View Full Version : GS300 Superstreet? SCAM POS! SHARE

03-18-2016, 02:33 AM
I'm not really sure what good this can do other than raise awareness,

Famous GS300 Purple fuckboi scammed me on his engine!

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1478/25782621271_311ab31008_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/FhjF3X)246777_1225672020796144_8892432319997444026 _n (https://flic.kr/p/FhjF3X) by Nico Davila (https://www.flickr.com/photos/[email protected]/), on Flickr
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Here's the post/ story:

**Got screwed over** Looking for any help** Share around**

Anybody good friends with Adam Mao, willing to help me out?

He fucked me over on his engine and has denied to compensate for the parts?
Long story short, I paid 9k$ for the entire setup (engine, tranny, harness, ecu, injectors, etc.)..

I got word last week from a technician at FFtec that they did a leak down test on the motor before I bought it and the motor was shit... So i asked adam, he told me what happened. Regardless, I didn't listen to the nay say, I did a leak down test myself. 5 times with two different testers, all getting the same results:

3 cylinders are bad. 1, 3, 4.

They're leaking over 20%. I contacted him and we argued for hours via text not coming to a resolution. Since then, he's blocked me and denied to pay for the bottom end or give me money back so I can rebuild the bottom, excluding shop labor. YES, I WAS GOING TO DO IT MYSELF.

He posted selling with Eagle Rods. He lied and admitted they are GTE rods. He went and re-edited his post today @ 5:29pm and deleted the rods. I have pictures of everything, and took a screenshot of the post at 2:29pm before he removed it. He lied about who built it or that he did/ instead of buying it.

I'm just trying to get my money back and be whole again and not screwed over. Any help I'd appreciate it guys.
Facebook DM me or text me 925-628-7956 if you have info for me

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03-18-2016, 03:24 AM
so you knew the motor was bad but you still bought it? this sounds like your problem and not his.

03-18-2016, 07:04 AM
Sounds like he's schemin' and knew the numbers were low.

Id be pissed too, 9G isn't chump change.

at the same time, used motor, no receipts?, shady hear say. "My tuner said..."

03-18-2016, 07:31 AM
fuck that guy. take him to court. you have screen shots of everything right? all you need. he should refund you. if not, fuck him up, take his money and keep motor. or get a lawyer

03-18-2016, 07:53 AM
Jeeze. Car world is getting worse and worse. So many fly by night botti riders.

03-18-2016, 08:15 AM
fuck that guy. take him to court. you have screen shots of everything right? all you need. he should refund you. if not, fuck him up, take his money and keep motor. or get a lawyer

Could you imagine the headache that this would bring? Probably what the OP is exactly trying to avoid.

03-18-2016, 09:02 AM
Here's the post/ story:

He fucked me over on his engine and has denied to compensate for the parts?
Long story short, I paid 9k$ for the entire setup (engine, tranny, harness, ecu, injectors, etc.)..

I got word last week from a technician at FFtec that they did a leak down test on the motor before I bought it and the motor was shit... So i asked adam, he told me what happened. Regardless, I didn't listen to the nay say, I did a leak down test myself. 5 times with two different testers, all getting the same results:

3 cylinders are bad. 1, 3, 4.

They're leaking over 20%. I contacted him and we argued for hours via text not coming to a resolution.

From everything you have said, you need to clarify some stuff.
1. When exactly did you find out that the engine was bad, before or after you bought it? Because from how you state it, it sounds as if you knew it was bad, didn't listen to the 'nay say', bought it and then decided to do a leak down check yourself.

2. IF you didn't NOT know that it was bad and you tried to settle this in a civil manner, I think that it's time to take legal actions. If you could spare 9K on a set up, you could spare some to sue to get your money back AND lawyer fees.

3. IF you knew it was bad and still bought it, I think that you're shyt out of luck.

03-18-2016, 09:42 AM
I read that particular statement as; he got word from some shop that had tested the motor prior to sale and found it was bad. He did not say whether HE had the shop test it or if they were providing info as an outside party to help keep people from getting shafted...

The fact it does not have the correct, as-listed, internals is also an issue here. Whether or not the motor was known bad, it should have come as advertised, at the very least including the components listed.

I assume you paid in cash?

03-18-2016, 11:20 AM
What a piece of shit.

