View Full Version : OH Advan Model 5s, Staggered 19s

04-26-2016, 04:50 PM
Looking to trade my FULL SET (4) of 19" Model 5s for a PAIR (2) of 18x9 +10 ~ 18x10 +20 wheels. Real wheels only, no reps. Willing to sell but more motivated to trade, make an offer if you want. Wheels are not perfect, see below for details.

19x9 +45 Front 215/35 Kumho (near new)
19x10 +45 Rear 235/35 Falken (very worn)

All 4 wheels have been recently refinished metallic silver. Will come with tires if youre close enough to drive.

ISSUES: One front wheel is pretty bent, unsure if it can be repaired, havnt looked into it, but it still holds air. One rear wheel is cracked in two places. Shown in pictures. These cracks can be welded and fixed at very little cost.

Located in 44133, Ohio

Sorry for gigantic pics

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04-27-2016, 06:46 PM
Bump for a rad seller. :kiss:

05-03-2016, 08:09 PM
up pls ty!!!!