View Full Version : 91 Hatch Automatic Seat Belt Problem

02-03-2016, 08:33 PM
Hey guys, my drive side auto-seat belt finally stopped working. I found manual S13 seat belts for sale $75 shipped but I want to retain the authenticity of the auto seat belt. Its different, I like it.

I took it to the dealership for the warranty as I have read. They bought a button kit and its coming in. I go in Friday for the appointment. They told me if the seat belt (auto part that slides on the rail; seat belt buckles into it) breaks they have no way of replacing it because Nissan no longer makes seat belt components.

So, I'm stuck. Im going in Friday for the new buttons. But my seat belt no longer slides when I open the door. If I manually pull it back and close the door it slides forward. I looked on nissanparts and courtesy nissan and found parts I just don't know what I should replace first?

02-14-2016, 02:54 PM
What warranty do you mean? Are these seatbelts covered for life due to it being a safety feature cuz if so i will head to the dealer. I have a 92 auto hatch and my driver's side will work intermittently and sometimes it won't. I have to unlock the seat belt to get out sometimes. Hopefully you get some ideas cuz I'd also like to fix mine if possible.

Edit-found the warranty issue and called Nissan to have my seatbelt looked at.