View Full Version : Race in America

05-24-2016, 11:42 AM
I hope starting this thread isn't in too high of hopes for zilvia. This isn't a thread to argue, hate on others, or point fingers, but to discuss solutions about the racial difference issues facing Americans.

Who has ideas on how to change the tide of race relations in America?

How do we change the negative perceptions of our people into positive ones?

What do we do with the implicit biases we ALL have?

How do we shape the future of our country?

How do we change incarceration trends?

I believe talking about it is the first step.

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05-24-2016, 06:13 PM
You gotta be the change you wanna see in the world

05-24-2016, 08:04 PM
Personally, I don't see the problem with race. The problem I see is stereotypes and prejudice that are actually affecting the soci-economic aspects of the America.

I am totally guilty of this, but it's not limited to race. I just feel like there are certain types of people that thrive off of certain aspects of our society and distort, manipulate and take advantage of others. Wether it's poor or the filthy rich. Even if everyone is equal, human nature will find a way to separate and disparage others. This media just calls this a race problem, because it's the easiest way to label it.

MEh, talkin out my ass... ::sips whiskey::

05-25-2016, 06:25 AM
I think our biggest problem as a society is that our default is to blame others.

06-08-2016, 03:16 PM
Who has ideas on how to change the tide of race relations in America?

Everyone needs to be in the car scene. I made friends with all races by being a part of the car scene, and as far as I could tell, no one gave a flying fuck at a rolling donut whether you were brown or black or white or whatever as long as your car was well-done or you took the time to teach yourself.

How do we change the negative perceptions of our people into positive ones?

Stop being stupid about it. I was thinking about this and the biases against women and LGBT on the drive to work this morning. Who cares if someone doesn't look like you or love who you love? As long as they are a decent person, it shouldn't matter.

What do we do with the implicit biases we ALL have?

Biases are a way of protecting oneself and being wary, but don't be fiznucking stupid about it. Meet new people, people from outside your race. Also, teach people to think, not how to think. Very few people think anymore.

Stop idolizing thugs and imbeciles. Idolize the intelligent, the kind, the loyal.

How do we shape the future of our country?

By looking backward. More freedom, both personal and economic. More respect. More thought. Less reliance on tweets to know a man's inner.

How do we change incarceration trends?

Legalize the vast majority of drugs and remove all possession laws. Make it so that someone who has served their time actually has dignity left- they paid their debt. Most of all- remove profit from the equation. I would say bring back public shaming for theft, but mob mentality hasn't gotten any better in the past couple hundred years.

06-08-2016, 04:43 PM
How do we change the negative perceptions of our people into positive ones?

"our people?" americans? not making stupid people famous and then nominating them for president would be a good start.

What do we do with the implicit biases we ALL have?

acknowledge them. if you don't acknowledge the problem, you can't fix it.

How do we shape the future of our country?

make education priority. smarter people -> more innovation -> less waste -> more money -> healthier, happier planet

How do we change incarceration trends?

equal punishment for each crime and individual, no matter the color of their skin, affluence, sanity, or judge's bias.

kashira kureijii
06-08-2016, 08:25 PM
This thread will likely get pretty hairy in the future, just a prediction haha

I don't know the demographics of Zilvia, but I think may'be a higher proportion of people here are not white? who knows

Who has ideas on how to change the tide of race relations in America?

I assume your a talking basically about People with white skin's (Europeans and a good amount of Asians) relationship with people of other skin colors? Because between individual races, such as black and brown people, there is quite a bit of "racism" as well. this would get more complicated if we talked about how black people feel about mexicans or vice versa.

Also of we were talking about ethnicity it would get even more complicated, as many Hispanics dislike other Hispanics, Many whites/asians dislike other whites/asians, etc.

How do we change the negative perceptions of our people into positive ones?

what does are people mean? what race are you? are we talking about the S-chassis master race (IE everyone here on Zilvia hahaha), like how we as car people view others?

If your white, I don't really think we as white people are as racist as popular culture would make us out to be. I have never actually heard another white person say something racist, and not be joking. Or use a slur and it not being in reference to the slur itself. Now you could look up videos, or go to a white trash neighborhood, and probably hear something racist, but those really aren't the type of people who run societies general racial psychology

What do we do with the implicit biases we ALL have?

Bias exists partly because of reason, but mostly because of unfamiliarity. For instance if I work on Nissans all day and am used to them, and then have to work on a chevy and it's a PITA, I'll inherently develop a schism against chevy's. Because due to my familiarity with Nissans, I might forget all of the PITA moments I've had with them, and therefore recognize something different only by its unfamiliar faults.

I do think people have an eternal bias against people based on sexuality though, as what person here can say that no matter what, if their son turned out to be gay or a furry or some shit, they would not be to any degree disappointed? I don't think anyone here could say they would not be disappointed at all, as when people act righteous and say they accept gays or whatever, they look at that belief from the idea that it doesn't relate to them as a serious issue.
I would be disappointed in my son if he was a fag, and would likely try and force him to take a different name, but I think this reaction would be there no matter what world I was raised in or what lifestyle I had, as I think it is an inherent psychological condition of humans, based on their genetic predisposition to create children.

