View Full Version : they didn't tell me they were gonna do this to my s13

01-30-2016, 11:53 AM
so i put my s13 up for sale and got a response from some interested buyers they said they will give me my asking price so it was sold

i asked them what they were gonna use it for and they said its gonna be in an eminem music video so i thought the guy was full of poo!

then a few weeks later my buddy shows me the eminem behind the scenes of the phenomenal song and there goes my old s13 and what they did to it.

i guess its better than me selling it to some punk 17 year old and him flipping it trying to street drift!

it shows her at 7 seconds and 7:50 enjoy


02-01-2016, 10:36 AM
RIP!!! lol!!!

02-03-2016, 04:05 AM
Pretty rad way to see her go haha! Did you already have the Cage installed before letting it go?

02-03-2016, 10:41 AM
This is awesome and shitty at the same time. You should get some after shots.

02-08-2016, 08:24 PM
Pretty rad way to see her go haha! Did you already have the Cage installed before letting it go?

yeah i did the cage myself at least i know it worked lmao

02-08-2016, 11:36 PM
Bitter sweet moment.
It's like being a proud pop watching your kid in a movie. At first you're all proud, pointing to the tv like "That's my boy!!!"
Then you see him get killed or something and you're like "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"