View Full Version : Lord Umoja's Cursed 240SX Convertible

Lord Umoja
05-04-2016, 05:37 PM
So I thought I would start a thread for my 1993 240SX Convertible.

A little background on the car:

I bought this lovely 1993 Nissan 240SX convertible in the fall of 2011. I was having issues with the KA-T I was trying to build for a '93 Coupe and really wanted a 240 as a daily driver. I drove 8 hours from central PA to southern Ohio to get the car. I should have seen the signs when the test drive revealed a serious shake at speed and a missing radio the seller had failed to mention. At least the photos were nice...




Like an idiot, I convinced myself that the issue was just the shitty no-name tires on the car and/or a missing wheel weight. I bought the car and drove it the 8 hours home. Besides the shaking it wasn't too bad and my then girlfriend (now wife) was along for the ride so the lack of a radio wasn't an issue. As a plus, the Lexus Pearl white paint looked amazing out in the sun as well.




I should have taken the schizophrenic alarm system and the rear view mirror falling off the windshield as a sign....

When I finally got the car home I decided that I wanted to take a little time and clean up some of the ratty wiring under the hood and fix the interior. That's when I discovered the damage. Apparently the car had seen a wall at some point in its life but the accident was never reported. To add insult to injury, the previous owner had also slapped on a poorly wired fan and external oil cooler.







Tomorrow I will update this with details on the removal of the damaged frame components and how I got the car repaired and back on the road.