View Full Version : Microsoft/government given full remote control/logging of your pc? PALLADIUM BOYCOTT

09-09-2004, 10:18 AM
Yea thats right people, and according to the DMCA you wont be able to legally work around it or disable it. Linux will be illegal, and you cant install any non ms signed apps which kills developers. you wont be able to run media files unsigned. All computers have started to and will be fully implementing a hardware block. think of hard drives that wont save an mp3 not created on your pc from a cd that had a copy allowed key. A burner that wont burn cds that arent signed the same, a motherboard/cpu that stops unapproved code from running, etc. dont believe me? they cant do something like this?? it will never pass?? well guess what kiddies its already out. bios are natively supporting it and amd has it integrated into new chips. This is something thats been bothering me for awhile but i wanted to let alot more people know about it. This article re-sparked me that i just read about lately



you can read about it more here :


and here


and here in different languages


Mr. Badlose
09-09-2004, 10:36 AM
LOL, yeah....Linux is gonna be illegal.


Andrew Bohan
09-09-2004, 10:39 AM

09-09-2004, 10:45 AM
essentially linux WILL become illegal because it will be against the dmca. Palladium will be active hardware and software and by bypassing palladium software by running linux your modifying a security implementation. any non palladium os will become illegal to run on a palladium pc and ms will be the only one out there doing it. im tellin you guys open your eyes and do your research, look through amds site and amis site, etc. because its already there just not fully activated yet...

09-09-2004, 10:46 AM
I do believe software piracy is a big deal.. and its just getting worse.. but I dunno how they can ever stop it...

If hardware will detect if something isnt signed, theres just gonna be programs that deflect it, or simulate it.

09-09-2004, 10:50 AM
its real... sort of. he posted a kind of extreme view of it.


As soon as the PC powers on, AMIBIOS starts a fairly complex process. The BIOS boot block addresses the TPM chip that verifies the BIOS authenticity itself. Then BIOS proceeds to verify the authenticity and integrity of the OS loader and OS kernel.

so if u change the OS the tpm chip may throw a fit. since it's a integral part of the hardware you may have quite a headache if you try to make a xp machine linux.

This package contains full source code for a Linux device driver for the TCPA chip, along with example programs, as described in our article "Take Control of TCPA", in the August 2003 issue of Linux Journal.

i dont think they're going to destroy linux with tcpa...

Digital Rights Management is the attempt to control the viewing and copying of digital content, such as music and movies. Existing DRM systems, such as Microsoft Mediua Player run at the application level... My personal opinion is that DRM is stupid, because it can never be efective, and it takes away the existing rights of the consumer.

drm is already on your damn computer; you just didn't know it. tcpa is most likely not going to be able to stop people from pirating shit.

09-09-2004, 10:52 AM
i HIGHLY doubt microsoft will be given such rights when they already fought in court over a monopoly over OS crap. As for built into hardware sounds a little hard to believe, and AMD sucks anyways. That pretty much violates privacy rights of users. If this is even remotely true, im moving to PI, this place is starting to blow hard with car laws. haha.

09-09-2004, 10:56 AM
wow, this is fucking simple:

Don't buy anything from Microsoft/Intel/IBM/HP/AMD. I haven't bought any of thier products in the last 12 years, I doubt I will start now.


09-09-2004, 11:01 AM
as poopy posted i noticed IBM is SUPPORTING linux by offering drivers for the new "tgcwhatever" chip...

09-09-2004, 11:13 AM
wow, this is fucking simple:

Don't buy anything from Microsoft/Intel/IBM/HP/AMD. I haven't bought any of thier products in the last 12 years, I doubt I will start now.


so wtf is your processor? what's your OS? what's your keyboard? what's your printer? you must use a mac

09-09-2004, 12:16 PM
tcpa and palladium are 2 different entities. tcpa is not the threat palladium is

Mr. Badlose
09-09-2004, 12:19 PM
Do you know how many people and businesses rely on Linux?
It'll never happen. You can quote me on that.

09-09-2004, 01:22 PM
I love Dongels.

09-09-2004, 03:53 PM
shit, we need to get in touch with Dyson and tell him the future of Skynet, because this shit is gonna blow.

Seriously now, you cant BAN linux.. thats rubbish. And, how do they plan on enforcing such laws UNIVERSALLY throughout the entire world? You cant. Computer information is uncontrollable. It was, is, and always will be this way. Where'ever there is someone who can encrypt something, there will be a 12 year old who's got nothing better to do (and also much more brilliant) and will be able to HACK shit. We lose our brilliance as we get older....

09-09-2004, 03:59 PM
yeah, i bet they'll outlaw something that's a thousand times more secure than microsoft, free, and constantly evolving because they want to.... protect something?

that'd just make everything more vulnerable. how many banks do you know that run off of windows software? *nix will ALWAYS be legal. the day they do that is the day i join a militia, cause something is horribly wrong....

09-09-2004, 05:27 PM
man!! id rather them get more hardcore on real crimes instead of whos doing what on a computer.. lol

09-09-2004, 05:29 PM
LOL, yeah....Linux is gonna be illegal.


