View Full Version : Battery relocation question

05-20-2016, 09:52 PM
Got a question about relocating the battery. Should I cut the wires and feed them into a distribution block, or would I be ok just connecting them all to a single 2gauge wire? I am putting a 150a circuit breaker 1ft from the battery FYI. Thanks.

05-20-2016, 10:08 PM
http://www.ebay.com/itm/0-Gauge-Input-Distribution-Block-4-Gauge-Output-Car-Audio-In-Out-AWG-12-V-Power-/171927809815?hash=item2807b22f17:g:tOkAAOSwhcJWO3J v

05-20-2016, 10:22 PM
http://www.ebay.com/itm/0-Gauge-Input-Distribution-Block-4-Gauge-Output-Car-Audio-In-Out-AWG-12-V-Power-/171927809815?hash=item2807b22f17:g:tOkAAOSwhcJWO3J v

thanks a lot! i guess that answers my question there! :)

07-12-2016, 02:34 PM
Here's the one I used.


It has a ring terminal (so you can use any gauge wire to reach it from your battery) and 4 available 4 gauge outputs. I have 1 for the starter, 1 for both those plugs twisted together (alternator and fuse box I believe), one going to my electric fan relays and the last is open. I may eventually run it to a remote positive terminal so I can charge or jump from the engine bay but for now it's just empty.

Prior to installing it, I just had them all terminated in ring terminals and connected via bolt wrapped in electrical tape. This is much cleaner/safer. I do still need to come up with a bracket or mount to secure it.

07-12-2016, 03:41 PM
I use a side post adapter. It retains the stock connector. The cable from the trunk has a ring terminal.
