View Full Version : Rear Lower Control Arm Install Questions

02-28-2016, 10:25 PM
Rear Lower Control Arm Install Questions

I picked up a pair of factory Nissan rear lower control arms for my S13 a while back, I have some questions before I attempt to install them. I have searched but wasn't able to find a write-up on this.

1) From my research it seems like everybody is having a hard time taking out the ball joint nut. There doesn't seem to have enough room to get a socket in there to un-bolt the ball joint. Is there a way to remove the RLCA without taking out the axle/up-rights?

2) The factory Nissan RLCA (Part No. 55501-52F0 and 55502-52F0) I picked up from FRSPORT doesn't have grease fittings on the ball joints, does this mean they are pre-greased from the factory?, or do I need one of those grease needles to fill them up?

Any info on this topic would be a great help, when I did my FLCA, the ball joints fought me the whole way...2 broken ball joint tools and ended up smashing it out with a big ass hammer, this doesn't seem like an option since the RLCA has the axle in the way!

thanks in advance guys!

06-24-2016, 10:18 PM
You need luck. Or a Fucking smart guy who has been working on cars for years. My brother figured it out. You have to heat it up or get a special tool. But we just used a metal wedge , some metal drift ,ie a steel dolly tubular thing. It's for bodymen. My dad is a body man. My brother doesn't do any of it. But he figured it out within q0 mins. My dad took longer because either Hes old now and can't see the visually space spatially. Or the side he did was just thicker where the ball joint connect to spindle. Good luck.my car was rusty like he'll. I live near ocean. Fuck. Indidnt have to take out upright. Or axles.