How do we shape the future of our country?

return to the inherent values of Western Civilization. Western Civilization is the gold standard of mankind, and I think if everyone assimilated to western culture and its values, regardless of race, there would be much less issues and racism

How do we change incarceration trends?

If you mean that fact that black people have a high proportion of US crime relative to their population size, I think that has to do more with Black Male Culture, than just people having black skin. Indians have very black skin, but do you see Indian-people in America having the same crime stats or promoting the same lifestyle?
You don't really see other cultures promote the same lifestyle as most black culture does. For instance I know black kids who were raised by white people or just classier blacks, who wouldn't dream of being criminal or acting/dressing like a thug. If your parent's smoke crack or have been incarcerated, or you're being raised by a single mother in the ghetto, you are almost doomed to failure, regardless off race, as there is no one there in your life to set the proper example.

My brother is a doctor, and my bro-in-law a policeman, and they tell me stories daily about the poor conditions many black kids live in, because their parents are on drugs/welfare, or their fathers are in prison for crimes.
I as an individual, don't see this supposed "system of white oppression", as almost everyone white person I know actively tries to help others, or be relatively fair.My mother works with poor black kids like every sunday, she doesn't have to, but she does.

Just legalizing all drugs wouldn't resolve basic cultural ideologies.

I think these incarceration trends could be reversed if we eliminated welfare, and black people actually started trying to set good examples instead of shooting each other and idolizing rich "criminal" rappers etc.

People just need to try, because they totally don't
Most of this supposed racism is just people making excuses for why they shouldn't try, or why they can't succeed because of the "system".

I just try to be chill with whoever, if people are dicks then i dislike them, no matter who they are.

If race didn't exist, man would base his prejudice on religion, and if religion didn't exist man would base his prejudice on ideas, and if ideas didn't exist, man would be animal. people need a reason to be pissed as they are petty.

People just need to do their best no matter who they are, what culture or society they grew up in, and what race they identify with.

06-18-2016, 11:16 PM
Thanks everyone for your answers. Some good stuff here.

Who has ideas on how to change the tide of race relations in America?

Everyone needs to be in the car scene. I made friends with all races by being a part of the car scene, and as far as I could tell, no one gave a flying fuck at a rolling donut whether you were brown or black or white or whatever as long as your car was well-done or you took the time to teach yourself.

I feel sorta the same way. Military service should be a mandatory minimum of 2 or 3 years.

How do we shape the future of our country?
make education priority. smarter people -> more innovation -> less waste -> more money -> healthier, happier planet


People just need to try, because they totally don't
Most of this supposed racism is just people making excuses for why they shouldn't try, or why they can't succeed because of the "system".

Fully agree with this.

Your post had me rolling at some points. Not gonna lie, I'd be disappointed if my kid ended up being a furry. Them being gay wouldn't bother me as long as they weren't just looking to screw anything they can.

I'm not a black person raised in a black community, but I do spend a lot of time thinking about what it must be like, as I do have friends that are black that I consider to be blood and I have a general concern for the outcome of the US during my lifetime. The conclusion I've come to is that general opinions and attitudes of the community itself allow feelings of white resentment to fester. I myself have felt the feeling of "ugh god, another know-it-all judgmental white person I've gotta deal with." Some of it is justified in that there is an undeniable history of cultural displacement, oppression, and racism that has been passed down from generation to generation on both sides of the racial spectrum. That also isn't to say that I don't regularly meet other white people that overly profile people for being different than themselves and tell me that they do and why they do. There's varying levels and reasons for them to do that, but on the other side of that coin is an amount of the same profiling of white people or any person by people that are raised in different communities. People gotta learn to let it go: Is that individual bothering you? No? Then why do you give a fuck about what they're doing or what their persona is?

I personally don't believe that white racism or racial bias is as common as people make it out to be. Honestly, I'm pretty good at getting those white people that are to show me their hand so to speak. And I don't come by them all to often, and when I do they're almost always over 50 years old or have a strong relationship with someone over 50 that has racist tendencies.

When it comes to the crime rate issue, I think it has a lot to do with a) the already strained relationship between police and black communities from the past, and b) the "fuck the police" mentality. People need to realize that police are human beings, performing a highly stressful job, called to deal with the bottom of the barrel on a regular basis. When something like that young boy getting shot 17 times happens, that's despicable on that individual police officer's part- but for people of the black community to take that and say "hey, fuck the rest of you. I hope my new album about killing cops pisses you off," you definitely aren't taking the high ground to better the situation and make a difference in changing the perception of your community with those strongly biased toward it. The whole 'fighting prejudice with prejudice' thing.... nah, aint gonna work. 'My prejudice against white people doesn't change things for them or me...' yeah, it does, it creates a racist.

