take that and I don't feel like eating before I have to go to bed anymore. Which just not eating before bed is a good thing. Creatine, Whey and a Multi-Vitamin are the only supplements you should take. Other supplements really won't do jack.

Other than than that, just do a lot of cardio. If you also do some weight training it will speed it up faster but you will gain some muscle mass too.

09-23-2004, 10:31 PM
maybe taking all that crap probably wont be a good idea if im working and school huh?? cuz then I might not be able to sleep etc??