View Full Version : My SR sucks

09-10-2004, 01:07 PM
I can not get my oil filter off i know it sounds crazy but i just had my sr swap done and took a look at the filter, its still some filter from japan. But that thing is froze on there, i tried a screwdriver through it but that just ripped it all to hell. I really dont want to have to take the altenator off but i think thats going to be my only option unless yall know of some way? Plus i cant clearly see how the altenator comes off. Is there a fsm on line for the s13 sr?

09-10-2004, 01:47 PM
Use a belt (one for your pants) or something to wrap around what's left of the filter...and rig it so that when you pull, it'll twist it off.

Works every time.

Good luck - Brian

09-10-2004, 01:53 PM
removing the lower intake manifold bracket helps alot too (it's only 3 bolts)

09-10-2004, 03:32 PM
uhhh...did you try using an oil filter wrench??


09-10-2004, 09:46 PM
ill try the belt sounds good to me, naw i couldnt get the filter wrench in there. The intake manifold is only 3 bolts? I need to look at that, i just dont like taking that stuff off, my car is already in peices though so might check it out, and clean it while im at it

09-10-2004, 10:09 PM
theres this big socket thing (not sure what its called) you could buy at an auto store.. i put that around the oil filter and used a socket wrench to break the oil filter loose..

09-11-2004, 02:16 AM
theres this big socket thing (not sure what its called) you could buy at an auto store.. i put that around the oil filter and used a socket wrench to break the oil filter loose..

What the hell? I guess we dont have those here on the east coast yet. Anyways, take the manifold to block bracket off. With it on, you will have a very time to take it off. Those damn Japs, can reach forbidden areas with their little hands. My self, with two diff types of filter removers, was not able to get it off. I had to stabbed it with screw drivers for 45min. Making .004 deg rotations at every go. Un-less you take off that bracke or got a relocation kit or are Japaneese, god help you.


09-11-2004, 02:23 AM
yeah my first oil change was a bitch...speared it with a screwdriver about a milllion times, got covered in oil, yeah, fun time....SR oil filters are the damnest to reach...I heard using rubber gloves (like yellow dish gloves) helps out alot with grip.

09-11-2004, 12:45 PM
Seriously, remove the manifold to block brackets completely, throw them away. Now you've got another 2 inches of room per side.

09-11-2004, 03:25 PM
wow go to napa and buy a socket, costs like 2 or 3 bucks and u can change the filter in less then a min. heres a picture from the fsm. its a 65mm oil filter socket.

09-11-2004, 04:44 PM
the wrench thing wont work. not enough room. I used the 65mm oil filter socket that i bought from autozone. Works great. those sockets wont work on POS Fram filters because those filters have that black grip crap. Unless you hammer the tool on there haha.

09-11-2004, 07:14 PM
Those damn Japs

Watch it. I just banned someone yesterday for this same shit. :squint:

09-11-2004, 07:25 PM
wow go to napa and buy a socket, costs like 2 or 3 bucks and u can change the filter in less then a min. heres a picture from the fsm. its a 65mm oil filter socket.

thats what im talking about :).. that thing works great!

09-11-2004, 09:41 PM
Watch it. I just banned someone yesterday for this same shit. :squint:

My apologies. Did not mean it in a bad way, just came out wrong.

09-12-2004, 04:56 AM
Hmmmm I am just tying to figure out why your engine sucks because you do not know the proper way to take the filter off I have some big ass hands and have no trouble with it.......on that note it did take some time to figure it out though.

09-12-2004, 09:43 AM
well i guess its not really the motor that sucks. I've had my motor in a month and had nothing but trouble from it. But its do to the shop that installed it not inspecting it or doiong things right and taking there time. that was the only reason i payed somebody to do it, i dont have time for that long of a project.

09-12-2004, 10:04 AM
gotta love thinking ahead and loosening it a bit BEFORE installation, good luck. Seriously though, I bet if you use all your might or someone elses it will come off, at some times I think Im useing all my force, but then i think of something that pisses me off and that extra little bit of force will get it loose, sounds cheezy but yah thats how I used to do it when I hadnt learned about the lossening BEFORE installation shit.

Drunk Bastard
09-12-2004, 11:40 AM
strap wrench. same theory as the belt...but made for times like this.

link (http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/[email protected]@@@[email protected] @@@&BV_EngineID=ccfdadcmiddkmffcehgcemgdffmdfko.0&vertical=TOOL&pid=00945560000)

09-12-2004, 11:59 AM
my oil filter got jammed on my s14 pretty good the other week, putting the screwdriver through it just fucked it up enough so that the shell got weak and collapsed,

I had to pull the whole filter apart while it was on the car and then I fabricated a little socket that went into the holes at the bottom of the base and a 3/8 drive socket, worked like a charm

I did end up needing to take the alternator off, but that's not too hard,

I'll go look to see if I can find my custom oil filter remover socket and take a picture.

09-12-2004, 07:55 PM
1. don't use fram filters on your sr
2. just but the oil filter socket. easy as cake with a flexible extension.
I tried the strap wrench but there's no room at all to turn it.

09-13-2004, 08:55 AM
We all have SR's and we all use that socketed oil filter wrench...but you are saying you can't fit it on yours for some reason ???

Just go get the oil filter wrench, I live on the east coast as well and found one first try at advanced auto.

Mr. Badlose
09-13-2004, 11:31 AM
I had the same problem with my SR. An oil filter wrench wouldn't budge the thing.

So I made it someone else's problem. I went down to a local oil change place, described the whole "I have a different engine" thing to them, and they got it off somehow. I wasn't about to risk destroying it with the screwdriver method!

Andrew Bohan
09-13-2004, 12:14 PM
oil cooler/filter relocator makes it cake

09-13-2004, 04:32 PM
oil cooler/filter relocator makes it cake


I just ordered a kit myself...they look pretty nice...

09-13-2004, 04:55 PM
just make ahole through the side of the filter and stick a thick screw driver through it and turn it. it might get messy but it gets it out.

09-13-2004, 07:09 PM

I've got a novel idea for you......... read the post that the thread is about before you post you'r advice! He states in the 2nd sentence that he tried exactly what you are advocating, and it didn't work.

09-14-2004, 02:29 AM
I use my left hand. Seriously. Works great at the propr angle.

Other trick we used on my friends, cus een my mighty LEFT-HAND could not get it off, we grabebd a flat head screwdriver, poked through the filter and twisted it off. :P

09-14-2004, 03:05 AM
i know this has been said a bunch of times..and maybe i'm just a post whore but those things that fit over the filter are GREAT. I had the same problem and went to kragen and got one, fited right over the filter, put a short 3/8 extention and then used a rachet and it made my life 1000 times easier. If you don't want to dish out the $2-$3 you can try using sand paper and gripping around the filter if it doesn't have n e grip. This was a trick i use to do and it helps a lot if the filter is smooth. If you REALLY need the tool you can paypal me shipping money and i'll ship it to you. just be sure to give that shiet back :D

09-14-2004, 04:56 AM
Damn Let it die.........................I think everything in this thread has been established. hahaha left hands....screw drivers..........filter wrenches..........filter socket type wrenches........oh and did I say mighty left hand...........:p