View Full Version : throttle cable and ?mbc? questions

09-16-2004, 10:12 AM
ok, so i am finishing my sr20 swap up and i noticed what looks like the stock boost controller on the right side of the engine bay on a bracket the size of like a napkin or something. The thing i was wondering was how do you set it to stock levels if its not labeled at all. Its just a black/green knob and im not sure how I'd set it to factory preset or whatever. It also very well might be something else. im retarded and have never done this swap before so I'm kind of in over my head here. Luckily my friend is pretty experienced, so we've managed to figure out everything on our own using internet sources so far.

the only questions i have are the one about the possible mbc and the throttle cable, which ive seeen adressed, but most people have said just lead it across the valve cover. I dont want to do that at all. I think it looks really tacky, after all the care we've gone through to make the engine bay look clean. Others said that the ka24de throttle cable is longer and that it would work to go around the engine. Other sources say that theyre all the same size and wont work without going across the valve cover. Thanks for all of you guys' help and hopefully i can get this swap finished up this weekend

09-16-2004, 10:30 AM
To make the kade throttle cable work, you have to bend the bracket on the intake manifold where the cable connects to so that it will have tension on it, otherwiseit will fall off.
As far as stock boost controler, it is a boost sensor. you dont need to hook this up. nobody does. if you spin that knob , nothing happens.

the ka24e throttle cable fits better then the de throttle cable. I'm running my throttle cable across the top of the engine

09-16-2004, 11:11 AM
thanks a lot man....i wasnt sure about the boost sensor, what should i disconnect? There are like 3-4 hoses connected to it. Should i jut remove them and find the source an plug em or what?

Also if there are any other solutions to the throttle cable question other than running it across the top of the motor i'd appreciate it. Thanks a Lot guys!

09-16-2004, 11:19 AM
just disconnect them. and you can remove the ignitor chip of the braket and ditch the bracket with the boost sensor and forgot whea theother one was on there. if you do your wiring easy, you dont lengthen the ignitor chip wires. this would make it so you couldnt hook up the sensors anyways without getting miles of tubing.

throttle cable- bend the braket to make the ka cable work or use the sr one and run it across the engine.

09-16-2004, 12:06 PM
wait a fucking minute, now you guys say that the throttle cable is longer than needed for sr, why the hells did I have to custom make brackets because my throttle cable was like 3 inches too short, also power steering doesnt line up for shit, WTF after 2 years of reading all this shit people say blah blah everything fits perfect, btw i have a 91 so ps should fit, and ive never heard of probs with the throttle cable, what did I get a special edition car w short throttle cable

09-16-2004, 01:06 PM

keep your ka power sttering, you just switch the pully's. place the sr pully on the ka power steering pump and it will bolt right in. Just use the sr throttle cable makes it easier. their will be some play, but it doesnt matter, throttle plate is fully open when u floor it. for the ka throttle cable to work you have to bend the braket a little to make it work. these are easy swaps, but not everything is 100% perfect.

09-16-2004, 02:36 PM
so ok....the sr throttle cable is longer...ok cool. ill try that. Man i hope this works

09-16-2004, 05:16 PM
bayarea 240

haha no wonder, well I wish I could, I dont have either the cable or the pully, Im guessing itll cost me a bit to find the pully but the brackets I made hold well for the cable but im just wondering if over time they will get weaker and slowly make it so wot isnt really wot, ill just have to check up on it so often but thanks for the advice.

09-17-2004, 10:05 AM
No problem, ya the power steering thing I didnt know about myself until i was sittin arond looking at both units adn realized they looked the same. So when I did the swap I changed pully's and everything worked. i kinda which I kept my a.c but i couldnt get it to work. motor was placed in angled down toward a.c, I'd have to raise the motor, but broken motor mount doesn allow me to haha. 2 year on the same broken motor mount haha and no problems so far. i really should change that one of these days though.