With all of that said, people need to thicken up their skin and think for themselves some more. Because this news and social media bullshit, is what is divisive and misleading them to believe in and be angry about things that usually just don't even align with reality. It's like politics, damn Hillary Clinton stands up there and pukes bullshit to make people like her, but in the end it's bullshit and they're being played like a giant deck of cards. Some people are just so weak minded that all they can do is follow a crowd, because it appeals to their sentiment even if it defies logic or reality. It's sad really.

06-19-2016, 12:11 AM
I think realistically as Americans we need to stop labeling people by color or religion or sociology economic status (this applies especially to the media) and just refer to one another as Americans and concentrate on how we can improve America for Americans (including those people legitimately going through the naturalization process).


sent from knee deep in snow

11-27-2016, 11:44 PM
I know this thread is old. But the country is divded due to no one having a shared experience.. theres nothing related between a white guy from CA and a black guy from tennesse, atleast on the surface which then stereotypes take over and people assume the typical about one another...

You dont find this divide in the military, as its basically color blind thrpugh shared exp from basic and combat.. and while of course guys may not get along, in a gunfight race doesnt matter.

11-29-2016, 04:54 PM
I've read the thread and would love to quote and respond to Kashira and the others individually, but it would take up wayyy too much room.

Who has ideas on how to change the tide of race relations in America?
Emphasis on education and actual overhaul of the current educational system.
As Kashira's post, there is a lot of racism in between other races that isn't addressed. More people need to pay attention to history. An example would be British power in black countries way back in the day. Their rise to power was in part due to the fact that blacks from one region thought themselves to be superior to other blacks from another region so they did not intervene.
I believe if that if there was better classroom diversity then people would get along. How are we supposed to mix inner city black children with whites from rural towns and sprinkle in asians and Europeans (people from all parts of the world)?

How do we change the negative perceptions of our people into positive ones?

By our people I assume you mean Americans as a whole.
We are the melting pot of the world. Most immigrants come from countries that are actually pretty strict regarding immigration into their own countries (lol at the irony). All of those countries have their own stereotypes of other races as well.

I would have previously suggested mandatory programs similar to some of the sexual harassment online activities that my university bothers us with, but most people do not pay attention to them.
We should study the upbringings of more stereo typically known polite people such as canadians.

I personally believe in education so I will say that this would need to be addressed in schools. Like a class on human behavior skills that would be worked into the schoolday.

What do we do with the implicit biases we ALL have?

I have never been harassed by a black person in my life. Never have I been a victim of crime personally, but anytime I see a group of teenage kids ( especially black teens) I do have a slight fight or flight reaction ( as in I hold my car key in between my knuckles with my hands in my pockets)
The same way people clench their buttholes when driving near cop cars

Naturally we just fear the worst. I guess it is part of the human condition. People just need to learn to control themselves. The same way I don't just randomly attack a group of teenage kids and how people don't suddenly pull over and wait for the police to pass by.

How do we shape the future of our country?

Persistent and peaceful protesting. Actively working to do something instead of whining on social media. I can't blame social media really, it is just a tool that people choose to misuse. People just find a way to misuse things. I think C4 was developed to help miners but instead people kill each other with it.
I feel that we should raise our kids to think and focus on education.

Scenario 1.
Making sure our kids excel in their education both by learning quality material and getting good grades to reflect that (even though grades don't always reflect that)

Scenario 2.
Spend a shit ton of time with little Timmy's baseball team, occasionally help him pass that super hard math test.

You can replace the baseball team with anything else besides educational things and you have part of the reason why so many "immigrants are taking up all the high paying jobs" Too many parents focusing on scenario 2 and not scenario 1.

While stereotypical white kid doing popular white kid things and stereotypical black kids doing their things, we got the immigrants coming from third world countries willing to do more because they need to.

We spend way too much time on recreational activities in this country. I am also guilty of this. It is too easy to just give up on the hard thing that you NEED to do such as class work and get on playstation.

People are just bad parents. I believe in investing in birth control. We really need to cut back on the amount of people abusing the system.

How do we change incarceration trends?

This goes back to education and black male culture ( thats what I'm assuming you want to talk about)
Why the fuck are people committing crimes? Lack of education or a culture that promotes criminal activity. By education, I don't just mean stuff included in the American Department of education. Education to me means lifelong learning. It means anything good that you learn from whoever.

We just love to daydream and pretend like we will be the next Sports star, musician, or any career that doesn't require a lot of education. How many people dream about having a steady 8-5 job as they do about being the next rockstar?

Reality fucking sucks. Reality in other countries is much more grim.

10-02-2017, 08:20 PM
"Reality is a lie, DREAMS are for real."

10-05-2017, 07:52 AM
Oh if only I had the time to go and debunk all the bullshit said in here about black people. But alas, I have a life to lead.

Listen. Go make a friend with someone who is different from you. Put aside your preconceived notions and try understanding them beyond just media talking points.

10-05-2017, 01:02 PM
Why bump this trash pile

10-05-2017, 01:42 PM
'Cause, you know, life's so unfair and i must express all my feels...

10-05-2017, 04:54 PM
I didn't realize it was an old thread..