03-18-2016, 11:33 AM
Oh sorry guys for the mixup. I was typing fast and not being clear. I bought the motor February 3-8th and got everything back to my house. Last week I was at work and a tech from FFtec let me know that motor is shit and they tested it at their shop. So I bought a tester to see for myself after confronting adam. Found out it was bad and now I'm stuck here.

03-18-2016, 11:34 AM
I paid 1k in paypal and 8k in cash

03-18-2016, 12:58 PM
Ouch. I know hindsight has 20/20 vision, but next time use paypal for the entire payment. That way you're protected and this will not be an issue.

Again, if he is not refunding you or at the very least, working with you to help rebuild it, it's court time.

Good luck man. Times are too hard to be ripping people off like that, no matter the amount.

03-18-2016, 12:59 PM
This seller lied to my friend about a set of harnesses too

03-18-2016, 02:39 PM
Buyer did not read carefully on what the motor set will come with, It was a mistake when i had listed eagle rods on the motor when i was selling the vehicle as a whole due to motor being built a while back, but when the buyer requested me to provide him a complete list of the parts that will be included in the motor set at the price we had agreed on i did not list the eagle rods. It is the buyers own fault he did not read what i had provided him and assuming that it came with eagle rods basing off of what i had on the forums. Buyer saw my Posting on my IG page where i had listed my complete motor set for sale even including a full parts list, no where on the post that i had up mentioned of the eagle rods. I even sent detailed pictures of the engine build showing the parts that were installed, took him for a test drive while the engine was running in the vehicle. Showed him compression test numbers before I had accepted deposit. Engine start and ran fine, Buyer had agreed on purchasing the motor and left a deposit. I removed the engine set and buyer picked up the motor from me therefore an exchange was made on a private sale. Turns out a 3 of the cylinder had minor leakage through the rings into the crankcase. I had offered the buyer to take the engine back and rebuild the necessary parts that is worn out and have it back to him at 100% no problems, replacing engine head gasket, new rod bearings, new piston rings, honing the cylinder walls, Confirming it at 0% leak down and solid good compression at all cylinders. At no cost to him, Buyer denied the offer I made him. Therefore asking on a complete rebuild of the bottom end with brand new replacement parts especially replacing parts that does not need to be replaced and does not affect the engine performance. I will not pay for new parts to be put into engine when the engine is used and was sold "as is"

03-18-2016, 03:13 PM
This is why when you purchase engines to do your own tests before an exchange. As for the rods it sounds like you got screwed.

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03-19-2016, 06:13 AM
Sounds like based on the text, you'd be out 1 grand to just be done with it. Now you gotta decide how much your time and effort is really worth. With all the money and time you MAY spend, it doesn't sound like it's going to come out to a grand. Good luck though. Guess that's the price of building 1500 used hp.

03-19-2016, 09:01 AM
Well there is the other side of the story.

Why would the buyer NOT want to have the engine rebuilt at no cost to him?

03-19-2016, 09:14 AM
Want state are you and he in?

If it's California, file small claims. Neither party can have a lawyer and a judge decides. If he doesn't show up, you automatically win. Only downside is the max you can get is $7,500.

Get a rebuild cost, get an Eagle Rod cost, Sue him for that amount. Honestly, $2k should easily get that engine rebuilt with some Manly rods. Eagles suck. Most shops charge $650-800 for assembly labor.

03-19-2016, 09:18 AM
Buyer did not read carefully on what the motor set will come with, It was a mistake when i had listed eagle rods on the motor when i was selling the vehicle as a whole due to motor being built a while back, but when the buyer requested me to provide him a complete list of the parts that will be included in the motor set at the price we had agreed on i did not list the eagle rods. It is the buyers own fault he did not read what i had provided him and assuming that it came with eagle rods basing off of what i had on the forums. Buyer saw my Posting on my IG page where i had listed my complete motor set for sale even including a full parts list, no where on the post that i had up mentioned of the eagle rods. I even sent detailed pictures of the engine build showing the parts that were installed, took him for a test drive while the engine was running in the vehicle. Showed him compression test numbers before I had accepted deposit. Engine start and ran fine, Buyer had agreed on purchasing the motor and left a deposit. I removed the engine set and buyer picked up the motor from me therefore an exchange was made on a private sale. Turns out a 3 of the cylinder had minor leakage through the rings into the crankcase. I had offered the buyer to take the engine back and rebuild the necessary parts that is worn out and have it back to him at 100% no problems, replacing engine head gasket, new rod bearings, new piston rings, honing the cylinder walls, Confirming it at 0% leak down and solid good compression at all cylinders. At no cost to him, Buyer denied the offer I made him. Therefore asking on a complete rebuild of the bottom end with brand new replacement parts especially replacing parts that does not need to be replaced and does not affect the engine performance. I will not pay for new parts to be put into engine when the engine is used and was sold "as is"

On such an expensive build, why the fuck did you cheap out and use OEM rods?
I'd even question the decision to use Eagles.