I quit reading after that part :rofl:

09-09-2004, 05:54 PM
I guess I'll just have to dump my mac now...poo

09-09-2004, 06:14 PM
hmm...I have not heard about this, but I have heard of the new security features Microsoft is cooking up for their upcoming Windows. So far the OS is code-named "longhorn" and security features consist of blocking file transfer items (such as an iPod) and moving passwords, logins and other data to a separate part of the OS that will be locked and very VERY hard to get into. This stuff is suppose to be ideal of big companies and the government. So far this OS is slated for 2006-2007...and when it comes out.....BE PREPARED.

NOTE: This OS has been on the drawing board for quite awhile and there is alot of rumors floating around about it.

09-09-2004, 07:08 PM
as soon as my pc hits ground i'm getting a mac....(brother has one and seems great, well probably cause i don't really play any games on my pc)

09-09-2004, 07:08 PM
hmm...I have not heard about this, but I have heard of the new security features Microsoft is cooking up for their upcoming Windows. So far the OS is code-named "longhorn" and security features consist of blocking file transfer items (such as an iPod) and moving passwords, logins and other data to a separate part of the OS that will be locked and very VERY hard to get into. This stuff is suppose to be ideal of big companies and the government. So far this OS is slated for 2006-2007...and when it comes out.....BE PREPARED.

NOTE: This OS has been on the drawing board for quite awhile and there is alot of rumors floating around about it.

oh, very hard to crack, keeps important password information in a totally seperate portion of the harddrive, and ideal for coompanies and the government?

yeah, that's been out for over a decade now, it's called linux. oh wait, maybe you're talking about Unix which is even more harddcore than the linux

check out a good linux distro, then check out XP. see the similarities? yeah, maccroshaft has been ripping off linux a lot lately.

i can tell you one thing. if it's good, microsoft stole it. (this may or may not apply to halo or any halo sequal as halo is the jeebus).

09-09-2004, 07:24 PM
Yeah, and Product Activation prevents piracy.... :rolleyes:

09-09-2004, 09:10 PM
the problem isnt that linux is just gonna become illegal, its just that on palladium equipped hardware it wont be legal to run an os that doesnt use it which circumvents security technology as in the dmca. linux will always be legal but the problem is ms is gonna force their palladium chip on hardware manufacturers which will eventually push out things and make it alot harder to run a *nix os.

Bill Roberts
09-10-2004, 01:51 AM
:smash: :wtf: :mrmeph: :ghey: :wiggle: :fawkd: :hsdance: :bowdown: :confused: :rl: :mepoke: :wackit: :lockd: :bs:

And all of the above.......

Didn't we visit this shit a year ago with the same answers?????

Who cares, check me out. I like it.

09-10-2004, 06:48 AM
i've hated micro$oft forever due to this. they use tactics like this cause they can't build a good product on their own.


09-10-2004, 07:26 AM
the other side to this (for linux) is that currently linux is too informal for any kind of serious corporate use... that's why windows still dominates the business world. the open source community is really flexible, but its also very chaotic.

with software that is more regulated, still open source, with quality-assured user created programs; linux can take the next step to becoming a more serious competitor to windows. yes, it loses alot of the flexibility and underground-ness that is has now, but it will be accessible to the typical pc owner and big business.

09-10-2004, 09:01 AM
the other side to this (for linux) is that currently linux is too informal for any kind of serious corporate use... that's why windows still dominates the business world. the open source community is really flexible, but its also very chaotic.

where did you get that from? 70% of servers on the planet run either unix or linux.

The company i work for runs 80% of its software on linux machines and I'm not seeing anyone getting off their asses to do something about this yet.

if you think about it, this whole thing will go right against the constitution. There is no way government will ever outlaw linux or unix just because mr. gates doesn't like the competition. That's a pilo of BS.

I wouldn't be surprised though if they try to implement software that will prevent downloading from irc, kazaa, or overnet. If they can't shut them down, they might as well force users against using it with "oh so infamous" microsoft runtime errors.

Mr. Badlose
09-10-2004, 10:19 AM
Not to mention that OS X has a nice Linux bond.

Well ok then, tastyratz. What's to stop people from buying non-Palladium equipped stuff, and running their normal kinds of setups? There's no way that every manufactured chipset would have this thing in it. Linux is far too big now, and their users and the companies that rely on it would not allow something insane like this to happen.

Hard drives that won't write MP3s? Heh, yeah right. Even if that happened in bizzaro-world, a different file format would be created to pick up. (or in hell-world, everyone uses shitty Real Audio!)

Mr. Badlose
09-10-2004, 10:20 AM
Oh yeah, and....

and you cant install any non ms signed apps which kills developers
That'll never happen. Microsoft isn't stupid enough to push for something insane like that.

09-10-2004, 02:19 PM
I'm happy with my Windows 2000 Professional. :)

09-10-2004, 02:21 PM
(or in hell-world, everyone uses shitty Real Audio!)

hHAHAHAHAHA. fuck realnetworks in their stupid asses

09-10-2004, 03:26 PM
theres nothing to stop the manufactures from putting the chip in. if you dont have it you can run whatever you want. the thing is ms owns the oems and already allied with dell and a few other companies can be pretty powerful. yes you can still buy hardware without it but you will have a tougher time doing so...