03-19-2016, 01:58 PM
Full of fail in here.

04-02-2016, 10:11 PM
Want state are you and he in?

If it's California, file small claims. Neither party can have a lawyer and a judge decides. If he doesn't show up, you automatically win. Only downside is the max you can get is $7,500.

Corbic, it's actually $10,000. I did my homework when I almost had to go this route myself.


04-05-2016, 09:29 PM
Buyer did not read carefully on what the motor set will come with, It was a mistake when i had listed eagle rods on the motor when i was selling the vehicle as a whole due to motor being built a while back, but when the buyer requested me to provide him a complete list of the parts that will be included in the motor set at the price we had agreed on i did not list the eagle rods. It is the buyers own fault he did not read what i had provided him and assuming that it came with eagle rods basing off of what i had on the forums. Buyer saw my Posting on my IG page where i had listed my complete motor set for sale even including a full parts list, no where on the post that i had up mentioned of the eagle rods. I even sent detailed pictures of the engine build showing the parts that were installed, took him for a test drive while the engine was running in the vehicle. Showed him compression test numbers before I had accepted deposit. Engine start and ran fine, Buyer had agreed on purchasing the motor and left a deposit. I removed the engine set and buyer picked up the motor from me therefore an exchange was made on a private sale. Turns out a 3 of the cylinder had minor leakage through the rings into the crankcase. I had offered the buyer to take the engine back and rebuild the necessary parts that is worn out and have it back to him at 100% no problems, replacing engine head gasket, new rod bearings, new piston rings, honing the cylinder walls, Confirming it at 0% leak down and solid good compression at all cylinders. At no cost to him, Buyer denied the offer I made him. Therefore asking on a complete rebuild of the bottom end with brand new replacement parts especially replacing parts that does not need to be replaced and does not affect the engine performance. I will not pay for new parts to be put into engine when the engine is used and was sold "as is"

Why were you selling the engine in the first place? Just for curiosisties sake..

BTW: Minor leaking is 5%, maybe 10%....not 20%+

With that said if you were willing to fix it back to real 'operating' condition, I'm not sure why the new owner would have denied it? Unless of course it was hiney-holed back to 'working for now' condition.

This is why buying used motors/engines is so tough. As an owner/builder you may not know if its' good or bad, but you'd also leakdown/compression test the engine before sale too...

04-05-2016, 09:57 PM
Damn that's fucked up...

04-10-2016, 10:46 AM
i got screwed before too. I was given fake compression numbers before buying... couple pistons had holes in them when i got the motor.

04-10-2016, 11:23 AM
You do not ever buy a "built" engine, especially one that's been used since the rebuild. I mean, most of these cars are held together by zip ties, now imagine the inside of their engines.... very very few real mechanics out there.
9 thousand dollars, that sucks...

Highway Riding
04-19-2016, 06:24 AM
You do not ever buy a "built" engine, especially one that's been used since the rebuild.

+1 Unless your getting from the actual builder or a shop....

06-13-2016, 12:30 AM
Here are the pistons in cylinders 1, 3, 4 that he claims were "good" lmao! What a fucking weak bitch!!!! FUCK YOU ADAM!

https://c8.staticflickr.com/8/7266/27639767055_b4e0be10e9.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/J7r2MR)
https://c7.staticflickr.com/8/7274/27540326502_877bf70868_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HXDnzy)
https://c5.staticflickr.com/8/7700/27540320372_ec0088606f_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HXDkKS)

06-13-2016, 05:33 AM
That sucks.

06-13-2016, 12:22 PM
Dam i don't know how people sell stuff like that, especially for thousands, hope it works out for you, good luck and thanks for letting us know about that seller

06-13-2016, 12:43 PM
oh shit bro that sucks man. See if you and him can work something out or some cash back.

06-13-2016, 09:33 PM
Sad to see this...